West Plains, Missouri is where the place is located. Nope, no refund. I don't care they can keep it. They can consider it payback when I dropped off that copy of .hack//Mutation that I knew didn't work for making me pay 70 dollars for Y's: The Ark of Napishtam, especially when it was marked at 19.99, or trading in 8 PS2 games to buy one $17.99 PS2 game and still having to pay $17.45 for it. Or when I paid $60 for the Tekken 6 LE and didn't get the game, they wanted to keep the extras in exchange for a used copy that had a $7.99 price tag on it. No refunding the difference. When I took it back to get it corrected.
Now that I look at it that place has been boning me hardcore. Didn't even bother with a cheap dinner or a crappy movie. At least a damn reach around guys, come on.

Yeah, I'm done with that hole.