Got enough to show even more pickups. Did some game game hunting to out of town game stores, Walmarts and other places.
Plus some goodies in the mail I ordered some time ago.
PS5Walmart Made an error and listed this game for $20. It was supposed to be just the PS4 version.
- Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade
- Shantae Slip Cover (I don't have any of the PS5 Shantae games yet to go in this)
XB1/XBSX- The Jackbox Party Pack 7 (Gamestop $15)
- Race with Ryan: Road Trip Deluxe Edition (Walmart $10)
- Monster Energy Supercross 3 (Walmart $10)
- Just Dance 2021 (Walmart $10)
- Madden NFLK 21 Next Lvl Edition (Target $4)
SWITCH- Dragon Star Varnir
- ESP RA.DE. Psi
- A Magical High-School Girl
- Clockwork Aquario
- Cotton Reboot
- My Universe: Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs (Walmart $10)
- Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia (Best Buy $12)
PS4- Monster Viator
- Clockwork Aquario
- Cotton Reboot
- One Finger Death Punch 2
- Race with Ryan: Road Trip Deluxe Edition (Walmart $10)
- Can't Drive This (Amazon $12)
3DS- Jaws: Ultimate Predator
- F1 2011
WiiPicked up a few Wii games I needed from my local used game store for cheap.
- Flip's Twisted World
- Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek
- Barbie and the three musketeers
NDSPicked up a couple DS games from my local used game store.
- My Japanese Coach
- Space Invaders Extreme
PS2Was at a game store and saw it for $30... Seemed high so I looked it up and saw sellers selling it on Ebay for under $20.
I sent an offer of $15 and got it. $30 price can bite me. lol
- World of Outlaws: Sprintcars 2002
N64One more game off the list for a complete collection, only 2 to go.
- NBA In The Zone 2000
I saw this at my local used game store for .99c, had to buy it.
- Star Fox (Japanese version)
32XWas out game hunting and found this game in box at a decent price.
- T-Mek
GENPicked this up from LRG.
- Mega Man: The Wily Wars - Collector's Edition
GBFound these while game hunting at some Game Stores.
- Puyo Puyo
- Kung-Fu Master
Until next time... Happy Game Hunting.