I'm on Chapter 3 of HD Noire. I also got new characters. So, it's clear that Lee-Fi is based off of Chun-Li from Street Fighter. Lid is based off of Snake from Metal Gear. For those playing it (dark) who is Resta supposed represent? She looks like she'd come from a Tales game, but I can't tell if that's the case. @_@
Resta is a reference to the High Elves from the Record of Agarest War series.
Thanks for jumping-in there,
You saved me from having to reveal just how completely clueless, immensely ignorant, not to mention - how severely stumped I was, by his question to the community-at-large

Wait just a minute here; hmm...didn't I just...

I'm just starting CH. 5 Kash.
Also, got the trophies for trickin'-out Noire's room, making a Godly Disc, 100 missions, and making 50 items.
Not even close to anyone hitting LV. 99 yet -but- I'm closing in on the 9,999,999 $ one + the 9,999 damage one (today or tomorrow).
I love it when they make every trophy look different and relevant to its requirements!
Have you noticed that they all say "NOR" on the top