Author Topic: Resident Evil  (Read 2748 times)

Resident Evil
« on: April 15, 2021, 07:03:26 pm »
General Resident Evil thread!

I'm getting super pumped for Resident Evil 8, which I didn't realize was out in only a few weeks, even more so now that they announced it has it's own new Mercenaries mode, making up for the flop that will be RE:Verse (I can say that, being that I played the beta for it for an hour and it is really not good).  On top of that, they are basically putting out multiple demo's every week leading up to launch, two demo's of different sections early for PS5/PS4, and then the week before launch, a full 60 minute demo of those sections for other platforms.  I will probably only play one of the demo's so I don't spoil too much more for myself.

Since it's the 25th anniversary this year, they are putting out quite a bit of stuff.  Along with Resident Evil 8, they just announced an Oculus Quest 2 VR version of Resident Evil 4.  Seems to have full VR movement in it, so it's not just like the Wii game in VR.  Pretty exciting being that this is the exact headset I bought and I'd love to jump into this game again.

Also, anyone into Dead by Daylight, they are announcing the newest release for the game will be Resident Evil.  It'll either be Leon/Claire as the survivors with Mr. X who could maybe transform into his crazier version? Or it could be Jill with Nemesis.  Either one is neat.  I wish I liked the gameplay more.

They also showed off a trailer for Infinite Darkness, the new CG show on Netflix, which looks to start out as a zombie outbreak hits the White House with Leon and Claire involved.

Lots of Resident Evil goodness right now and I couldn't be happier.


Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2021, 07:54:03 am »
Resident Evil was my favorite series for well over a decade. I had followed the first game's development via gaming magazines and at the time, the graphics blew my mind. The story and setting were also pretty interesting for the time which sucked me into it. I got the game the year it released and mastered it.

I continued to enjoy the series all the way through RE5 and even bits of RE6 having bought a few systems such as Dreamcast, GBC and Gamecube just to continue playing the series in all its versions. During the later part of the PS3 gen though, the series lost my interest. Every side game was half baked ideas or poorly executed. Even RE6 suffered a bit as it didn't know which direction to go and felt like a hodge podge of ideas meshed into one.

Once the series went first person with RE7 and now RE8, I feel I'm done with it. Sure, I scooped up the remakes of RE2 and RE3 which were well done, and should they decide to remake RE Code Veronica, I'd be on board with that, but it just seems like the series is going nowhere for me anymore.

I still have and will enjoy the earlier entries of the game though with RE Remake and RE5 being among my favorites. I still love playing the games specific to the Chris/Jill/Claire vs Wesker arc. I even finished the shadowbox I created for it which you can see in my profile Gallery here on this site. I included a timeline of my favorite games in the series, built out the mansion entry way in 3D, has a complete copy of the Director's Cut of the game and even has a push button speaker with effects and music from the series. It currently sits on my self proclaimed "Wall of Fame" in my office.

As for Capcom themselves, I can only hope that one day they decide to give Dino Crisis the "Remake" treatment that was given to the first three RE games. Kept in third person of course.


Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2021, 07:06:31 pm »
This is the first time hearing about that new RE show on Netflix and man am I stoked. This summer is going to rock!

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2021, 07:07:47 pm »
This is the first time hearing about that new RE show on Netflix and man am I stoked. This summer is going to rock!

Yeah it looks like the other CG stuff they did, though this one is a full show I believe and now just a single movie.  They also have another live action movie happening, a full reboot meant to cover the first two games, so we'll see how that goes.


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Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2021, 11:35:49 pm »
I was a big fan of the series up through RE4 and REmake on GameCube.

Then RE5 happened. I’m not sure I can put into words how much I hated it. I played it once for maybe 20 minutes and never played it again. It was a co-op action shooter with the RE name slapped on it, totally not what I wanted from an RE game. I heard RE6 was like a worse version of 5 so I never bothered with it. I know RE7 is supposed to be good but it’s still just really different, and I’ve downloaded the demos for the RE2 and 3 remakes but haven’t tried them yet. I think I might just be over the series.

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2021, 11:44:19 pm »
I was a big fan of the series up through RE4 and REmake on GameCube.

