Author Topic: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?  (Read 1185 times)

State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« on: October 27, 2021, 06:29:30 pm »
A new State of Play focused on third-party releases premiered today. What are your thoughts?

A new Let It Die game was revealed. The gameplay looks better than the first and I'd like to see more of it.

Bugsnax, which was free with PS Plus, is now getting free DLC!

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach had a fun new trailer and finally a release date. Definitely looks like the best game in the franchise!

KartRider: Drift is now coming to PS4. A free (to play) kart racer.

King of Fighters XV showed off a cool subway stage.

Little Devil Inside looked really good!

A few more games were shown that I'm not interested but overall it was a better show than I was expecting.

Re: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2021, 06:46:36 pm »
Maybe the worst one I've seen, but only because there was nothing for me at all, like not a one thing even slightly and one that I could've been interested in, Little Devil Inside, I thought I had a pretty poor showing for building interest, especially for a 5 minute trailer.  I thought the trailer from last year was cool and wanted to see more on the creature combat and much less of the overworld stuff.  Like it's charming, but that did nothing to draw me in to that game.

I'm also not trashing this showing, it just wasn't for me.

I guess the one good thing about this presentation is that it didn't have Deathloop lol


Re: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2021, 07:00:12 pm »
Yeah... that was... well... it was bad. I can't complain too much though as First Class Trouble was shown and verified as coming to PS Plus next week. I suppose I'll download it, get board of it in 30 min, and delete it... thus saving me... probably $30 when it leaves Plus?

Everything else... no interest, but I called it. There's been so little of interest since the launch of PS5 that I just don't expect anything of interest to be announced for the next couple years.

Re: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2021, 02:44:00 am »
Had enough content to make me excited!

Bugsnax is probably my GotY so to see it getting free DLC is a delight - Seriously, don't overlook it for it's cute exterior it deals with a lot of complex social themes and is very compelling!

KartRider: Drift - It's not Choco GP but it's certainly interesting PlayStation is in deep need of a kart racer.

Star Ocean: The Divine Force - So glad to see another SO in the works, the last game was mediocre at best but I still enjoyed it. The game has very similar visuals so if they can take what SO5 had and expand upon it with more exciting story segments and features this could be pretty exciting!

Little Devil Inside - F'ugly world map took me out of the experience completely.

Honestly, I got more out of this than what was shown for Sony at E3... No Final Fantasy XVI though,still eager for a new trailer on that.


Re: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2021, 01:27:40 pm »
I backed LDI probably 5 years ago. Forgot that mofo is even still in the works.

Re: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2021, 06:20:20 pm »
I backed LDI probably 5 years ago. Forgot that mofo is even still in the works.
It's definitely been in development a while now but at least it shows! So many cases where games just don't even bother releasing or release and aren't good. Seems like they've gone way beyond just being a Wii U indie to being a flagship PS5 game.

Re: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2021, 10:43:49 pm »
Maybe the worst one I've seen, but only because there was nothing for me at all, like not a one thing even slightly and one that I could've been interested in, Little Devil Inside, I thought I had a pretty poor showing for building interest, especially for a 5 minute trailer.  I thought the trailer from last year was cool and wanted to see more on the creature combat and much less of the overworld stuff.  Like it's charming, but that did nothing to draw me in to that game.

I'm also not trashing this showing, it just wasn't for me.

I guess the one good thing about this presentation is that it didn't have Deathloop lol

This, but with the exception of KOF 15. It's my most hyped game that actually has a release date. Day one purchase 100%. but yeah, everything else was garbage and didn't need it's own State of Play.


Re: State of Play | October 27, 2021 thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2021, 11:05:42 pm »
With general PlayStation events such as State of Play, people seem to have high expectations, which I'm unsure the reason why that is. The events are generally comprised of small announcements for new games or updates to previously announced titles to maintain steady interest. People going into these events expecting something as big as the next Dark Souls or Uncharted will always be let down.

There usually isn't much ever catches my attention in that's shown, including Sony's previous event that comprised of high-profile titles (personally, three Marvel trailers is three too many.) I enjoyed seeing more of Little Devil Inside, and KartRider: Drift looks to be a breath of fresh air within the free-to-play realm. I've not played the Star Ocean series, but I'm sure that fans are delighted for that announcement. I have played Bugsnax, though, and my experience with it was good, but I'm not sure if the game is really needing more content, even if it is free.