Author Topic: favorite video games of all time  (Read 11309 times)


favorite video games of all time
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:33:06 am »
i dont think this question has come up on this forum so i'm asking it what is your top 20,10 or 5 favorite games you have played so far and why (optional)

my top 10
(10)mario kart 64:played it as a kid and i still love it
(9)monopoly tycoon:this is what got me in to tycoon games
(8)Sonic CD (PC):as a kid i spend so much time on this game to bad it is a b!t@h to get running
(7)super mario 64:i have finish this game so many times
(6)claw:this is one of the forgotten classics in video games
(5)mario party 3:its just a good game
(4)soldier of fortune:its a bloody good time
(3)black mirror series:great series games but ending is a disappointment
(2)scratches:this game make my so excited for agustin cordes next game asylum
(1)the lost crown:this is the only game i have played that terrifies me


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2012, 10:02:44 am »
Lost Crown looks pretty cool!  I'll have to check that one out.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2012, 10:16:18 am »
I usually have a tough time with this question ... some games pop in and out of my favorites ... some will never leave. Here are a few of the permanent fixtures.

Super Metroid : The best Metroid game ever made. It fixed all the issues that was wrong with the original Metroid, added some new stuff, and didnt skip a beat.

Zelda: A Link to the Past : Again, same as above. The best Zelda game ever. Damn near the best game ever. One of the only games that gets a lot of playthroughs for me over the years.

Final Fantasy VII : At a time where games still had issues drawing you in for a while, this game came along and made you want to finish the story. Some of the most memorable characters in my life. My daughter is named after this game ... my first tattoo is from this game. That shows how much this game means to me.

Dragon Warrior : While some of the other DW/DQ games out there are probably more fun and more exciting, this is what started it all. A simple character kicking slime ass eventually saves the princess and defeats the Dragonlord. Countless other games have followed this premise. A classic among classics.

Super Mario Bros 3 : This game revolutionized the NES and games to follow. It changed the way people played games. Everything about it is simply flawless. From the Raccoon tail to the 1 up cards at the end of the level, nothing was missed.

Mortal Kombat : When fighting games were all the hype, all the sudden this game comes along and drop kicks the competition. Fatalities, special moves, different stages, etc. It also brought an aspect to fighting games that all others were missing and desperately needed = A block button.

God of War : Carnage ... simply carnage. The "hero" of most games are normally considered to be some princess saving goody goody. Not Kratos. The man simply kicks ass and destroys everyone and everything in his path. Unleashing combo after combo on multitudes of monsters earning those red orbs is just hours of excitement that is unobtainable in any other fashion.

Ys Books 1&2 : Gorgeous. Awesome to play. The best music ever. I actually spent my entire highschool years listening to the music from Ys on cassette tape. This game alone was the main reason I got VC on my Wii was to relive the many hours I spent playing this game on different consoles. It was some of the best spent $8 of my life. All the memories came rushing back to me the moment the intro music started and I couldnt stop playing for hours.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 06:45:40 pm by soera »


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2012, 05:35:32 pm »
Lost Crown looks pretty cool!  I'll have to check that one out.
i am gonna play it again before the last crown and the the first crown comes out

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2012, 01:52:04 am »
It is a very hard question and will probly change but...
Street Fighter Alpha Series and Marvel Super Heroes vs Street fighter
My favorite game period... Super Metroid
the Snes version of Harvest Moon
Gunstar Heroes
... The list goes on and on haha


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2012, 05:14:47 pm »
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity I've had a copy since maybe 2004 or 2005. It can be a crazy hard game but it was so much fun, until the internal battery died.
Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle My friend first showed this DOS game to me probably about the same time he showed me F-zero. Easily completed it 50+ times.
Kirby Air Ride My neighbor had this and we played it like every day for a whole summer.
Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo Pretty much my childhood.
Super Smash Bros. Melee Another neighbor had this and we played for more than a whole summer but basically every weekend.
Pokemon Soulsilver Still play it today and just reached 400 hours
Pokemon Ruby First pokemon game. Got it when it came out.
Rock Band Pretty much created my iTunes library. Still have the stock drumset in my room.
Mario Kart DS Holy crap. My friends and I still play this game like once a week. It's so fun.
Tetris so many hours wasted.
Now Playing: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


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Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2012, 05:52:03 pm »
The 1st game that *always* comes to my mind when I need to 'pick a favorite' is (and has been for years) Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2 RPG).