Then RE5 happened. I’m not sure I can put into words how much I hated it. I played it once for maybe 20 minutes and never played it again. It was a co-op action shooter with the RE name slapped on it, totally not what I wanted from an RE game. I heard RE6 was like a worse version of 5 so I never bothered with it. I know RE7 is supposed to be good but it’s still just really different, and I’ve downloaded the demos for RE2 and 3 but haven’t tried them yet. I think I might just be over the series.

Unless you hate first person games or need fixed cameras in your RE games, I'd highly recommend RE7 to any fan.  It's probably the most true to survival horror game they've done since the original PS1 games, even when it gets more actiony towards the end of the game...which the original games did too really.  Like I know this will be sacrilegious to some RE fans, but I would adore a remake of Resident Evil 1 that is done first person, roaming through that mansion and it's narrow corridors like that, it would be awesome lol Then again, I'm also a big FPS fan and someone who didn't like Resident Evil alot till Resident Evil 4 because of the fixed camera, so I'm kind of an odd RE fan in that way.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 11:53:21 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2021, 12:00:05 am »
I was a big fan of the series up through RE4 and REmake on GameCube.

Then RE5 happened. I’m not sure I can put into words how much I hated it. I played it once for maybe 20 minutes and never played it again. It was a co-op action shooter with the RE name slapped on it, totally not what I wanted from an RE game. I heard RE6 was like a worse version of 5 so I never bothered with it. I know RE7 is supposed to be good but it’s still just really different, and I’ve downloaded the demos for RE2 and 3 but haven’t tried them yet. I think I might just be over the series.

Unless you hate first person games or need fixed cameras in your RE games, I'd highly recommend RE7 to any fan.  It's probably the most true to survival horror game they've done since the original PS1 games, even when it gets more actiony towards the end of the game...which the original games did too really.  Like I know this will be sacrilegious to some RE fans, but I would adore a remake of Resident Evil 1 that is done first person, roaming through that mansion and it's narrow corridors like that, it would be awesome lol Then again, I'm also a big FPS fan and someone who didn't like Resident Evil alot till Resident Evil 4 because of the fixed camera, so I'm kind of an odd RE fan in that way.

The first 1/3 or so of RE7 is legitimately the scaries the franchise has ever been.  I love it.

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2021, 12:54:20 am »
Thinking of playing some RE games leading up to Resident Evil 8 coming out soon, so I'm probably gonna do another fresh start of Resident Evil 7, I started playing through it again recently with just a lot of the cheat items on, but probably will do a normal run instead.  Not sure what else I might try.  The only one that I own that I haven't beaten (Not counting RE6) is Resident Evil 0, but I thought that game sucked, it's 2 player setup and no item box design is real dumb. 

I thought about trying the RE1 remake on PC again, I beat it once before when I think RE2 Remake was coming out, the first time I ever did, actually kinda liking it, but that was because I pushed myself to deal with the fixed camera that I hate, but I also turned off door transitions with a mod manager, which vastly improves the game so much and is the only way I could play it again.  Considering maybe looking up mods to chuck in...
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 01:08:40 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2021, 01:48:31 am »
This thread is a great reminder that I desperately need to get caught up on nearly 15-years of RE titles I haven't played yet. The newest entry in the series I've played was 4 probably around the time it first came out. I've played RE2 remake on the PS4, but in terms of story I haven't played a new one in a while.

I've heard very mixed things about 5 and 6, mostly leaning towards negative, but I'm still really curious to try them out. RE7 seems like a whole different beast, as does RE8, but I'm willing to try them out with an open mind. Also really interested in the Revelations series.

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2021, 02:27:24 am »
I was always more of a Silent Hill fan over RE, However Capcoms heavy duty marketing has made the RE series among my favourites within the last gen! Just take a moment to look at all the RE games on PS4:
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil Remake
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Resident Evil 4 HD
Resident Evil 5 HD
Resident Evil 6 HD
Resident Evil VII
Resident Evil VIII (Soon to be & of course on PS5 with 4K/60FPS!)
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revalations 2 (Hidden Gem if you ask me!)
Umberalla Cor-never mind! - The is also Code Veronica's Port too...

Still that's 11/12 games, accessible on modern systems with very decent upgrades!  see this as a shining example to which other franchises should aspire to.

