How y’all doing? Just saying what’s up to you fine folks.
A few months late replying to this, but overall pretty good. Work is a bit crap at the moment, mostly because I work in the tech industry and its been anyones guess as to when our company is going to start laying people off. So far no one has been let go, but between a hiring freeze and our company budget being the thinest it's ever been in the 12-years, I'm not considering myself safe by any means. Everyone is definitely on edge about it, but I'm still hopeful that we won't experience any layoffs or if we do I'll be spared.
Gaming wise, I'm doing about the same. I barely buy games anymore and I just started playing more games thanks to a summer of studying for another tech cert. I still need to take the cert test, but I felt like I needed to play something so I've been playing mostly shorter games like I typically do. Once I get my cert, I'm hoping to have at least 4 or 5 years before I have to worry about certs again and can devote a lot more time to playing games like I used to.
I'm also trying really hard to make more youtube videos again, but Youtube isn't doing the best job of making me stay motivated to do this. In short, they're a shit platform that steam roles over anything that isn't clickbait, trendy, or leans of shorts to get views. I would openly celebrate if one other video streaming platform emerged as being a viable competitor to Youtube. As is, sites like Bitchute aren't even a flea in comparison to the monster that is Youtube. I freakin hate it.