Closely followed by Disgaea(s) and pretty much any/everything:

A).  SRPG,
B).  NISA, and (for even *extra* points),
C).  Anything that's both NISA & SRPG!!!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2012, 08:35:11 pm »
I made a list of my 100 favorite games of all time about 5 years ago. I wonder if I can find it to see if it differs. I remember KotOR was number 3 before Fallout 3 came out. Except for Dragon Quest 5, I've put hundreds of hours into each of these games. Easily thousands when it comes to Civilization.

Tied for first place:
Secret of Mana (SNES) - For many years, this was my absolute favorite game of all time. I remember my brother's friend brought it over when it was just released and I fell in love. So much so, that I hid it so the guy couldn't take it home. He was one of those rich kids that never noticed he didn't have it for a week. Come on, it's a three player RPG with vibrant graphics and a cliche driven story. What isn't there to love?
Suikoden 2 (PSX) - Then Suikoden 2 was released... I loved the first one, still do, but Suikoden 2 was a game that I played through seven times in a row. I picked it up when you could still get it new in stores, I believe it was $25. Captain Hindsight says I should have picked up all eight copies that day... Seriously, a direct sequel to an amazing RPG, 108 characters and a majority of them are actually worthwhile, a truly evil villain (to begin with), and plenty of replay value. As close to perfection as you can get.
Fallout 3 (360) - I remember the feeling I got when I first left Vault 101. The sense of awe, wonder, and excitement I felt is something I doubt any other game will ever give me. The Fallout universe is probably the best fleshed out universe that has connecting stories (neck and neck with Suikoden). My favorite part is that as a WRPG, I can play the same game over and over so many different ways that I'll never get bored.

4. River City Ransom (NES) - Whenever my brother, or my friend Keegan and I get together, RCR is a likely choice. If we've got a couple of hours to kill, there is no better way to do it than by beating up the Generic Dudes, Squids, or Internationals. I'll play this game any day of the week.
5. Dragon Quest 5 (DS) - While on my quest to complete all the Dragon Quest games, I fell in love with DQ5. The story and the characters sucked me in. The end of Act 2 will forever be engrained in my memory. I'm at the point of starting DQ8 now, but so far 5 is the best.
6. Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 (N64) - Everyone who knows me is aware that besides being an avid gamer, I'm also a professional wrestler. This is the best professional wrestling game ever made. Fire Pro is great, too, but VPW2 is everything I've ever wanted from a wrestling game.
7. Sid Meier's Civilization (SNES) (and Civilization Revolution on both 360 and DS) - As a kid, I remember seeing an ad for Civilization in EGM. I had to have it. When it appeared as a present from my mom, I rejoiced. I spent countless nights playing Civilization and listening to Metallica and Pantera. Great memories. As an aside, I really enjoy Civ Rev. I know a lot of hardcore Civ fans don't care for it, but I think it's fun to be able to go through a game in 3 hours. And when I'm on the go, the DS version is almost as good as the 360 version. Don't hate, play the game.
8. E.V.O. Search for Eden (SNES) - I remember renting E.V.O. for the first time from Panorama Video. I didn't know what I was in for, but Enix had never let me down in the past, so I went for it. Survival of the Fittest is so true. Creating some weird combinations with all the different body parts was great fun. I especially liked finding the special crystal that would morph you into an elephant. I trampled so many bad guys in that form.
9. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX) - KotOR has fallen from grace in my eyes, as I've tried playing it recently and it didn't hold up to the memories I had. It used to be a top 3 game (before Fallout 3), but that was half a decade or more in the past. The story was a fine addition to the Expanded Universe and the characters (HK-47, I'm looking at you) were great (Carth wasn't terrible). However, I must leave the game where it is best revered, in my memories.
10. Harvest Moon 64 (N64) - It was tough to choose which Harvest Moon should go on the list. I remember searching for two years after the release of the SNES version before I found it. I had trouble with the N64 version as well, but one fine day at Software Etc. (Managed by our fearless leader) I happened across this copy. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the N64 version is the ultimate Harvest Moon game. Magical Melody and Tree of Tranquility are great in their own ways, as are the GBA games, but I liked the N64 the best.

