Wasn't expecting to get enough to have another pickups update so fast, but Went out to a large town wide garage sale event and got some decent deals.
Also a few other cool stuff came in the mail and I picked up 5 more $10 Gamestop games.
NSW- Empire of Angels IV - Limited Edition
XB1/XBSX- Fast & Furious: Crossraods (Gamestop $10)
- Dangerous Driving (Gamestop $10)
PS4- Life is Strange 2 (Walmart $10)
- Xenon Racer (Gamestop $10)
- Little Hope (Gamestop $10)
- Steven Universe Save the Light (Gamestop $10)
- Shaq-Fu A Legend Reborn (Amazon $10)
Now for the garage sale finds...
NDSThe first sale I find games at had some scrap NDS games, I picked up one for $2.
- My Amusement Park
3DSAnother sale I find a 3DS game for $2 I didn't have.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze
I find a PS2 with a controller at another sale for $2.
after much of finding nothing I stop at a small sale and ask the lady about video games, she says she has a box of old video game stuff, I ask if she could get it I'd be happy to wait. She goes to the back of the garage and starts pulling boxes out and I give her a hand moving boxes and soon she finds it and I open it and see a bunch of consoles and a few handhelds. not a lot of games though. I ask what she'd take for the whole box and she says $25. Done. Here's what was in that box.
- A Nintendo 64 with all cables, controller, a off brand Rumble pak, off brand RAM Pak, all inside a N64 caring case.
- Another Nintendo 64 with RAM Pak
- A Silver Nintendo GameCube with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle disc inside.
- A Super Nintendo with all hookups and a controller.
- A Red/Black Nintendo 3DS XL
- A Red Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP
- A red/blue Mario Kart Steering wheel
- Star Wars Episode I Racer (N64)
- NintendoLand (Wii U)
Last I saw an add for a garage sale with a ton of quality games for Wii, Wii U, PS2, NDS, 3DS, Switch and more.
But I had to make a choice, hit this sale and get to the town wide sales late, or hit the town sales and see what was left over afterwards.
I choose my gut feeling to hit the Town sales, Just by the pictures I could tell this sale was going to have EBay prices on their games.
So I hit the sale the next day and was surprised most all the games they posted where still there and yes, they had a list next to the games with prices off EBay.
But being the second day, I asked about this first game she had marked at $15, if she'd take $10. she was fine with that.
Wii U- Super Mario 3D World
There was one other game I wanted, but it was marked at $120. I asked if she'd take $80 and she came back with $90 and I figured for what it is, it's not a bad price. Everything with in the box and cheaper then any online.
3DS- Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Veteran Trainer's Dual Pack