Author Topic: Resident Evil vs Silent Hill vs Luigis Mansion vs TLOU (you can only keep one)  (Read 8155 times)

Hello everyone.

Talking franchises. Not the single games.

Was thinking of how universally epic both the silent hill 2 remaster and RE 1-4 remasters have been. And was wondering who would win in the survival horror duel? Then felt a strong disturbance in the force.  Another survival horror games comes from the confines of Nintendo's loins to battle two PS1 era juggernaut franchises. With 3 entries. Has he done enough?

Resident Evil

Perhaps the most important for the genre. The founding father if you will.  A game very critically loved. Filled with amemorable characters (Jill) and spin offs (racoon city) its a dark iconic symphony of horror emotions blended into a good story.


Perhaps even more psychological in the psychological horror elements. A bit less RPG but a lot more puzzley and story driven.  A franchise with 3 solid entires spanning multiple decades and tons of creative spin offs.

Luigis Mansion

A big hitter in a whole different field. An underground. Has less entries and less time in the game than the other 2. Is also more cartoony. Easier. Less gorey and all around disadvantaged plot wise. But makes up for it the way Nintendo always knows how.  Fun factor. Mario character fondness. And just sweet delicious level design. 


Story driven excellence by naughty dog. Only 2 entires compared to a good 2 dozen among the other 3 franchises. But these stories have won countless praise. A 96 on meta critic.  And a show spin off that is emmy award nominated.  It spans all of our collective hearts. We all know what we felt the first time we felt Sarah fall into Joels arms.

LM - The cartoony Sleeper Pick
TLOU - the industry titan playable movie
RE - The OG and the trend setter
SH - the spooky brain twister

Which of these 4 survival horror franchises is the survival horror king? You can only keep one.


I've always been an admirer of lovecraftian designs of abominations and creatures, so I def go with Silent Hill!
Imo, even the movie adaptions left a bigger impression than the RE movies (though they're good)...


Which of these 4 survival horror franchises is the survival horror king? You can only keep one.

Two of these franchises aren't even regarded as survival horror. A more interesting topic about survival horror specifically would have been comparing the former two options alongside Alone in the Dark (the series most popularly recognized as the introduction to the genre but certainly not the first title ever), Fatal Frame, or Clock Tower.

With that said, Silent Hill is easily my preferred franchise for P.T. alone, though I've not yet played Resident Evil games while instead only spectating.


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That's a hard one! Resident Evil and Silent Hill are two of my favourites. I guess if I could only keep one I would go with Silent Hill.

Resident Evil, no question. I'm not a fan of all the games in the series, but I'd say 80% of them I either really enjoy or I absolutely love them.

I enjoy Silent Hill, at least the ones I've played, but to my understanding, the series is essentially the first three are great, 4 is good depending on who you ask, and then the rest range from wildly mediocre to complete trash. Giving up Silent Hill 2 would absolutely pain me though, just saying.

TLOU is an amazing game, and while it has some fairly annoying narrative issues, I am actually one of the people that liked TLOU2. However, neither the first game with how well made it is, or the best parts of Part 2 can hold a candle to RE for me.

I've never played a Luigi's Mansion game so I can't really judge them. However, I will say I'm still somewhat bitter that Luigi's Mansion was Nintendo's follow up to Super Mario 64, and not a game that felt like more of a direct sequel. I have a hard time saying Sunshine is a sequel, even though it technically is. I really don't think a proper successor happened with Super Mario 64 until Super Mario Galaxy.


Resident Evil, no question. I'm not a fan of all the games in the series, but I'd say 80% of them I either really enjoy or I absolutely love them.

I enjoy Silent Hill, at least the ones I've played, but to my understanding, the series is essentially the first three are great, 4 is good depending on who you ask, and then the rest range from wildly mediocre to complete trash. Giving up Silent Hill 2 would absolutely pain me though, just saying.

It wouldn't be controversial to share your thoughts about Silent Hill but toward Resident Evil instead. From what I've seen, RE, RE2, RE3, REC:V, RE0, and RE7 are the only standout entries in a franchise with thirty entries. As far as Silent Hill stands, I actually enjoyed Origins for what it is, though it retreads common ground. I'm looking forward to playing Shattered Memories—which actually earned positive reviews—as the next entry for me to play, too.

But people obviously have their own preferences. Hopefully the rumor going around about RE9 releasing soon is true and meets expectations.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 08:54:22 am by dhaabi »

Which of these 4 survival horror franchises is the survival horror king? You can only keep one.