There are my top ten. Some games that are on the fringe are Pokemon (I got Blue at release), Final Fantasy 3/6 (Best Final Fantasy), Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Monster Rancher 2, Dead Rising, Earthbound and Sim City.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 06:20:23 pm by godnightshade »

Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2012, 08:47:04 pm »
I usually have a tough time with this question ... some games pop in and out of my favorites ... some will never leave. Here are a few of the permanent fixtures.

Super Metroid : The best Metroid game ever made. It fixed all the issues that was wrong with the original Metroid, added some new stuff, and didnt skip a beat.

Zelda: A Link to the Past : Again, same as above. The best Zelda game ever. Damn near the best game ever. One of the only games that gets a lot of playthroughs for me over the years.

Final Fantasy VII : At a time where games still had issues drawing you in for a while, this game came along and made you want to finish the story. Some of the most memorable characters in my life. My daughter is named after this game ... my first tattoo is from this game. That shows how much this game means to me.

Dragon Warrior : While some of the other DW/DQ games out there are probably more fun and more exciting, this is what started it all. A simple character kicking slime ass eventually saves the princess and defeats the Dragonlord. Countless other games have followed this premise. A classic among classics.

Super Mario Bros 3 : This game revolutionized the NES and games to follow. It changed the way people played games. Everything about it is simply flawless. From the Raccoon tail to the 1 up cards at the end of the level, nothing was missed.

Mortal Kombat : When fighting games were all the hype, all the sudden this game comes along and drop kicks the competition. Fatalities, special moves, different stages, etc. It also brought an aspect to fighting games that all others were missing and desperately needed = A block button.

God of War : Carnage ... simply carnage. The "hero" of most games are normally considered to be some princess saving goody goody. Not Kratos. The man simply kicks ass and destroys everyone and everything in his path. Unleashing combo after combo on multitudes of monsters earning those red orbs is just hours of excitement that is unobtainable in any other fashion.

Ys Books 1&2 : Gorgeous. Awesome to play. The best music ever. I actually spent my entire highschool years listening to the music from Ys on cassette tape. This game alone was the main reason I got VC on my Wii was to relive the many hours I spent playing this game on different consoles. It was some of the best spent $8 of my life. All the memories came rushing back to me the moment the intro music started and I couldnt stop playing for hours.


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2012, 10:43:08 pm »
1. Mario 3
2. tetris
3. zelda-ocarina of time
4. castlevania symphony of the night
5. resident evil 4
6. chrono trigger
7. Einhander
8. grim fandango
9. Panzer dragoon saga
10. Ico

These are my personal favorites, I have played and loved every one of them and keep going back to them again and again.


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2012, 11:05:46 pm »
I usually have a tough time with this question ... some games pop in and out of my favorites ... some will never leave. Here are a few of the permanent fixtures.

Super Metroid : The best Metroid game ever made. It fixed all the issues that was wrong with the original Metroid, added some new stuff, and didnt skip a beat.

Zelda: A Link to the Past : Again, same as above. The best Zelda game ever. Damn near the best game ever. One of the only games that gets a lot of playthroughs for me over the years.

Final Fantasy VII : At a time where games still had issues drawing you in for a while, this game came along and made you want to finish the story. Some of the most memorable characters in my life. My daughter is named after this game ... my first tattoo is from this game. That shows how much this game means to me.

Dragon Warrior : While some of the other DW/DQ games out there are probably more fun and more exciting, this is what started it all. A simple character kicking slime ass eventually saves the princess and defeats the Dragonlord. Countless other games have followed this premise. A classic among classics.

Super Mario Bros 3 : This game revolutionized the NES and games to follow. It changed the way people played games. Everything about it is simply flawless. From the Raccoon tail to the 1 up cards at the end of the level, nothing was missed.

Mortal Kombat : When fighting games were all the hype, all the sudden this game comes along and drop kicks the competition. Fatalities, special moves, different stages, etc. It also brought an aspect to fighting games that all others were missing and desperately needed = A block button.

