Author Topic: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing  (Read 2481 times)

Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« on: August 29, 2021, 02:42:20 am »
in other words which games do think you've spent the most time in your life pllaying while it's your gaming time of course?


1: The Sims 1 and 2 s seies for the PC
2: Duke Nukem 3D atomic edition PC
3: Call Of Duty Finest Hour PS2 and GameCube
4: Call Of Duty 2 Big Red One PS2 and GameCube
5: NHL 2002 PC and PS2
6: Viet Cong Purple Haze PC (vary rare to find a copy of this)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2021, 04:56:32 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2021, 08:21:56 am »
I can't imagine the amount of hours I've poured into Roller Coaster Tycoon. Mine was a copy from a cereal box when I was a kid, good times. ;D

Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2021, 10:56:36 am »
I can't say for sure, but I've probably spent the most time playing Gran Turismo 4, Mario Kart 8, Ocarina of Time, and Shenmue more than all other games I've played. I've easily played all these games at least 300 hours since they first came out.


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Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2021, 11:39:26 am »
This is about right.

Adventure - 2600
Punch-Out - Nes
Shining force - Genesis
Shining force ll - Genesis
Resident Evil - ps1
Brigadine - ps1
Disgaea - ps2
Halo - Xbox
Hextic - Xbox 360
Halo ODST - Xbox 360
Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Xbox 360
Just Cause - Xbox 360
Defense Grid - Xbox 360
Disgaea 4 - ps3
Starcraft - Pc
Advanced Wars - Gba
Advanced Wars 2 - Gba
Zoo Keeper - Ds

All of these games I still play today as a matter of fact I just beat Adventure again last Week.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2021, 11:43:12 am by wartoy »


Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2021, 12:54:31 pm »
Growing up, I played Pokémon: Silver heavily over and over again—about a dozen times. I think the total time I spent playing was around 1,200 hours over the course of ten years or so. As a young teenager, I spent a few years playing MMORPG MapleStory in most of my free time. I can't pin a number to my playtime, but I'm sure I spent much more time playing this game than the former.

I'm glad I don't play games like this anymore.


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Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2021, 01:42:53 pm »
As a kid: Super Mario Bros.

As an adult: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2021, 02:04:48 pm »
For recorded times, Team Fortress 2 holds the top spot at ~1,800 hours. Civilization III and Super Smash Bros. Melee both hover at around 600 hours. And then I've got quite a few games over the 200 hour mark like Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Vesperia, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, Pokemon Ruby, Civilization IV, and so on.

as for when I was a Kid, my top 3 for total playtime's likely Starcraft, TIE Fighter, and Mechwarrior: 2 Mercenaries in that order. Runners up'd probably be Civilization II, Super Smash Bros., Mario Party 3, and Seven Kingdoms II: Frythian Wars


Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2021, 06:46:49 pm »
Sincerely Konami and Sonic games.

I actually used to have more than 100 hours on some Sonic games like Generations 3DS or just other games.
I just love my favorite Hedgehog games.

Also my Konami games, from arcade, to all consoles, to all handhelds and even mobile, I always love re-playing my Konami games.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2021, 09:45:39 am »
There is a no-contest answer for me to this question. That is Major League Manager for DOS.

Which you will see it on my Currently Playing list here. I first got this game at an Office Max in 1993. It was on floppy disk and I have basically been playing this game since then. I did take some breaks when I was active in Diablo II for a while. I'd say that I average about 3 hours a week over the past 13 years. I have learned to modify the game, and also have a PoC for correcting one of the game's bugs. Currently to run the fix it has to be done manually using a hex editor, a spreadsheet and a hard disk utility, but I do plan eventually to build an application that can automatically run the fix. It is something I keep putting off, I've only gotten just past design phase and into first implementation steps. I ran into an issue getting data out of the files and into a spreadsheet, which then I looked into building a compact database instead. My problem is that (for whatever reason) my brain likes to turn off when I am trying to work with arrays.


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Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2021, 09:13:38 pm »
Wow, that’s a really good question.
I’m having to do some hard thinking on this…..I mean, I’ve had a longer time to do multiple playthroughs on the older games, but most of them aren’t nearly as long as newer games. And I guess it’s logical that RPGs would make up the vast majority of the list.

The ones I know for sure based on recorded number of hours:
Skyrim: 240 hrs
Dragon Quest XI: 140 hrs
Fallout 3: 120 hrs
Fallout 4: 100 hrs (not finished yet)

The other RPGs I’ve played the most are Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Cross. At roughly 45 hrs per playthrough on CC and 40 on FFVI, I’d estimate:
Chrono Cross: 135 hrs
Final Fantasy VI: 120 hrs

I do have a lot of hours in Pokémon Sword too, I’ll have to check on that.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 09:15:28 pm by undertakerprime »

Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2021, 09:40:56 pm »
It's World of Warcraft and it is not even close. We're talking dozens of days, let alone hours.


Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2021, 08:13:55 pm »
Probably, Alex Kidd in Miracle World...


Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2021, 07:05:40 am »
Mario Kart 64 when I was a kid
Animal Crossing Wild World
Kingdom Hearts 2
Pokemon HGSS
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
GTA V ONLINE (I'm ashamed  :-X)
Phantasy Star Online 2 <3

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2021, 08:04:17 am »
The Uncharted and Resident Evil series' are probably near the top. I replay all the Uncharted games every couple years and spent hundreds of hours in each of the multiplayers offered. As for Resident Evil, it was a favorite series of mine from the original through the 5th. Went downhill after that and has since fallen off my radar to even bother with. Initially it was because I don't like first person games in series that I'm used to third person... if at all. Then it became that I simply don't really care about horror games anymore.

After that... I couldn't tell you. I've played so many and the focus on which is always changing.

Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2021, 04:27:59 pm »
The Fallout games are pretty up there, I have a couple hundred hours minimum in each one, though I don't know how much I have in Fallout 3 due to playing it mostly on the Windows service that is gone now, but I played that one a lot.

Team Fortress 2 use to be one of my biggest at around 650 hours, but I just noticed that Rust has reached that too and I'm gonna keep playing Rust quite a lot, so Rust could be up there as one of my longest played and I put most of that 600 hours in the past year lol

I think there's a chance World of Warcraft and Star Wars Galaxies in particular are others I put a lot of time into as I played a good bit of original Warcraft before the expansions, same with Galaxies that I played a ton of, but I have no way to tell what the times were and I never checked out them.