Two of these franchises aren't even regarded as survival horror. A more interesting topic about survival horror specifically would have been comparing the former two options alongside Alone in the Dark (the series most popularly recognized as the introduction to the genre but certainly not the first title ever), Fatal Frame, or Clock Tower.

With that said, Silent Hill is easily my preferred franchise for P.T. alone, though I've not yet played Resident Evil games while instead only spectating.

I respect the inclusion of clock tower. I just worried it was too niche so I chose mainline icons. But I do love clock tower. Perhaps I took liberties with Luigis mansion. But TLOU is a survival horror game no doubts about it. Plays like a hallway shooter, for the most part. Linear. Jumpscares. You have to scavenger resources like first aid kits, medicines, ammo and weapon upgrades.  You have to solve puzzles to access new areas. And you have to be stealthy to avoid certain hoardes of undead.  Just like resident evil.  Even a lot of the monsters are similar.  The collectibles and weapon upgrades. Parts system. All similar. 

Even the official fandom for tlou ps3 wiki says

The Last of Us is a third-person action-adventure survival horror video game created exclusively for PlayStation 3, and was later remastered for the PlayStation 4.   

I just sometimes feel like these categories are so vague and then people exclude worthy entries. RPG does this more. So many games are RPGs.  A game can be both first person shooter. And an RPG.  Fallout for example.

Resident Evil, no question. I'm not a fan of all the games in the series, but I'd say 80% of them I either really enjoy or I absolutely love them.

I enjoy Silent Hill, at least the ones I've played, but to my understanding, the series is essentially the first three are great, 4 is good depending on who you ask, and then the rest range from wildly mediocre to complete trash. Giving up Silent Hill 2 would absolutely pain me though, just saying.

TLOU is an amazing game, and while it has some fairly annoying narrative issues, I am actually one of the people that liked TLOU2. However, neither the first game with how well made it is, or the best parts of Part 2 can hold a candle to RE for me.

I've never played a Luigi's Mansion game so I can't really judge them. However, I will say I'm still somewhat bitter that Luigi's Mansion was Nintendo's follow up to Super Mario 64, and not a game that felt like more of a direct sequel. I have a hard time saying Sunshine is a sequel, even though it technically is. I really don't think a proper successor happened with Super Mario 64 until Super Mario Galaxy.

I cant reccomend Luigis mansion enough.  Esp 3.  An absolute chef's kiss.  I just recently picked up RE2 remake and almost feel like I was reborn lol.  Cant believe I went that long with the glory of that game not gracing my life.

Mr. X. Is truly the scariest game character ive experienced.  His situational awareness and how he always seems to be so aware of the player characters position regarding him is haunting.  He's so menacing. The game does such a good job of giving you barely enough to fight. So even the simplest NPC feel like these terrifying squadrons of fear and retreat.  Then the narrowness of it all. You just feel smothered at all times.  I can see why the franchise became the standard. 


Which of these 4 survival horror franchises is the survival horror king? You can only keep one.

Two of these franchises aren't even regarded as survival horror.

I just sometimes feel like these categories are so vague and then people exclude worthy entries. RPG does this more. So many games are RPGs.  A game can be both first person shooter. And an RPG.  Fallout for example.

I was rather opinionated in my first post. Genre classifications are never black and white, and people are quite divisive about survival horror genre in particular as a label altogether. For instance, many do not consider Resident Evil 4 to be a part of the genre. In the end, creative works often exhibit a catalog of descriptors, and they're never just one thing. We've just got to appreciate works for what they are. Labels help, but they're just as restrictive too.

Resident Evil, no question. I'm not a fan of all the games in the series, but I'd say 80% of them I either really enjoy or I absolutely love them.

I enjoy Silent Hill, at least the ones I've played, but to my understanding, the series is essentially the first three are great, 4 is good depending on who you ask, and then the rest range from wildly mediocre to complete trash. Giving up Silent Hill 2 would absolutely pain me though, just saying.

It wouldn't be controversial to share your thoughts about Silent Hill but toward Resident Evil instead. From what I've seen, RE, RE2, RE3, REC:V, RE0, and RE7 are the only standout entries in a franchise with thirty entries. As far as Silent Hill stands, I actually enjoyed Origins for what it is, though it retreads common ground. I'm looking forward to playing Shattered Memories—which actually earned positive reviews—as the next entry for me to play, too.

But people obviously have their own preferences. Hopefully the rumor going around about RE9 releasing soon is true and meets expectations.

