For my personal GOTY, I'm not 100% sure yet, there isn't a ton else coming out that'll likely overtake what I've already played, as my hype for Halo Infinite is kinda low, though I am interested and want to be surprised, Battlefield 2042 could be good if it runs well, and I'm hoping to really like FF14: Endwalker, but really, that's just more FF14. Oh and Dying Light 2 is another I'm really excited for, so we'll see how that goes.
As it is, it's maybe Monster Hunter Rise or Resident Evil Village. Rise is great, though it didn't engage me as much as World, and RE8 is great, but I had some performance issues on PC that kept me from doing my usual multiple playthroughs, but it'll likely be one of them. Nothing else really hit as hard as I liked Returnal, except I hated its story, and I probably won't play Ratchet & Clank any time soon.
As for what will be the more industry expected GOTY...Hard to say. Halo Infinite won't count as a lot of places have their cutoff usually around or before December, so I'm not expecting it a lot of places and what is releasing is not the complete game either. I could see it being Monster Hunter Rise, Returnal, or maybe Resident Evil Village.