Author Topic: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?  (Read 2985 times)

State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« on: January 29, 2024, 12:47:50 pm »
Over 40 minutes with 15+ games including extended looks at Sony published games Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin.

Rumors suggest it will also feature other previously announced titles including Death Stranding 2, Concord, Silent Hill 2 remake, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Judas from the creator of BioShock.

Unannounced titles currently rumored are a Metro VR game, a Sonic Generations remaster? and Until Dawn remaster for PS5 and PC.

Devolver Digital also announced that they are announcing a new game this week so that could show up here.

Another rumored game popped up being previously announced Rusty Rabbit.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 03:09:01 pm by weirdfeline »

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2024, 01:12:22 pm »
A small part of me is hoping that because they just went after Bloodborne Kart's branding, that they are pushing to do absolutely anything with Bloodborne, but I know not to put too much stock into that lol

Death Stranding 2 anything would be nice as I'm majorly hyped for that.  Otherwise there's not much I'm looking out for that I can think of.  I stopped watching most trailer stuff for FF7R and only saw a bit of the gameplay they put out abit ago as I don't need to see anything more, especially since Square Enix always shows to much of their games.  I already got it on pre-order, I'm getting it no matter what.

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2024, 11:33:43 pm »
I know it will inevitably be announced, but I'm really, really excited to hear what older RE game Capcom will be remaking next. I sincerely hope it's Code Veronica or a new remake of the first RE game. I'd be less excited if it was the rumored RE5 remake, but if any of those three games needs it the most, it's that one lol.

I'm very interested to see more on Silent Hill 2 remake, and am already aboard the FF7 Rebirth hype train. Other than that, I'm not sure what to expect, but I hope it's one of the better state of plays since the majority have been disappointing imo.

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2024, 05:34:29 am »
I know it will inevitably be announced, but I'm really, really excited to hear what older RE game Capcom will be remaking next. I sincerely hope it's Code Veronica or a new remake of the first RE game. I'd be less excited if it was the rumored RE5 remake, but if any of those three games needs it the most, it's that one lol.

I'm very interested to see more on Silent Hill 2 remake, and am already aboard the FF7 Rebirth hype train. Other than that, I'm not sure what to expect, but I hope it's one of the better state of plays since the majority have been disappointing imo.

The only way I could be interested in an RE5 remake, is that they specifically go out of their way to say that they made Sheva optional in singleplayer and that they worked to make the game more like RE4 at the very least, reel back in the even further push into being an action game.  Otherwise yeah RE1 and Code Veronica are the two I would be interested in seeing.  Code Veronica would be neat because I've never played it and it would be a good way to get into the game like that for me.  Resident Evil 1 with a new remake would be at the top for me just to have the first 4 games all remade with gameplay I like.  I did beat RE1 once on PC, but I could only get through it because I modded door loading out of the game, which made things more tolerable lol


Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2024, 08:07:46 am »
Given the last three years of these types of trailer dumps (not even shows anymore), I have zero expectations for this one. Sure, there will be a couple interesting looking titles, but it will be either stuff we already know or there will be nothing that genuinely gets my interested.

To keep the RE discussing, I expect nothing from Capcom at tomorrow's event, but I would prefer to see Code Veronica get the Remake treatment than RE5. I don't think RE5 needs it. Honestly, I didn't think RE4 needs it either, though I'll be tempted to get it after a significant price drop. I really enjoyed RE5. The move to action was great, but I understand why the Survival Horror enthusiasts didn't enjoy the transformation.


Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2024, 10:33:26 am »
Is it too soon to expect The Last of Us: Part I: Director's Cut?

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2024, 02:01:52 pm »
To keep the RE discussing, I expect nothing from Capcom at tomorrow's event, but I would prefer to see Code Veronica get the Remake treatment than RE5. I don't think RE5 needs it. Honestly, I didn't think RE4 needs it either, though I'll be tempted to get it after a significant price drop. I really enjoyed RE5. The move to action was great, but I understand why the Survival Horror enthusiasts didn't enjoy the transformation.

I think if anything the next RE game will be Resident Evil 9. I like the remakes but if we ever got 2 within a row I would start to get impatient. I too wish they would do Code Veronica - It's story is very important to the overall series & is a mainline title in my eye. As for a RE5 Remake, I am open too it but also feel it is an indulgence - Much like RE4R (I feel this way with most remakes though). The PS4 ports of RE4-6 are fantastic and I am more than content with them already. But of course Capcom has done well with the Remakes & I am open to either project - Heck I would even take RE Zero That's a game which would actually benefit being changed into proper Co-op!

As for the event, I'm not sure what to expect I would like to see Death Stranding 2 as it has been rumoured. I haven't put much thought into it as I'm already swamped for moderning gaming this year - currently replaying Final Fantasy Remake, then Rebirth. Then after that I'll be diving into Like A Dragon (Yakuza) Gaiden & Infinite Wealth... that alone will keep me busy until at least May  :o

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2024, 04:54:00 pm »
They need to remake Code Veronica and then call it a day with the remakes.  They lucked out 2 of 3 times with great updates to well loved games, and need to quit while they are ahead, but I'd also expect a new title be announced before another remake, as that has been the pattern.


Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2024, 06:27:34 pm »
To stay on the topic you guys were discussing, I do think Code Veronica deserves a remake and I think it is inevitable, so let's see...

