congratulations! I hope it comes with a substantial pay increase.
I live in the USA...of course it doesn't! XD But it is a pay increase, nonetheless.
Thanks, everyone!
Ain't that the truth. I moved from a middle level to a senior level position. Was offered a substantial raise (talking 50% more than what I was making), given 25% instead, and now since I'm in a new tax bracket roughly 2% more than my old salary. YAY for more responsibilities, but no added pay (yearly pay raise is 2%).
Hey, at least you
get yearly pay raises! Here in ole' Missouri, the governor keeps talking about the bad economy, the budget and how he's "so sorry" that he can't give state workers a raise this year....just like all the other years it seems. But that prick keeps getting pay raises. How does that work? Oh...when you vote to give
yourself a pay raise it's much, much easier! Duh on me!