Author Topic: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023  (Read 32746 times)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #285 on: January 03, 2024, 12:56:37 pm »
Even that work won't be enough. Many times I've tried to start and stop working on some of those categories, mostly Atari but stopped because it would rely heavy study and use of that Atarimania site (I wish they would move to HTTPS already) and other resources. At least Atarimania makes an attempt of separating out the variants by country, which is why they are the best to refer to, but other resources do not such as this:

In regards to "i2 variation", searching for that term in conjunction with Atari 2600 only returns results from VGC. I was not able to locate any other reference to this. Since the description isn't used to explain what it means, and there has been no change to the entry since it was made, we can only merge it with one of the other ones. Unless you can figure out later on what i2 is referring to.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #286 on: January 03, 2024, 01:45:41 pm »
Even that work won't be enough. Many times I've tried to start and stop working on some of those categories, mostly Atari but stopped because it would rely heavy study and use of that Atarimania site (I wish they would move to HTTPS already) and other resources. At least Atarimania makes an attempt of separating out the variants by country, which is why they are the best to refer to, but other resources do not such as this:

Since the description isn't used to explain what it means, and there has been no change to the entry since it was made, we can only merge it with one of the other ones.

As you and I both know, the work is never done. At least now the entry details for both are better at defining what the variances between the two items are. Maybe one day it'll be possible to more clearly outline the numerous other variants across the system's library.

47563 has been merged into 12763.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2024, 01:48:06 pm by dhaabi »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #287 on: January 03, 2024, 09:14:20 pm »
« Last Edit: January 04, 2024, 10:31:41 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #288 on: January 04, 2024, 10:31:33 am »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #289 on: January 04, 2024, 09:56:36 pm »
For some reason, this Panzer Dragoon long box case is registered as a PS4 Accessory:

I've no idea where should it be (or even if it should be considered an entry in itself), but I guess that isn't the correct location, right?


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #290 on: January 05, 2024, 10:29:33 am »
It came from Limited Run, so it was sold without a game which is why it is there. It was either included with the bundle mentioned in description as an accessory or as a separate item which is why it has a listing like this.

For some reason, this Panzer Dragoon long box case is registered as a PS4 Accessory:

I've no idea where should it be (or even if it should be considered an entry in itself), but I guess that isn't the correct location, right?

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #291 on: January 05, 2024, 05:03:30 pm »
(I guess this thread is correct until one is created for 2024?)

My edit of the release date for Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (JVC) ( ) was rejected.
The comment was
There are two variants for this item. Until we can confirm when exactly each was released, no Date field information should be supplied.
Are those two versions from THQ / JVC?
I got the date form gamefaqs ( ) where the THQ version is listed with a release in 1997 whereas the JVC version is from 03/30/1995, which I tried to enter.

Do I miss another version of JVC?


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #292 on: January 05, 2024, 05:14:48 pm »
(I guess this thread is correct until one is created for 2024?)

My edit of the release date for Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (JVC) ( ) was rejected.
The comment was
There are two variants for this item. Until we can confirm when exactly each was released, no Date field information should be supplied.
Are those two versions from THQ / JVC?
I got the date form gamefaqs ( ) where the THQ version is listed with a release in 1997 whereas the JVC version is from 03/30/1995, which I tried to enter.

Do I miss another version of JVC?

If it's confirmed by some sources for the JVC release to have been released on March 30, 1995, that information can be supplied and will be approved if it's resubmitted. On the other hand, the Date field information for the THQ entry should be removed. GameFAQs reports a March 21, 1997 for some THQ-published release containing a SNSP-ARJP-EUR-2 cartridge, but we do not currently have an entry for such an item yet. Based on the entry's Item Number data, 106770 is for a SNSP-ARJP-EUR-1 cartridge.

In many cases for variants, Date information should be supplied so liberally since many of these items release at unknown times. There isn't any reason to guess or recycle bad data from other sources. It's perfectly fine to leave a entry field blank if information can't be confirmed.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #293 on: January 05, 2024, 07:33:19 pm »
It seems i'm unable to find any information on SNSP-ARJP-EUR-2, everything I see is the SNSP-ARJP-EUR-1 for THQ.

