Author Topic: Displaying Your Collection  (Read 7642 times)


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Displaying Your Collection
« on: August 01, 2012, 01:45:00 pm »
How do you like to have your collection displayed?  Do you like the "wall of NES carts"?  Are you a glass cabinet guy?  What kind of tips do you have for making your stuff look nice?  Do you have carts in your boxes or do you take the carts out so you get to them?
One specific question I have is, how do you have your loose N64 carts stored?  With no end labels, it's hard to find the one you want.  Throw me some ideas.


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 01:53:15 pm »
I'm running into the same problem with my Game Boy games. Since there are no end labels, it's hard to find what I want and as of now they are sitting in a cardboard box on my games shelf. When I have my own place, I'm thinking of having a wall 'o GB, which will be a shelf of all my Game Boy games facing outward, with three level tiers on each shelf, so I can see what's where.

As for most of my collection, I'm fine with displaying things in book/dvd shelves spine out and will eventually have a room with built in wall shelves. I may make up some glass cases for displaying other things, with out the need for dusting though.

I have big dreams for a future game room. haha
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Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 02:09:21 pm »
I saw something on NA not that long ago ... going to find the pic and post it here. It should work for both N64 and the GB situation.


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Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2012, 02:19:53 pm »
"Gaming Display", you say...

*Googles both "Gaming" & "Display"* -

*Is Shocked* that some people have this level of organizational skills :)

Don't get me wrong - my games are all sorted alphabetically and by platform (*Unless* it's something like Demon's Souls & Dark Souls for my PS3)...which...after giving it *WAY* more time & thought than such a trivial thing ever warrants or deserves...I decide that - since they both start with a "D"...and since they're in the same 'series', *and*, since Demon's Souls preceded Dark Souls...Dark Souls comes right AFTER Demon's Souls on my shelf :P


...*FUCK* Roman numerals and how they fuck-up my alphabetical sorting & shelving systems  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Anyhow, my "display" is as follows:

Two top 'closet' shelves,
One Book-case,
Five BIG/DEEP dresser drawers, and
Two more small & thinner 'top' desk drawers,
and possibly other places that I've stuck gaming-related shit :)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2012, 02:48:49 pm »
Mine are alphebetical by system, meaning that all my nintendo brand stuff is on one big bookcase, same with sony, and my sega one is kind of a miscellaneous with Neo Geo AES, obviously all the sega stuuf, jaguar and so on


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2012, 07:44:46 pm »
I have 2 homemade shelves. I put the games on them at sort of random as long as I can find/make space.

Those are "old" pictures (from back in april, I have more stuff now and it's a lot messier at the moment), but it should give a good idea. I do need to plan ahead though, I'm running out of space fast (I don't even know where to put all the Xbox games I got recently)

For N64 games... I don't have a whole lot, but, as you can see, I have a couple facing forward, and a bunch of them behind those (each row is 8 games deep, other than Conker which is alone). Not the easiest way to find them (though I do have somewhat of a logic as to which games are where... like, bad games are behind Superman), but the lack of an end label is pretty annoying. I think the best solution for a complete collection of N64 games would be to have all boxed games.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 07:49:58 pm by jobocan »


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2012, 07:47:38 pm »
With no end labels, it's hard to find the one you want.  Throw me some ideas.

Easy. Just write the name of the game on the top edge of the cart in pencil. It rubs right off, so it doesn't do any damage and it's sort of hard to see so it doesn't even alter the aesthetics much.


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2012, 08:09:25 pm »
With no end labels, it's hard to find the one you want.  Throw me some ideas.

Easy. Just write the name of the game on the top edge of the cart in pencil. It rubs right off, so it doesn't do any damage and it's sort of hard to see so it doesn't even alter the aesthetics much.
I have seen this done with a label maker and I haven't had any problem removing the label after buying them.

Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2012, 12:05:59 am »
New to the site so I hope I don't sound like a collector noob, but I have in my game room several IKEA billy bookcase (the black big ones) in between I spaced them with the smaller black billy book case. Have them lining the left and right sides of the room. I only have 14 systems that I separate between 2 glass 6 shelf media towers starting with my oldest system (Atari 2600) top left side to the newest (onlive) on the bottom right. I mention this became the left side book case I store games for the systems on the left side in the room. There alphabetical per system I like collector edition games so I put the statues/ toys/ helmets etc on the right of collectors editions it gives the shelves a little depth I think not just game game game. Now I mentioned the smaller shelves  before because I have several video games signed from game directors, writers, voice actors, actors etc that I meet I prop these up face out to see the signatures on the cover art with little A frame (I think that's what there called, there used to prop pic's etc). On top of the wall of shelves I hold larger than normal controllers (arcade sticks, dk bongo drums, tony hawk shred skate board etc) and larger items like the gears of war retro lancer. I have just about 500 if y games I know its not as impressive as some of yours but I love my collection if not more than you love yours :)


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2012, 02:29:00 am »
How do you like to have your collection displayed?  Do you like the "wall of NES carts"?  Are you a glass cabinet guy?  What kind of tips do you have for making your stuff look nice?  Do you have carts in your boxes or do you take the carts out so you get to them?
One specific question I have is, how do you have your loose N64 carts stored?  With no end labels, it's hard to find the one you want.  Throw me some ideas.

