Main ListPrevious Listbold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5)
It irks me a little that my wife was so excited for Remake, made me get it day one, and she played and beat it within a week or so, but this time around, I was the one who wanted the game day one, played it at release (really slowly apparently) and she just had zero interest this time around, still hasn't given any effort to consider playing the game. Life sucks. Anyway, despite the numerous complaints I've seen recently, absolutely gorgeous game, nice long play time, great story and gameplay. Without spoiling much hopefully, I was hoping this game would take a divergence from the original, and while maybe it did a little, it functionally did not. I'm glad to hear they aren't considering any DLC for the game so they can get Part 3 out sooner than later... but I did think the idea of Intermission was good despite the having to pay separately and everything. Anyway, my big excitement for this game was the idea that it might diverge from the original and be an alternate reality or something, but I'm disappointed that despite the hinting and leading, that they didn't. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that maybe they'll do something in Part 3, but I was wildly disappointed with the tail end of the game. I think this game would've rated higher for me if I hadn't had such high expectations which really sucks, because I was never a fan of FF in general nor have any nostalgia for FF7 either. I'll still give it a recommendation, but I'm disappointed and it's probably not even going to be on my top list for the year if I ever get around to updating it.
Rating: Soft recommendation
WWE 2K14 (360)
Unfortunately it's been so long since I played this that I don't know that I can write coherently about it, especially when I had played this game originally years ago I'm pretty sure, just hadn't finished stuff up. Did a lot of gaps in the story mode and the undertaker streak stuff and then the wwe universe/solo play stuff. And extra unfortunately I played a lot of the 2K games this year so it's all going to be a bit of a blur thinking back on it.
Rating: Soft pass
Atomic Heart (XS)
I started this game when it first released, but something happened and I abandoned it fairly quickly. It's got a very bioshock feel in lots of ways, but even coming back to it I never quite got into the game enough to truly explore the world and I think I was aware that there were tons of missable stuff so I really couldn't be bothered to do a lot when I already missed so much. I think I recall having an issue with the game where the enemies were so complicated to defeat in a lot of situations and running out of ammo constantly it became more of a chore than enjoyment.
Rating: Soft pass
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (NS)
My kid started getting into playing games this year and this was one of the games we got him to play. Setting him up with his own island and joining his island and showing him my island. Eventually I went and bought a second copy of the game so we could visit each others islands and play together. This lasted for a week or so where we were playing daily, and it was in August iirc so it had the fireworks on the weekend which was neat.
Rating: Solid recommendation
Praey for the Gods (PC)
I had been so interested in this game for so long, and I don't believe it ever got a physical release on console, not sure if it even got a digital release and I'm not going to check at this point lol. Anyway, I don't remember what finally pushed me to play this game, might have been one of my steam groups, I'm thinking so. The game wasn't the worst but it had a lot that held it back, especially the lack of fast travel and the need to go all over the place for lots of the content. I just remember being constantly frustrated with this game and I really didn't want to spend more time on it than necessary, but I did push myself to beat the game. I think after I beat it I might have done a little bit more, but it was mostly me just trying to get myself to give it a second chance, but I just really didn't enjoy this game.
Rating: Soft pass
Sudoku Universe (PC)
Just a sudoku game, no story, no shtick, just sudoku. Honestly not worth your time when you could probably find a sudoku game for free or worth paying money. It's a perfectly fine sudoku game, but just not worthwhile, even for someone who enjoys sudoku.
Rating: Solid pass
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate (PC)
I'm pretty sure I played this as a Choice monthly thing that I take part in. I did a single run to get an ending despite being pretty sure it being a roguelike game that the content comes from beating it over and over with different variants and whatnot, and while I enjoyed the game well enough, the difficulty that comes with these roguelike games does tend to deter me especially when it doesn't have accessibility features or a gameplay loop that is truly enjoyable. This game wasn't unenjoyable, but it didn't grab me like I had hoped it would.
Rating: Soft pass
Acceleration of SUGURI 2 (PC)
Definitely played this because it was a choice game... and boy did I fusking hate this game. The controls were unintuitive and the combat was non-sensical... but I was committed to beating this game and getting the achievement for beating it. I beat it on EASY not knowing that wouldn't earn me an achievement, so I powered through playing on NORMAL to get the achievement for beating the game, but it did require me to watch youtube videos and to scour the internet for any form of a guide to explain how the game played and how to beat the enemies... and in the end I still don't fusking know what you're supposed to do or how I managed to beat it and I'm glad to never go back to this game, definitely not a game for me.
Rating: Solid pass
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery (PC)
A short point and click puzzle game, it's listed as adventure but it's not an adventure style point and click game, but if anything kind of like escape games where you interact with the room you're in, but very muted in comparison. Quite a short game at probably just around 2 hours, plus it's got an extra mode where you play from another characters perspective. The story in the game is quite good and helps with the monotony of the game. Very enjoyable even considering the short length.
