I haven't posted much since I haven't been buying much... but here's my week's non-game finds:

I picked those up yesterday for $3 total. Transformers has a bit of wear and tear on the artwork but the disc is pretty mint! I'm not a big fan of the show these days so it's going into the trade pile. Wasabi... well I saw the movie dubbed to Spanish a few years back and thought it was pretty hilarious. I'm a fan of Jean Reno so for a buck and a half I couldn't resist.

These are from Wednesday. I know.
The topmost three movies were a dollar each. I can't resist Pamela Anderson trying to act, and the other two movies... I have no idea what they are. But. They're A) Italian, B) have Greek subtitles (?!), C) are DVD-Rs, D) Look like bad VHS transfers, and most importantly - E) were made by a small outfit called "Cult Alley Theater" which specialized in releasing rare stuff like this. Nothing even resembling anything legal, of course - which makes them interesting. They seem to have gone out of business in late 2011. I browsed their catalog and they seem to have released some interesting stuff! Too bad there's little chance I'll ever see any of their releases again.
The botttom three films were $5 total. I bought Aeon Flux to replace my beat up, Fullscreen copy of the movie. I grabbed Live Free or Die Hard for the same reason... except I apparently own it already. Whoops! And City Hunter is by Tai Seng Entertainment, who seems to alternate between selling licensed and unlicensed films. I have a couple of their releases and I can't tell if they're legit or not.
And yes, this is the movie with Jackie Chan dressed as Chun Li.
So yeah! That's... about it.