I just have a homemade shelf I store games on and a couple of Wal-Mart special 3 shelf bookcases I keep systems in.  As far as displaying carts I plan on  using the UGC and DS cases with printed covers.  A few of my games are boxed, but I would prefer a more uniform look.  I am very anal about things being uniform. :-[

New to the site so I hope I don't sound like a collector noob, but I have in my game room several IKEA billy bookcase (the black big ones) in between I spaced them with the smaller black billy book case. Have them lining the left and right sides of the room. I only have 14 systems that I separate between 2 glass 6 shelf media towers starting with my oldest system (Atari 2600) top left side to the newest (onlive) on the bottom right. I mention this became the left side book case I store games for the systems on the left side in the room. There alphabetical per system I like collector edition games so I put the statues/ toys/ helmets etc on the right of collectors editions it gives the shelves a little depth I think not just game game game. Now I mentioned the smaller shelves  before because I have several video games signed from game directors, writers, voice actors, actors etc that I meet I prop these up face out to see the signatures on the cover art with little A frame (I think that's what there called, there used to prop pic's etc). On top of the wall of shelves I hold larger than normal controllers (arcade sticks, dk bongo drums, tony hawk shred skate board etc) and larger items like the gears of war retro lancer. I have just about 500 if y games I know its not as impressive as some of yours but I love my collection if not more than you love yours :)

So it isn't as big as some of our other patrons.  It still sounds very tidy and awesome.  Perhaps you could post some pics in the game room forum to show it off.  You may even give some us some ideas.   :D

Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2012, 12:24:22 am »


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2012, 07:46:13 pm »
I love talking about this stuff, so I'll try to be brief.   ;D

My current/previous generation stuff is in the living room.  I use a dresser as my entertainment system, so I can utilize the drawers.  Flanked on either side of the dresser I have over sized standard media shelves (similar to ).  Left side FULL of games, right side FULL of DVD's. 

As new systems come out, the older stuff is forced into storage due to lack of room.  I try to keep my collection safe, secure, and available.  To this end I have a 'tower of power' in my office. 
Full view:

In the labeled boxes are systems, accessories and games

NES Detail:

And finally N64 Detail:

I have the rest stashed in closets and the garage.  I need to assemble another rack just like this one, but the wife isn't happy that this rack isn't in the garage, so we'll see.  I eventually want custom storage but I'm afraid I'm going to need movable library stacks. 

I've spent a lot of time figuring out the best solutions for my own collection and I could go on and on, but that's probably enough today.  If anyone has any questions or comments, shoot!


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2012, 05:16:25 am »
I am in the process of redoing my displays, so I've been thinking on these issues a lot lately. Here are my long-winded thoughts! :D

I used to use cheapy freestanding cubes (the kind they sell for college dorm storage) because I had them hanging around. The problem with these and most other types of shelving is that they're around 12" deep, while most game boxes are less than 6" wide. You get that annoying thing where you try to keep all the games near the edge of the shelf but then it's impossible to actually remove a game without messing up the whole system. Plus, having a too-deep shelf is a waste of space in the room.

I finally decided to redo my displays with elfa shelves from The Container Store. I used to think CS just made wire racks for the kitchen or garage, but they have melamine shelves that look more like wood, too. They make an 8"-deep shelf that is much more compact and great for games. There is still a "dead space" problem, but it's much improved from the 12" shelves. You can adjust the heights on these shelves to match the height of your games, too. (Aside from being too deep, most shelving is also too tall for video games, resulting in more wasted space.) They have snap-on bookends, sliding baskets, etc. if you want to get fancy. BUT tl;dr: Short and adjustable shelves mean less wasted space, more games per square foot.

I have my games split up so that all the loose carts are in one set of shelves while all the in-box games are in another set of shelves. Within these categories, they're then organized by console date order. The result looks tidy because the NES, SMS, Genesis, and SNES boxes all pair together and are about the same height. I put the NES carts up on their sides, while SNES and Genesis carts get stacked up because those don't like to go on their sides. I don't have many N64 carts, so I don't have to worry too much about the end label issue.

Whenever there's a weird spot in the collection (transition from boxes to jewel cases, ugly bracket that needs to be covered, etc.), I reach for something from my game goodies pile such as a Nintendo plush or figurine to act as a bookend or decor item. Let those items serve a good purpose while being on display!

OK, I have more to say, but I think I'll stop there for now.  ;D Hope this helps!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 05:24:16 am by rachel »


Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2012, 05:32:39 am »

Don't get me wrong - my games are all sorted alphabetically and by platform (*Unless* it's something like Demon's Souls & Dark Souls for my PS3)...which...after giving it *WAY* more time & thought than such a trivial thing ever warrants or deserves...I decide that - since they both start with a "D"...and since they're in the same 'series', *and*, since Demon's Souls preceded Dark Souls...Dark Souls comes right AFTER Demon's Souls on my shelf :P

"Which comes first: 1943 or 3-D Worldrunner?"
"Is it L for The Little Mermaid or D for Disney's The Little Mermaid?"
"Does Zelda II really have to go under Z? What about Zoda's Revenge?"


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Re: Displaying Your Collection
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2012, 08:59:20 am »

Don't get me wrong - my games are all sorted alphabetically and by platform (*Unless* it's something like Demon's Souls & Dark Souls for my PS3)...which...after giving it *WAY* more time & thought than such a trivial thing ever warrants or deserves...I decide that - since they both start with a "D"...and since they're in the same 'series', *and*, since Demon's Souls preceded Dark Souls...Dark Souls comes right AFTER Demon's Souls on my shelf :P

"Which comes first: 1943 or 3-D Worldrunner?"
"Is it L for The Little Mermaid or D for Disney's The Little Mermaid?"
"Does Zelda II really have to go under Z? What about Zoda's Revenge?"

1).  1943 because "1" comes before "3" :)
2).  Always "L" name always takes precedence over company name :P
3).  Not sure about the last one because I'm not familiar enough w/ the exact titles on those...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"