If it's confirmed by some sources for the JVC release to have been released on March 30, 1995, that information can be supplied and will be approved if it's resubmitted
It might not be perfect proof but I still want to show what I found

I just researched for a bit and ended up looking through old magazines linked in the sources of the Wikipedia page for the game. ( )

- Source 12 is a PDF which has a review of Return of the Jedi on page 122-123 (Or 150-151 in the PDF) which only mentions JVC as the publisher.
- The back side of the manual of the JVC version also states it's exclusively published and distributed by JVC ( A readable picture of the manual is in this offer ).

- Source 6 of Wikipedia is also a PDF which states that Super Return of the Jedi will be rereleased by THQ alongside the special editions of the movies in 1997 (Just a short sentence in brackets on the bottom of page 22).
- The manual of THQ also does not mention any exclusivity ( A readable picture of the manual is in this offer ).

This would align with the info from gamefaqs.
Most other sources I saw state that the original release was by JVC and THQ only did a rerelease but those were mostly only some forum entries or sites were I don't know if the info is user distributed - such as snes central.

EDIT: Added the Wikipedia page for better traceability
« Last Edit: January 05, 2024, 07:43:09 pm by pfogel »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #294 on: January 05, 2024, 08:49:04 pm »
Posting this message here as suggested by dhaabi - as there are also other approvers for edits.

A few of the updated descriptions that I submitted for TW releases containing DLC flyers have been rejected as it was suggested in the rejected comments to list them out individually & be specific with the names vs just "DLC flyers". 

The names for DLC flyers are a bit difficult because those flyers are usually in Chinese without any English on them so if I put the names I will need to translate them myself and hard to find them on PSN store online as well (some may not even be available anymore) / hard to check past PSN transaction history for the actual DLC names since it doesn't show all the items in pack other than the title which sometimes doesn't mean anything either and sometimes can't even tell which game it is for (due to the limited functions on PSN online page). In most cases, you won't be able to find it by googling either unless you search by the Chinese name of it. Also don't want to exclude the 'DLC flyers' from the list either since those are contained in the actual package.

Right now (for the most recent edits - considering the rejected comments) I have just put a short description to differentiate the flyers. I would rather do that (though more generic) than provide a wrong translation of the DLC names. If I have the exact names of each DLC on hand I will include it in another paragraph like how it was suggested via another thread "DLC flyer has a code printed that unlocks" etc.

Also, if a rejected edit is lengthy, it would be great if the approvers could send a PM of the rejected edit text to the editors, so people don't have to re-enter the whole thing again (with minor adjustments) just to re-submit. That saves time for the editors from re-typing it all and encourages people to re-submit with the adjusted info.

The DLC one above is one of the examples where the whole description text was updated to the correct format but got rejected because of "DLC flyers" where the whole description will stay in the original incorrect format unless I re-enter and re-submit the whole description field again. For some, people will then just leave it 'as is' rather than re-entering & re-submitting.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2024, 08:55:26 pm by puddingm »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #295 on: January 06, 2024, 11:12:48 am »
It seems i'm unable to find any information on SNSP-ARJP-EUR-2, everything I see is the SNSP-ARJP-EUR-1 for THQ.

When performing a string search for SNSP-ARJP-EUR-2, the only search result appears from GameFAQs. So, it may be safe to assume that information is inaccurate. However, I won't be the one to make that decision and instead have a Database Admin or higher do so.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #296 on: January 06, 2024, 07:54:46 pm »
« Last Edit: January 08, 2024, 10:38:23 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #297 on: January 08, 2024, 10:30:28 am »
In general, release dates are always going to be a problem for games that get a reprint as the vast majority of release date information goes back to the late 90s where websites and list-masters (on BBS/text faqs) did not know or consider reprints. So the issue then becomes a game will have a date, which is likely correct for one of the releases but it should not be used until it is confirmed as to which one. And that is just for single countries like the US.