God of War : Carnage ... simply carnage. The "hero" of most games are normally considered to be some princess saving goody goody. Not Kratos. The man simply kicks ass and destroys everyone and everything in his path. Unleashing combo after combo on multitudes of monsters earning those red orbs is just hours of excitement that is unobtainable in any other fashion.

Ys Books 1&2 : Gorgeous. Awesome to play. The best music ever. I actually spent my entire highschool years listening to the music from Ys on cassette tape. This game alone was the main reason I got VC on my Wii was to relive the many hours I spent playing this game on different consoles. It was some of the best spent $8 of my life. All the memories came rushing back to me the moment the intro music started and I couldnt stop playing for hours.


Glad to see someone agrees with me. I wanted to add enough games to make a top 10. Im sure if I thought about for a little while I could come up with a few more.


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2012, 01:57:54 am »
Fallout 3 (PS3) is my absolute favorite of all time. So much so that I got te Brotherhod of Steel symbol tatooed on my leg. Just had never found a game that drew me in so well. The soundtrack was amazing, the entire Capital Wasteland looked amazing, the characters were lovable, hateable, and oh so beautifully killable. I'm only missing one trophy for it, in the Mothership Zeta DLC to collect all the Alien Captive Logs.
Final Fantasy 3 / 6 (SNES). Greatest RPG ever made. Ultimate team is Sabin, Shadow, Terra, and Celes.
Mega Man 2 (NES) was the best of the NES series in my opinion. I rented it alot from 2 different stores growing up before I actually found a second hand copy to buy. Mega Man 3 is pretty close in tere too.
Borderlands (PS3) is one of my favorite FPS/RPG combos. Whereas I loved Fallout for the amazing storyline and realisic outlook of the future post-apocalypse, I love Borderlands because it is really actionpacked and fastpaced.
Final Fantasy (NES) is that game that got me into RPGs in general. My parents bought it for me as my first game I ever personally owned.
Double Dragon II The Revenge (NES) is the game that came with our NES when I was kid. I can remember spending so many hours playing t wth my neighbour until eventually destroying it. I think it might be the only classic DD game that physically possible to beat by your average gamer hahaha.
Gauntlet Legends (Stand-Up in arcade) I used to pump so many quarters into that game at Crystal alace in New Brunswick! I remember going there one day and I literally stood there the entire time playing it with some other dude tht was already there and didnt even go on a single ride.
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2) was just an awesome take on action RPG. It got me hooked onto the entire series.
Kingdom Hearts (PS2). I utterly destroyed that game. I unlocked everything as far as I know of and was able to beat Sephiroth on the 2nd playthrough without taking hardly any damage. I was somewhat dissapointed with the 2nd game.
Absolutely any Super Mario Bros. in the series. Need I say more? They're only the most classic platformers ever made. Obey the Mustache Ride! Hahahaha
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Back during my Ecstacy days I used to play that game all day long. I got my castle to 198.5% beaten.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 02:00:14 am by lordmeatpie »
Now Playing: Borderlands 2 (PS3) / Crystalis (NES)
The Obnoxious Canadian Acoustic Grinder


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2012, 10:42:05 am »

Final Fantasy 3 / 6 (SNES). Greatest RPG ever made. Ultimate team is Sabin, Cyan, Terra, and Celes.

Fixed it for ya! :)


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Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2012, 11:11:19 am »

Final Fantasy 3 / 6 (SNES). Greatest RPG ever made. Ultimate team is Sabin, Cyan, Terra, and Celes.

Fixed it for ya! :)

"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: favorite video games of all time
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2012, 11:26:08 am »

Final Fantasy 3 / 6 (SNES). Greatest RPG ever made. Ultimate team is Sabin, Cyan, Terra, and Celes.

Fixed it for ya! :)

Bahahaha. My only  acceptable change would have been::

Final Fantasy 3 / 6 (SNES). Greatest RPG ever made. Ultimate team is Sabin, Shadow, Terra, and Mog.

I like to switch up my fourth character every run through. The only characters I dont like in the game are Strago and Umaro.
Now Playing: Borderlands 2 (PS3) / Crystalis (NES)
The Obnoxious Canadian Acoustic Grinder