I wasn't sure on the direction of RE7, actually took me a while to buy it but as soon as I played i I loved it - Easily one of my favs'! The story and characters a very active and compelling and I think Ethan is a great example of a minimalist protagonist - while his presence isn't overwhelming he is at least present and reacts to events happening in the game, rather than a silent protagonist that nods and have people talk around them being mute.

A lot of people bash RE5 & 6, I've always said they are terrible RE games HOWEVER they are among the best co-op action games I've seen in the last 10 years! Which really makes up for it and if I am being honest, I actually like Chris's campaign in RE6 Storywise! Also, RE6's Merc Mode is bliss! Glad to see it returning to RE8.

The only game that needs a revision is Code Veronica, It's not among my favouirte as I felt the super powered Wesker was a bad direction for the series, yet maybe a Remake can tone this down a notch.

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2021, 02:46:13 am »
This thread is a great reminder that I desperately need to get caught up on nearly 15-years of RE titles I haven't played yet. The newest entry in the series I've played was 4 probably around the time it first came out. I've played RE2 remake on the PS4, but in terms of story I haven't played a new one in a while.

I've heard very mixed things about 5 and 6, mostly leaning towards negative, but I'm still really curious to try them out. RE7 seems like a whole different beast, as does RE8, but I'm willing to try them out with an open mind. Also really interested in the Revelations series.

If you liked RE4, RE5 isn't super different and I actually kinda like that one.  It's change to co-op and getting even more actiony than RE4 isn't the best, but I still think it's worth checking out.  I will not recommend RE6 lol I generally liked both Revelations games and they are good for checking out.


Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2021, 08:11:21 am »
I've heard very mixed things about 5 and 6, mostly leaning towards negative, but I'm still really curious to try them out.

If you liked RE4, RE5 isn't super different and I actually kinda like that one. 

RE5 is really high on my list within the series as I love co-op action games and am not a big fan of horror anymore and haven't really been for quite some time now. It also ties up the Chris/Jill vs Wesker story arc that had been continuing since the start. If you have a buddy to play online with, I highly recommend it. Still fun if you don't have a buddy to play with but the AI is questionable at times.

As for RE5's difficulty, you have to turn the difficulty up to really get a challenge out it. I platinumed it on PS3 even going so far as to get 100% and collecting the online trophies. Now THAT was a hassle to say the least. The most difficult part of the game is on Professional during the El Gigante fight as you're basically trapped in the back of the Hummer and can't move. It is ridiculous and severely difficult without a human partner to aid you. Even then, it's a struggle.


Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2021, 10:16:36 am »
I didn't like any of the originals because of the tank-like controls. Resident Evil 4, however, was a blast. I enjoyed 5 a bit but not nearly as much as 4. It was probably due to 4's atmosphere being so great.

I haven't played 6 (heard it was awful) or 7 (I can't play games from the first person perspective).

Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2021, 05:23:01 pm »
I didn't like any of the originals because of the tank-like controls. Resident Evil 4, however, was a blast. I enjoyed 5 a bit but not nearly as much as 4. It was probably due to 4's atmosphere being so great.

I haven't played 6 (heard it was awful) or 7 (I can't play games from the first person perspective).

Same exact path I took with RE lol I actually tried to play them back in the day on PS1, but I think tank controls are the worst.  I dabbled in the first three, but never beat them, even though I wanted to like them because I think they are fun games outside of the controls.  I did manage to be Resident Evil 1 Remake for the first time a year ago, but that was because it ran super well on PC and I could remove door transitions lol Resident Evil 4 was the first one I loved, I think I beat over a half dozen times on Gamecube, a handful of times on PS2, I tried to play it on Wii, but I never liked the controls, and I would eventually beat it again once or twice on PC.  Now I get to look forward to trying to beat it on VR eventually lol

First demo for RE8 on PS5/PS4 is available to play at 8pm est today, I think this is a 30 minute run of the Village section.  I wasn't sure if I was gonna check them out or not, but I probably will as I'm just too excited for the game lol
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 05:29:21 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Resident Evil
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2021, 05:59:22 pm »
I've only played the GameCube remake of the original and RE4 on the PS2. Thought both were great games.

Honestly the next RE game I want to play is RE5. I played it co-op a little bit a few years ago on the PS3 and am really itching to give it another shot on the PS4.  :D
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