Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1860992 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8865 on: December 15, 2015, 09:30:22 am »
Happy bday, Telly! Was great watching you and the other podcasters open up gifts - I enjoyed watching that episode yesterday.  Good luck with finals!

You actually watched it? You must be suffering from insomnia.

Just playin'; thanks so much for watching.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8866 on: December 15, 2015, 10:35:30 am »
All Los Angeles Unified School District were closed today do to a possible bomb threat...... And the Superintended said on the news, that the LAPD and LASD will be searching all 900 schools in the LAUSD.... Crazy.
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8867 on: December 15, 2015, 10:50:44 am »
All Los Angeles Unified School District were closed today do to a possible bomb threat...... And the Superintended said on the news, that the LAPD and LASD will be searching all 900 schools in the LAUSD.... Crazy.

What a nightmare.  Both for the people that have to conduct the searches and for the fact that we live in a world so shitty, kids can't even go to school without fear of being shot or blown up. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8868 on: December 15, 2015, 11:00:23 am »
I am wondering if this is a hoax/someone is ready for finals.....
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8869 on: December 15, 2015, 12:52:16 pm »
I just got a "new" computer.  I was fooling around with MAME last night.  I played the Battletoads arcade game for a while.  Holy Shit!  That is fun.  I love it.  It's everything you love about Battletoads, but better.  Wow, it's fun.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8870 on: December 15, 2015, 02:46:33 pm »
Happy bday, Telly! Was great watching you and the other podcasters open up gifts - I enjoyed watching that episode yesterday.  Good luck with finals!

You actually watched it? You must be suffering from insomnia.

Just playin'; thanks so much for watching.

Haha, I felt bad for not checking in on the podcasts, but I'm glad I had some time that day to watch both the west and east coast open up presents! Was a shame that we couldn't see Turf's opening. He was my first SS matchup (I was his SS), so I wanted to see what his 2015 SS did for him.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8871 on: December 15, 2015, 03:38:37 pm »
I heard that you had turf the first year. He said that you hooked him up! It'll be hard to top a gift that comes from such a lovely lady, I'll have you know. ^.~


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8872 on: December 15, 2015, 04:30:12 pm »
WWE 2K16's controls are so overly complicated!!! freaking QTE's for EVERYTHING! And it's not like I'm new to wrestling games, this is complicated by wrestling games standards.

I so want to like this game, too. I want to play through Stone Cold's career. And my wife just paid a lot of money for it.

So disappointed.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8873 on: December 15, 2015, 04:47:02 pm »
Happy bday, Telly! Was great watching you and the other podcasters open up gifts - I enjoyed watching that episode yesterday.  Good luck with finals!

You actually watched it? You must be suffering from insomnia.

Just playin'; thanks so much for watching.

Hey, I watched it too! It was a lot of fun watching you guys open y'all's presents! I'll definitely videotape myself opening my presents next year, even though I'm not the most handsome guy on here, lol.

And I actually do suffer from insomnia, lol, but that wasn't my reason for watching.


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8874 on: December 15, 2015, 06:06:37 pm »
Its my birthday, im already 19!?
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8875 on: December 15, 2015, 06:14:17 pm »
Its my birthday, im already 19!?

Happy Birthday!


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8876 on: December 15, 2015, 06:22:57 pm »
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8877 on: December 15, 2015, 07:01:27 pm »
Happy birthday man! Mine was yesterday: we're practically birthday buddies :)
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8878 on: December 15, 2015, 07:42:26 pm »
Happy bday, Telly! Was great watching you and the other podcasters open up gifts - I enjoyed watching that episode yesterday.  Good luck with finals!

You actually watched it? You must be suffering from insomnia.

Just playin'; thanks so much for watching.

Haha, I felt bad for not checking in on the podcasts, but I'm glad I had some time that day to watch both the west and east coast open up presents! Was a shame that we couldn't see Turf's opening. He was my first SS matchup (I was his SS), so I wanted to see what his 2015 SS did for him.

No one will ever top that first year.

Remember Ms Deso, you'll always be my first.  ;)


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #8879 on: December 16, 2015, 01:44:53 am »
Happy birthday man! Mine was yesterday: we're practically birthday buddies :)
Happy birthday to you as well!
Birthday buddies :p
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag