Author Topic: What is the worst injury you have ever had?  (Read 5439 times)


What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« on: May 05, 2012, 08:40:07 pm »
for me

see my dad and me are bipolar and this happen before my dad was diagnosed with his bipolar.
i gotten my dad mad at me for some reason so he grab brush and aimed at my arm and miss instead he hit my middle of my forehead it popped two blood vessels and a vein and i needed  2 or 3 hundred stitches


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 08:49:38 pm »
Ive been pretty lucky in life as far as injuries ... although I have had to bleach my eyes a few times. Wal-mart is dangerous.


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 08:53:11 pm »
Ive been pretty lucky in life as far as injuries ... although I have had to bleach my eyes a few times. Wal-mart is dangerous.
ouch :o


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 11:33:36 pm »
The summer before I started high school I was at a party and fell about 15 feet off of a deck and hit a pool pump with my face. That required 1) an emergency room visit 2) enough stitches to fix the right side of my lip which was ripped open about an inch up my face and 3) plastic surgery for my nose. Amazingly enough, you can't tell anything happened other than a tiny scar on the corner of my lip where I popped one of the stitches out while yawning.

Other than that I've taken a paintball to my left eye with no mask on (stupid) and broke my ankle sliding into a base during baseball. I just thought the ankle injury was a bad sprang, so I essentially played half of a season on it while it was broken. I only found out that it was broken when I chipped my shin bone playing soccer about 5 years later. The doctor x-rayed my shin and asked, "When did you break your ankle?" The little bones that never grow back together if you break your ankle were completely shattered.

I've always had a really high pain threshold, but the most painful thing that's ever happened to me were kidney stones. Mine were from being dehydrated for ~ 6 months. Apparently alcohol, coffee and milk only for 6 months strait do not a happy body make.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 11:41:34 pm by darko »


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2012, 12:07:21 am »
So.. I'm a pretty skinny guy. I'm about 181cm and weigh 47kg (and that's after putting on weight). A few years ago, I was going through a rough patch in life. I'd just gotten out of a long relationship (girlfriend of two years cheated on me), my mum was having breast cancer operations and I'd failed my diploma (SysAdmin). I kind of became some sort of NEET. I'd avoid leaving the house unless it was to go to my best friend's place. At once stage I didn't go outside for ten days. I'd go to sleep at 6AM, wake up mid-afternoon. All I did was chat on IRC and play TF2.

So, suffice to say, my body wasn't in the best of shape. Remember that episode of Seinfeld where shortly after Susan died, George lost the use of his legs because he sat around for so long? Yeah, that kiiiinda happened to me.

I was at my friend's place. He'd just gotten a 24" LCD monitor and Uncharted 1 had recently come out, so we were playing that and being blown away by how great it looked. I was sitting on a chair and went to stand up. Suddenly I had this amazing pain in my left knee and I could feel the blood drain out of my face (lol shock). I gently moved back down and realized I couldn't move my leg without causing horrendous pain. I felt like I was going to throw up. I tried to move myself over to the couch to lay down, which was about thirty centimeters away, but I couldn't do it.

My friend, bless him, went and got a packet of frozen peas to put on my knee while I called my mum and explained that I needed help. She had to finish up work, so it took her about an hour to get there. When she did, she and my friend's mum tried to pull the chair back into the hallway so they could have a proper look at my leg. Nope, I screamed and cried with pain. So, they called an ambulance.

When they came, they gave me one of those painkiller-meth-pen things that you inhale. Damn those things are good. They put me on a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance, where they diagnosed that I'd dislocated my kneecap. I don't remember much of what happened on the way to the hospital, but I do remember one of them remarking on how they didn't get paid much for what they did. I slurringly asked if they still felt it was worth doing, and they said "Absolutely". I knew I was in good hands.

So we get to the hospital and when I'm in triage, they pop my knee back in (with a gross cracking noise). The pain almost immediately subsides and after checking me over, they send me home.

That wasn't the last of it, though. A week later, I was laying in bed and rolled over. Guess what happened. Yup. Out comes the ambulance again, meth-pen in check. They pop my knee back in on the ride over, but they want to give it an X-ray. Turns out the muscle-tracks behind my kneecap had grown really weak due to under-use. I had to have physio-therapy, which involved a hot young Scottish chick rubbing my leg with sorbelene cream twice a week (I liked that part).

It's fine now, though I can't run or jump like I used to.


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2012, 12:08:13 am »
I've always had a really high pain threshold, but the most painful thing that's ever happened to me were kidney stones. Mine were from being dehydrated for ~ 6 months. Apparently alcohol, coffee and milk only for 6 months strait do not a happy body make.
why did you do that??

if you wanna talk about  unhealed injuries

my little brother (who is 15 now) was evil when he was at the age of 5,6 & 7

he hit me with a piece of wood from a fence and there might be scar under my hair
he stab me with a pen because i "stole the pen" and now i have a scar by my eyebrow

and for my own mistakes well i was plying teg with my brothers and i went behind a old couch and cut my arm because of piece of metal sticking out of it and now i have a scar and darko be careful you are gonna kill your self


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2012, 12:31:53 am »
Those kidney stones happened 6 months after I started college. That should be a pretty good indication of "why".


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2012, 12:36:21 am »
@kirbysuperstar: Did you keep your kneecap? My dad lost one of his in a bad motorcycle accident...let's just say after seeing him kneel too fast or bump it wrong I know why we have them.

As far as me, I've broken my left wrist a couple of times: The second time was ice skating, which is pretty normal. The first time, however, has a bit of a story.

I would have been probably 7 or so, and I collected Care Bears. I liked to put them all in a pile and jump into them. And the couch has cushions, so extra padding, more bouncy, right? So I stick all the Care Bears (at least 20+) on the couch and jump up into them. Fun! How can I make this better? So I go and get the mini trampoline that we had in the basement, one of those smaller indoor ones for simple exercises. Get some momentum going, jump off the trampoline, into the pile of Care Bears stacked on the couch...through the pile of Care Bears, through the cushions, and cracked my wrist against the frame of the couch. Guess I had enough momentum.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2012, 12:45:51 am »
Those kidney stones happened 6 months after I started college. That should be a pretty good indication of "why".
did that college have water??


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2012, 12:46:50 am »
Those kidney stones happened 6 months after I started college. That should be a pretty good indication of "why".
did that college have water??

Who drinks water in college?
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Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2012, 12:52:16 am »
Who drinks water in college?

Me...after the stones!


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2012, 12:55:08 am »
Those kidney stones happened 6 months after I started college. That should be a pretty good indication of "why".
did that college have water??

Who drinks water in college?

i drink 8 to 10 cups of water a day


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2012, 12:57:16 am »
Prolly the worst thing that's ever happened to me, was during snowboarding about 7-8 years ago (I think).

I had been boarding for a few years and finally got the nerve to start trying jumps. I started with the little stuff first to get my bearings and after a week or so I eventually had the guts to work up to a real kicker. I eventually got the hang of it and hit it for the rest of the season, fun stuff.

near the end of the season I went to hit it, and didn't gauge my speed correctly. hit the jump wrong, too fast and flew (I think 30 ft) through the air lost my bearings and ended up flat on my back, with the wind knocked out of me so hard that I thought I was going to die from lack of oxygen. With only a high pitched AUUUUuuuuuhhh, coming from my mouth.

I laid there for what felt like 10 minutes (prolly not nearly that long), Ski patrol came by to check me out but I said I was ok (I could talk by then). I never went to the First Aid area, instead I hung out in the lodge for a bit and calmed down, hobbled over to my car, with a friend of mine, loaded it all up and drove home.

My back was sore for a solid 3 months and I never got checked for it. Now sometimes my back gets sore from time to time and especially if I am sitting in an awkward position. I stopped boarding for awhile after that and it wasn't until 3 years ago that I went again after talking to Matt about boarding. I've since swore off crazy shit and only ride down the mountain, which is plenty of fun for me.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2012, 12:58:37 am »
Who drinks water in college?

Me...after the stones!

My buddy gets stones, bi-monthly it seems. They were especially bad after Mountain Dew released the Halo 3 Gamer Fuel.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: What is the worst injury you have ever had?
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2012, 01:03:09 am »
Prolly the worst thing that's ever happened to me, was during snowboarding...

That reminds me! I actually used to snowboard quite a bit for someone who lives in OK. I went 3-4 times per season for about 6 years in a row (for about 4-5 days at a time). Might not sound like much but I got just good enough to get some "courage". My first experience with a snowboard park went something like this: Jump, land, jump, land, big jump, face first - right hand into the snow - snowboard hitting my elbow at what felt like 10,000mph - my friend's dad super glueing my gushing elbow back together (he was a doctor, so that was a small plus). I've done dumber stuff than that on a snowboard, but luckily that was my most serious injury!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 01:05:23 am by darko »