For EU it becomes more difficult, as a date is likely correct for some version in some country, but it is not clear as to which it is. So we are stuck with having a bunch of information that isn't clearly tied to specific releases only specific games. Even if you were to presume that all EU release dates are for UK versions, you will still run into situations where you can find non-UK being released before UK. So for EU it may be best to just stick with a year and not try to do the entire date. Video game researchers are going to need to start getting info from distributors of the time before we are going to get the precise information.

We can infer an order to releases. For with Nintendo, a -1 is newer than without and a -2 is newer than a -1. They are known to use a -x on a cart when a big reprint is made (new publisher like this Star Wars, or GH-style reprint) BUT a -x can be found on a correction or international release also.

It seems i'm unable to find any information on SNSP-ARJP-EUR-2, everything I see is the SNSP-ARJP-EUR-1 for THQ.

When performing a string search for SNSP-ARJP-EUR-2, the only search result appears from GameFAQs. So, it may be safe to assume that information is inaccurate. However, I won't be the one to make that decision and instead have a Database Admin or higher do so.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #298 on: January 08, 2024, 10:37:45 am »
When listing the items included in a release, you should be "good enough" to list out different flyers. You do not need to specify what a DLC is exactly or its exact name or translation, but in the inclusion list it should be clear enough so that a person can tell immediately.

So if a game has a DLC flyer, "DLC flyer" is good enough, or "DLC flyer with unlock code" or "DLC flyer item number x" are other examples. If there are multiple different flyers for DLC, then the text would only be able to be part of the name if the item has no item number. Such as "horse armor DLC flyer" and "sword DLC flyer"

As for rejects, in your notification log, the text you attempted to use should be shown under "New value"

Is this not true or is it instead not showing all of it? Not concerned about it not showing the formatting such as returns, extra lines, etc.

Posting this message here as suggested by dhaabi - as there are also other approvers for edits.

A few of the updated descriptions that I submitted for TW releases containing DLC flyers have been rejected as it was suggested in the rejected comments to list them out individually & be specific with the names vs just "DLC flyers". 

The names for DLC flyers are a bit difficult because those flyers are usually in Chinese without any English on them so if I put the names I will need to translate them myself and hard to find them on PSN store online as well (some may not even be available anymore) / hard to check past PSN transaction history for the actual DLC names since it doesn't show all the items in pack other than the title which sometimes doesn't mean anything either and sometimes can't even tell which game it is for (due to the limited functions on PSN online page). In most cases, you won't be able to find it by googling either unless you search by the Chinese name of it. Also don't want to exclude the 'DLC flyers' from the list either since those are contained in the actual package.

Right now (for the most recent edits - considering the rejected comments) I have just put a short description to differentiate the flyers. I would rather do that (though more generic) than provide a wrong translation of the DLC names. If I have the exact names of each DLC on hand I will include it in another paragraph like how it was suggested via another thread "DLC flyer has a code printed that unlocks" etc.

Also, if a rejected edit is lengthy, it would be great if the approvers could send a PM of the rejected edit text to the editors, so people don't have to re-enter the whole thing again (with minor adjustments) just to re-submit. That saves time for the editors from re-typing it all and encourages people to re-submit with the adjusted info.

The DLC one above is one of the examples where the whole description text was updated to the correct format but got rejected because of "DLC flyers" where the whole description will stay in the original incorrect format unless I re-enter and re-submit the whole description field again. For some, people will then just leave it 'as is' rather than re-entering & re-submitting.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2023
« Reply #299 on: January 08, 2024, 10:42:06 am »
As for rejects, in your notification log, the text you attempted to use should be shown under "New value"

Is this not true or is it instead not showing all of it? Not concerned about it not showing the formatting such as returns, extra lines, etc.

The notification log only shows abbreviated information for any data submitted over 70 characters. There is no way to expand it.