I don't think this topic is new around here, as I believe we've had this discussion before in some fashion. But sure, what are my plans when everything goes digital only?
I'll sail away and set an open course for the Virgin Sea 'cause I've got to be free—free to face the life that's ahead of me.I never thought I'd quote that, but I mean it without an ounce of shame.

Jolly japeries aside, I already have one foot out the door as far as modern gaming is concerned; I can't help but keep losing interest in it with every passing day. But, in all seriousness, by the time this doomsday scenario becomes a reality, I'm quite confident that you, me, and possibly everyone here will either have become worm food or we'll be so damn senescent and senile that none of it will even matter.
[...] I can't remember where I read this, but it said that the majority of games sales are now digital which does not surprise me at all. [...]
But, if I'm not mistaken, those statistics are conflating not only PC AND digital-only downloads but also DLC and its ilk, with, I believe, mobile games on top of it, so I think that "majority" is wholly innacurate and, more than anything, disingenuous. All those articles spread about the 'net are painting the wrong picture.
All of this is a nonsensical boogeyman. Sure, the industry is desperately pushing for digital, so I'll grant you that we'll inevitably see this happening, but not yet—not in our lifetime, I believe. There are still too many hurdles, and, even though corporate greed is the devil in this scenario, it is also a contributing factor preventing this from happening. The people who are basically insinuating that by 2028, physical media will go the way of the dodo or will at least be less prevalent are spewing nothing but pundit hokum. This whole thing feels like the GameStop debate, where nearly every year its fate is discussed ad nauseum, but now let's add to that the "whether games will be digital-only or not by 20XX" circlejerk.
For the sake of transparency, I will say this: given that both Sony and Microsoft already released digital-only consoles and we've basically demoed that future, were the full transition actually come to pass in the next generation, it's not crazy to see a big scandal over it, somewhat similar in effect to when Sony wanted to shut down the PS3 and PSVita digital storefronts, more so given, as
randomstranger pointed out, the argument over ownership and potentially even pricing. I'm not sure how things would unfold, but even if it's the "minority", people who prefer physical media still make up a big piece of the pie. But as I mentioned before, it's already a 50/50 deal for me, so the moment this does become our reality, I'm bailing out and won't look back.