Rating: Soft recommendation
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (PS5)
Oh boy, this is going to be tough to write about given how large of a game this is and how long ago it was that I played the game. Game is basically double was Y7 was given you've got both the original city from Y7 and Hawaii, plus double the playable characters. Just kind of all in all a great sequel to Y7, really improves so much on the formula provided by the previous game. I'll still state that I prefer the beat em up Yakuza games to these RPG style Yakuza games, but it plays so well and provides everything in a great manner and does a better job sending on Kiryu than Y6 or even Y7 attempted to. I do dislike the whole story of Ichiban and Saeko, I feel like it was very forced and I honestly don't see it. I think Ichiban had a better relationship with Chitose, despite everything, but also I see that not working given the great age gap, but I just felt like it was unnecessary, but idk. It took me a bit to enjoy the game at first because there were just so many unlikeable new characters that I just couldn't see myself forgiving any of them for being such shitheels, but I guess I got over it because I wound up really enjoying the characters and everything. Really look forward to what comes next.
Rating: Solid recommendation
Blacktail (PC)
I don't know why but this game gave me Eastshade vibes, and I fusking hated that game. This game was okay but I just really didn't enjoy it, can't quite put my finger on what about it was so unenjoyable, but I just couldn't be bothered to do a lot of the side content or exploration. I've been playing a lot of games like that lately, and part of it I'm sure is a certain lack of enjoyment in life in general so I can't quite enjoy some of the things I really should be able to enjoy... but I really didn't enjoy this game.
Rating: Soft pass
Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter (PC)
I added the dinosaur hunter part to not confuse this with the 360 era reboot game. I never played this game for the N64 really as a kid, but I expected it to be Doom/Duke Nukem level quality, and I don't know why I expected such quality from Acclaim of all companies, but this game wasn't really enjoyable. I think I spent a ton of time trying to find ammo, but I might be mixing up other games, but I didn't really enjoy this say compared to Doom 64 or other era games that got remasters/remakes. I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed the game as a kid either, but I didn't enjoy it here either. I'm still going to try to power through Turok 2 and get Turok 3 eventually and hopefully they'll do Rage Wars so I can play the whole original series on PC, but the reboot and Evolutions will have to be original systems.
Rating: Soft pass
Scanner Sombre (PC)
A choice game and one of my PoP games, I actually got this from choice myself way back in the day and I had always been interested in playing the game, but just never had the motivation, especially since the game lacks achievements... but this was the motivation I needed to get through the game. Anyway, the game is played where you're basically blind, I think the story is you are deep af underground and there is no light, so you use this scanner to light up the world, it's a real neat concept and I considered wasting a fusk ton of time meticulously lighting up everything to build a functionally visible world... and I almost wish I had a little bit because after you beat the game and get your way out of the cavern/chasm/whatever the end credits shows you the entire map lit up as you lit it up, makes for a real cool visual. Really enjoyed the game conceptually, even if it was a bit of a pain in the arse and was a bit lacking in the story department. I do wish the game had a couple of achievements though
Rating: Soft recommendation.
100 hidden hares (PC)
Another 100 hidden game, I enjoy them despite them only being like 10 minute long games and achievement spam at that, but I tend to only play these when they pop up in PT backlog dungeon, but still rather enjoyable simple HOG
Rating: Soft pass
Rock Band 4 (X1)
Some company released a new guitar and I preordered it as soon as I could, so as soon as it arrived in the mail I went on Xbox and bought Rock Band 4 digitally and loaded up all of my DLC from the RB1/RB2 era and scraped together download codes for some of the other DLCs and such. Game had a lot of issues compared to my RB1/RB2 days where we played without HDMI, because there is a noticeable lag with these and the latency seems to swing back and forth causing me to have to recalibrate frequently, but the game offers no way of recalibrating mid set or mid song, which is annoying af.
Rating: Soft recommendation
Tunic (XSX)
I beat this years ago, but decided to hop back into it to finish up the last few achievements that I was missing. Still an amazing game, if not difficult af.
Rating: Solid recommendation
Pathologic 2 (PC)
I really hate that I played this game out of order, but at least I really didn't enjoy this game. The more I read about the game the less I'm thrilled about it, it's original or the upcoming sequel. The game is designed to be difficult, hard to survive, and meant to make you make awful choices and realize that there are really no right or good answers because the world fusking sucks. But this game's balance of drinking water, eating food, being a decent person, staying healthy, etc, on top of the world falling apart, stuff getting worse, and people dying all around, all while everyone in the town hating you for leaving town years prior. Great conceptually, but kind of not fun, but also designed to not be fun and be depressing.
Rating: Solid pass
Saint Kotar (PC)
Oh look, another depressing game. a tale of a Croatian myth/folktale, not sure. Story was quite difficult to follow so even thinking back on it I'm having a tough time remembering what the game was about. The game is a fairly standard point and click adventure game, but with tons of messed up characters and plotlines and a wild story. Game is fairly long with like 15-20 hours of story to be told. Honestly, quite good game, but I think it's a bit held back by the storytelling and dialogue.
