Only just noticed some limited/special/collector's editions have been moved to the "other" category where the
game is packaged separately from the box.
Sorry - have only been on & off in the last few yrs - so this change probably happened a while back already & may have been discussed already

Some examples: - Tales of Arise Hootle Edition - Xenoblade 3 Special/Collector's Edition - Dragon Star Varnir Limited Edition
Are we supposed to add the "game" itself to the collection as an additional item now for these?
However, can see that will double the count for the same game in my list and that also means I will need to revisit my collection to see which ones need those adjustments due to the items being/should be changed to the "other" category since I do know there are some other ones that will need that adjustment.
If I don't add the "game" itself alone to the collection again, I will probably eventually forget which platform I got it on for games that have been released on multiple platforms (i.e. Tales of Arise).
And now I can see that my Xenoblade 3 got
removed from the "Nintendo Switch" category since it got moved to the "other" category - so it looks like I need to add the game itself again to my list to have it under "Nintendo Switch" category as well?
While I do understand the concept/idea behind it but it's causing some inconvenience from the recording side. Not sure what others think/suggest in terms of how to better manage these ones?