I definitely feel like the majority of RE games I've played rank above average to some of the best games I've ever played. The only RE games I've played that ranged from meh to absolute crap are 5, the Outbreak games, Dead Aim, and Survivor. I've never played supposed stinkers like Operation Raccoon City, so I can't say on that one, but I have a hard time thinking of any outside that, that are considered bad by most people. I know a lot of people hate 6, and when I went into playing it for the first time earlier this year I thought I'd feel the same, but I actually found it to be a pretty good game overall. Certainly no masterpiece, but definitely far better than the internet led me to believe for the last decade.


Resident Evil, no question. I'm not a fan of all the games in the series, but I'd say 80% of them I either really enjoy or I absolutely love them.

It wouldn't be controversial to share your thoughts about Silent Hill but toward Resident Evil instead. From what I've seen, RE, RE2, RE3, REC:V, RE0, and RE7 are the only standout entries in a franchise with thirty entries. As far as Silent Hill stands, I actually enjoyed Origins for what it is, though it retreads common ground. I'm looking forward to playing Shattered Memories—which actually earned positive reviews—as the next entry for me to play, too.

But people obviously have their own preferences. Hopefully the rumor going around about RE9 releasing soon is true and meets expectations.

I definitely feel like the majority of RE games I've played rank above average to some of the best games I've ever played. The only RE games I've played that ranged from meh to absolute crap are 5, the Outbreak games, Dead Aim, and Survivor. I've never played supposed stinkers like Operation Raccoon City, so I can't say on that one, but I have a hard time thinking of any outside that, that are considered bad by most people. I know a lot of people hate 6, and when I went into playing it for the first time earlier this year I thought I'd feel the same, but I actually found it to be a pretty good game overall. Certainly no masterpiece, but definitely far better than the internet led me to believe for the last decade.

I think it's fair for someone to consider a majority of the Resident Evil series to be praiseworthy. After all, if the games weren't good, there wouldn't be so many and in high-selling numbers. For me, though—and I'm really only considering the mainline titles—I approach the topic whether an individual entry is ideal or not is by asking myself if this is the direction I want the series to be moving toward. A work can be good for its own reasons as a singular item, but if it deviates drastically from its original vision which originally captivated me (largely the gameplay, in this instance), then I'm generally disappointed. But like I've said, I've only interacted with the franchise (including RE6) as a spectator, although I'm planning to start playing the series myself to have a more hands-on opinion once I finish Silent Hill.

Another vote for Resident Evil.  For starters, there are just way more games in general.  Even if only a quarter of them were good that still 2-3 times as many games as Luigi's Mansion and TLOU total.  That's a ton of solid titles.  I've never played Silent Hill, but everything I've heard is that you are on a pretty downhill slope after 3 or 4.  RE did have that dip in quality around 5 and 6, but 7 and 8 are fantastic.


Having played at least one entry in each series, I'm going with Resident Evil, hands down. From the original through five, the numbered entries were fantastic. Then add Code Veronica, Outbreak 1, and 2, it was a solid series for many years. Even six had some ok parts to it but it was obvious that was where the series began to falter.

While incredibly polished with a well told story and engaging main characters, The Last of Us was simply to dark for my taste. So much so that at the height of my gaming time when I would usually replay a game 3x back to back to get the platinum, I had to put that one down after the first completion. I never bothered with the sequel, not wanting to be subjected to more of that world, but it also came out at a time where I was incredibly pessimistic and already saw only the worst in humanity. Didn't need to pile it on.

I never really got into Silent Hill. The first freaked me out with the fog and the radio static. The second wasn't bad but I played that at a friend's home as she bought it, not wanting to play it herself but wanting the story.

Luigi's Mansion... while great fun... isn't survival horror. Maybe at a small level for kids... but not scary for adults and definitely not horror. I found it more funny than scary.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 11:13:14 am by telekill »


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For me it's tough to choose  My favorite Resident Evil games are 1-3, Veronica and the Gamecube remakes I also enjoyed the revelations titles.
My favorite Silent Hill games are 1-4, Homecoming and Shattered Memories.
I'll choose Resident Evil over Silent Hill even though I think the Silent Hill games are scarier and darker than the resident evil games.

I love Luigi's Mansion, but Silent Hill and Resident Evil are both better games in almost every regard.

I don't get why The Last of Us is on this list. The game is generic and unmemorable at best.

Silent Hill would be my choice. It is the scariest out of the 4, has a far more memorable and engaging story, has the best music, and created some of the best sequels out of them all (SH2, 3, 4, and SH2 remake).