Author Topic: Have your favorite games changed over time, or mostly stayed the same?  (Read 108 times)

Several years ago, I went back and replayed what I would have considered my favorite games of all time throughout most of my young adult and adult life. I was surprised to see many of them remained my favorites, while others no longer did it for me like they once. I'm in the middle of playing one of my favorite games of all time right now, and while I am really enjoying it, it seems to lack that same wow factor that had me hooked on it for decades. I'm withholding my judgement until I get all the way through it, but it got me thinking if most people's favorite games of all time change a lot, or if they mostly stay the same.

How have your favorite games of all time changed, or not changed over time? Are you open to games you once considered your favorites getting dethroned, or are they set in stone and will never be topped no matter what?

I think my top favorites have mostly stayed consistent.  There is some goofiness to my list I guess, in that my top favorites include a couple N64 games, but I would probably never replay them on original hardware.  Even playing Banjo-Kazooie on NSO, there's kind of some awkwardness to that keeps me full enjoying it.  The content is still great, it's just that I've been a little less tolerant of certain old control stuff, framerates, etc...  But, there's an HD Remaster of Banjo-Kazooie and if I could easily play that doesn't require me to yank out my old Xbox 360 or buy an Xbox One and copy of Rare Replay to do so, it would still be considered a favorite because it keeps everything I loved intact of the original, but has some improved controls and visuals to smooth it out.  I really need an HD remaster of Ocarina of Time or a proper update and actually available release of Super Mario 64.

Most changes with my favorites is mostly just new games slipping into the bottom end of the list, like Monster Hunter Wild, or Brutal Legend, and more recently I've kinda realized that Death Stranding is like a Top 20 game now lol

I'm always open to new games entering my top 10, although I feel like my Top 5 is a lot more rigid. Most of these games include titles that aren't just really fun, well made games, but also very special to me on a personal level. I almost feel like that personal connection is almost a requirement for it to be Top 5, however outside that it's a lot easier for a game just to be incredibly well made and enjoyable to play for it to enter the bottom half of the Top 10. There has been a lot of movement in games 6 through 10. Games like Zone of the Enders, Half Life 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2, and REmake have all been in my Top 10 at one point, but now occupy places outside that.