As for my hopes, I know that now that Namco just announced Ace Combat 7 for the Switch (I'm still doubtful as to wheather that console will be able to properly run it though...), the chances of getting a new game in the series announced anytime before at least next fall are very slim, but well...
I'm allowed to dream of seeing an Ace Combat 8 officially announced, right?

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2024, 11:29:21 pm »
I've loved all three of the recent remakes, yes, even 3. I think Capcom has been knocking it out of the part with these by retaining the survival horror aspect that old school fans want, while also streamlining the gameplay to make them more action focused than the original games they're based on. I honestly don't know whether I would flip out more for CV remake or 1 re-remake. They're both excellent phenomenal games, and the original remake of 1 is still my all time favorite RE game. CV was actually my first RE game, and aside from being hands down the most punishing game in the franchise, its story, characters, bosses, and settings are among my favorites. It really seems like the perfect marriage between the more scifi horror of old RE games and the more supernatural horror of the more recent titles. I think it would be a huge hit.

As for the black sheep, RE5, I actually just recently played and beat the original RE5 for the first time at the very tail end of 2023. There are things I liked about it, but it's definitely my least favorite mainline RE game I've ever played. It barely felt like an RE game in nearly every way possible, but I think they could easily fix this with a modern remake making making the African village setting a lot more gritty and less like it was trying to be Blackhawk Down. As for Sheva and the co-op gameplay mechanic, I think it would be easy to remove this since her presence was pretty irrelevant 98% of the time. Instead, I'd have sections of the game you played exclusively as Chris and then other's you'd play as Sheva, but at no point you'd have to rely on her throughout the game, share resources, or do those silly puzzles where she had to hold a lever or whatever from across a certain part of the game. The original co-op feature was a cool idea, but ultimately somewhat pointless and if anything it just made the game worse. I don't know, just an idea about how to make RE5 more appealing, but I feel like this would be the least likely to be remade on account of how much newer it is than either of the other games Capcom could remake.

Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack this thread and make it an RE remake thread. I just love talking about RE lol, especially the newer remakes.

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2024, 05:26:02 pm »
There's apparently a free first person Silent Hill thing that I think is out today, I missed the ending to know for sure.

Silent Hill 2 Remake looks decent to me, I never played the original, but I like survival horror, so I'll probably dig it as long as it's good.

I'd be more interested in Metro VR if it wasn't on PSVR2 lol Hopefully it's coming to PC.

That Dragon Dogma's 2 trailer really sold me on the game, I didn't have much interest in it before, but now it's something I may think of.

Rise of the Ronin seems neat.  It seems like Ghost of Tsushima crossed with Assasin's Creed.  Could be neat, I thought it was gonna be more like Nioh being Team Ninja, which I wasn't interested in, but this looks cool.  They kinda doomed themselves releasing the same day as Dragon's Dogma 2 lol

Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me Death Stranding 2, I need it lol This is absolute wacky nonsense.  Also I love the playful nod to God of War in the trailer lol This is and Monster Hunter Wilds are up there as my most anticipated games of next year.

Kojima announced that he's making an original action espionage game just for Sony.  Getting metal Gear stuff while having this also will be dope.

And no Bloodborne, oh well, another year without it probably lol
« Last Edit: January 31, 2024, 05:46:15 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2024, 05:47:05 pm »
Stellar Blade presentation was awesome. Nice music, character design and jiggle physics.

Nice to know ZZZ is confirmed for PlayStation.

Looking forward to playing Foamstars this Tuesday.

Godzilla in Dave the Diver is wild.

PT 2

Not sure who thought it was a good idea to put that Legendary Tales game in this big of an event.

Death Stranding 2 trailer was way too long and Sony wasting more money funding another new Kojima.

Weird the only game from the initial rumor we didn't see was Concord which is supposed to release this year.

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2024, 06:20:05 pm »
Well that was a massive disappointment. I was happy to see more Silent Hill 2 gameplay, but not even a vague release date was pretty crappy. I am so freakin sick of Kojima. I get people love Metal Gear, but most of what he's worked on over the last decade makes him look like a giga edgelord. Everything else was very disappointing to meh imo. My wife is very hyped about Dragons Dogma 2, bur personally it's not something I'm into.

I am not watching these State of Plays live anymore. 9/10 times they are incredibly disappointing.

Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2024, 07:14:14 pm »
Give me more Kojima bullshit, I'm 100% on board lol That being said, the trailer was absolutely way too long and it does get frustrating how much time these shows indulge him with.  It's gotten pretty crazy at this point.  I can't be too mad, this is a trailer I wanted to see, it'll be the last I see of DS2 until it releases to keep myself from getting spoiled anymore, but they do need to reign it all in with him.


Re: State of Play | January 31, 2024 thoughts?
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2024, 07:26:45 pm »
Well that was a massive disappointment. I was happy to see more Silent Hill 2 gameplay, but not even a vague release date was pretty crappy.

I am not watching these State of Plays live anymore. 9/10 times they are incredibly disappointing.

These events cater to all types of gamers. That there is even one item of interest shown means that this type of event was successful. With that said, watching these types of events live when expectations are narrow isn't a good decision.

To call the event a "massive disappointment" seems exaggerated, as the Silent Hill 2 gameplay looks promising, in addition to Silent Hill: Short Message releasing today as a free download. Whether Short Message has quality or not, I don't know, but it's a welcomed bonus.