Rating: Soft recommendation
Vampire Survivors (XS)
Gonna be honest, I don't remember playing this this year, but I probably played it to earn a specific achievement or I was doing Game Pass achievement stuff. I'll try and add a link to my previous review, but it's a great game that spawned a genre
Rating: Solid recommendation
Dicey Dungeons (XS)
Tried again to get through this game before it left game pass, but I think I didn't manage to do it, which sucks, but I'll get it on PC eventually I guess, or maybe it'll come back to game pass and I'll give it another go. I consider it beat because I had several successful runs despite not getting the true ending.
Rating: Soft recommendation
WWE 2K15 (X1)
Another one that I don't really remember, I've been wanting to get through all of the WWE (and wrestling games in general) games, so as playtracker's backlog dungeon rolls me WWE games, I sit down and try to churn through as many, if not all of the non-online, achievements as I can before I move on to the next entry. Definitely a step down, but I'm also aware that as the games go on they seem to get worse. While 14 was okay or pretty good, this one was a step down and as they progress they continue to dwindle, especially in their shitty attempts to make the game worse so you have to pay for microtransactions to make the game almost as good as the previous entry... it's horse shit.
Rating: Soft pass
100 hidden birds (PC)
Another 100 hidden game for backlog dungeon, not much to say.
Rating: Soft pass
100 hidden dogs (PC)
And another 100 hidden game for backlog dungeon, really not much to add.
Rating: Soft pass
missed messages. (PC)
Really short visual novel style game. We're talking like 10 minutes long or something, but you play through 3 times or so to get the true ending or something. Real interesting story, super depressing and stuff, but pretty good nonetheless. That said, it is real short but the game is free so worth the short play.
Rating: Soft recommendation
WWE 2K16 (X1)
I think this is the one where earning points for MyCareer is such a fusking grind, so much to the point that I abandoned it because it literally would've taken a ton of time to get through all the requirements. It pretty much required that you pay for the kickstart pack that gets you started at lvl 90 instead of like lvl 50. Like I said, they get worse as the years go by. That said I started playing 17 after I abandoned this and iirc it earns points a bit faster, but I'm still in on it so I'll have more to say when I get to that one.
Rating: Solid pass
Metro 2033 Redux (PC)
I played this game way back in the day on 360 and it was time to replay the game thanks for PoP and again I don't think I really enjoy this game. Not that I made notes about it the last time I played, but I never played Last Light because my recollection of this game wasn't great, but I decided I'd give it another go because I want to try and play Last Light and Exodus at some point and it'd be good to refresh the story. I think I kind of breezed through it because I wasn't enjoying it, I tried to collect collectibles and do the side content, but at some point I was aware that I missed a bunch of missable stuff and knew I wasn't going to 100% the game, plus 100% probably required playing through the game multiple times, so I was like forget it, I'll just push through and get it done.
Rating: Soft pass
Need for Speed: Most Wanted [2012] (360)
I recall playing this at Gamestop expo back in 2012 being so excited, like even considering not playing the demo because I knew I was going to get the game day one, but I decided to play anyway. I kicked ass and finished the race 1st... but when the leaderboard or whatever came up I was in last place because the game doesn't care if you win a race, it's all about your most wanted score and since I worried about racing instead of chaos I was the least wanted. Really soured me so I decided not to buy it day one, grateful for that I guess. Eventually bought the game and started playing it and my recollection was that I abandoned the game early on so I had a lot to do, but when I hopped on to play this time around I realized that I was nearly done with the game, so didn't have much else to do, but decided to check out all of the content that I had because I had bought the season pass for the game well after abandoning the game. A lot of conceptual similarities to Hot Pursuit gameplay wise, honestly a kind of fun game, but same as always with this era with games having achievements locked behind online and dead servers.
Rating: Soft pass
Dread X Collection: Carthanc (PC)
Oh no, this whole collection of games, I'm not going to remember which game is which without looking it up. Time to look it up. Ok, so this was the one where you're in this egyptian looking cavern on some planet and you go through different areas to collect parts of an artifact, meanwhile aliens are chasing you down because they don't like that you've touched their stuff. Pretty standard stuff, except it hits a point where you're doing platforming and it's frustrating because you're also being chased by the aliens and they are insane fast trying to murder you.
Rating: Soft pass
Dread X Collection: The Pay is Nice (PC)
Not a lot to this one other than it constantly justifying the horrors by saying the pay is nice. Of course I think that's part of the thing that the character enjoys what he's doing and the pay is nice.
Rating: Soft pass
Dread X Collection: Mr. Bucket Told me to (PC)
This one took me a couple of playthroughs because I didn't quite get it I guess. It's a survival game where you're standed on a deserted island and have to sacrifice what few belongings you have at the behest of mr. bucket. Eventually mr bucket evicts you from the island... the end.
Rating: Soft pass
Dread X Collection: Summer Night (PC)
Just a little game and watch style game with horror connotations. Interesting but overall boring.
Rating: Solid pass
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