Author Topic: The Comic Book Thread  (Read 47151 times)


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #60 on: November 09, 2013, 06:04:23 pm »
I've been getting some early Bendis-era Avengers stuff lately:

-New Avengers (2005) #2-15 (already had #1)
-Sentry (2000) #1-5
-Sentry (2005) #1-8


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #61 on: November 18, 2013, 01:47:45 pm »
I never been into comics; however, the only one's that I do have interest in reading when I get my hands on them, is the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Bucky O hare comics.    Any one read Turtles or Bucky comics? 

I see various comics at Good will all the time and I am tempted to buy them, but I feel like I will waste money because I have no intelligence about them and don't know what to look for.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #62 on: November 18, 2013, 02:52:55 pm »
I've got a stupid comic question.  I admit I don't know anything about these things.  Here it goes:
What do you call those hardback books that are collections of comics?  I was wanting to get the OG Ninja Turtles and maybe the Civil War ones.  Are those trade paperbacks?


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #63 on: November 18, 2013, 10:09:26 pm »
I've got a stupid comic question.  I admit I don't know anything about these things.  Here it goes:
What do you call those hardback books that are collections of comics?  I was wanting to get the OG Ninja Turtles and maybe the Civil War ones.  Are those trade paperbacks?

You've got it! However, there are hardcovers. You have hardcovers (HC), tradepaperbacks (TPB), and floppies (the standard comic).
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #64 on: November 19, 2013, 07:51:44 am »
I've got a stupid comic question.  I admit I don't know anything about these things.  Here it goes:
What do you call those hardback books that are collections of comics?  I was wanting to get the OG Ninja Turtles and maybe the Civil War ones.  Are those trade paperbacks?

You've got it! However, there are hardcovers. You have hardcovers (HC), tradepaperbacks (TPB), and floppies (the standard comic).

I didn't know there were different types.  That's very good to know.   

And what happened to your picture????  No more Ryu?


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #65 on: January 03, 2014, 02:10:48 am »


So Sinestro shows up on the final page of the latest issue. Awesome, I'm a huge GL fan and Sinestro is just a freaking bad-ass and knows it. And even cooler, it looks like he's still bonded to the Parallax entity.

But what I don't understand is what the heck he's doing on Earth. Why does he care at all that the Crime Syndicate is taking over Earth? There's nothing there to connect him to Earth. You may be thinking, "Maybe he's looking for some payback on Hal Jordan again." Maybe, but he wouldn't be on Earth to do that. Hal Jordan is in space, leading the GL Corps after The Guardians were killed by Sinestro. And Sinestro knows that, because he was there when it all went down.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #66 on: January 12, 2014, 09:08:30 pm »

SINESTRO Gets Ongoing Series In April

On the final page of last month’s Forever Evil #4 (to your right), Sinestro arrives on the Crime Syndicate-occupied Earth to face off against Power Ring. DC then asks the question teasing the next issue, “GUESS WHO WINS?”

While we can’t predict the winner, we can tell you Sinestro at least survives the fight, and comes out something of a winner because starting in April he’ll become the latest DC supervillain/sometimes anti-hero to headline his own ongoing series, further expanding the publisher's cosmic/Lantern family of titles.

Green Lantern #23.4: Sinestro

DC has confirmed that Sinestro, by the creative team of writer Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun, Marvel’s Magneto - yup, another villain book!) and artist Dale Eaglesham (Green Lantern #23.4: Sinestro) will debut on April 16.

We’ll be talking to Bunn (doing just his second DC work after a four-issue stint on 2011’s pre-New 52 Superman/Batman) for more details soon, but for now we can tell readers the new series finds Sinestro desperate having lost everything he’s ever loved – his home, family, and his only friend.

But his one-time enemy/one-time Sinestro Corps recruit Lyssa Drak (who played a prominent role in September’s Sinestro Villains Month one-shot) reminds him he’ll always have fear.

The series will follow the one-time Green Lantern as he either takes back the Yellow Lantern Corps, or forges whatever new destiny the universe has in store for him.

Look for that interview with Bunn and more information coming soon.

Awesome. I will be getting this one.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #68 on: January 25, 2014, 06:36:08 pm »
Picked up some stuff on CCL today:

-Amazing Spider-Man #397, 398 & 409 (which finishes my Clone Saga full-run! Awesome!)
-Fury of Firestorm #41 & 42 (COIE tie-ins)
-New Teen Titans (v2) #13 & 14 (COIE tie-ins)
-Superman #414 & 415 (COIE tie-ins)

And a few other filler titles for my collection. But those were the important ones since the Amazing Spider-Man purchases finishes my Clone Saga collection. And the COIE tie-in issues nearly do the same for that set.

And I need just 2 issues (out of 7) from the Infinity Inc. COIE tie-is, 3 more All-Star Squadrons (out of 7), and 3 Wonder Womans (which are all of them for WW, those have proven a little hard to track down out there). I even have the later Legends of the DC Universe Crisis Special that flew under a lot of people's radar and both Crisis Indexes. The original Crisis was one of the greatest super-hero stories ever told as far as I'm concerned, so this makes me happy!


Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #69 on: February 10, 2014, 11:01:38 pm »
I've rewatched the Spawn HBO series, and it's still as incredible as the first time I watched it. I highly recommend it, and the first season is on YouTube.

Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #70 on: February 26, 2014, 02:46:06 am »
i got into comic book collecting as a child and it was probably one of the first hobbies i ever had. it was fun while it lasted but i grew out of it for the most part. if i buy a comic i want it to be a collected volume.

some of my favorite books are batman year one, watchmen (of course), superman red son, dark knight returns, the sandman books and the akira manga. akira might be my favorite comic of all time actually. what a masterpiece


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #71 on: March 03, 2014, 02:33:08 am »
Just sold a couple things on eBay, and used the money for back-issues.

Filled in a lot of my JSA, All-Star Squadron, and JLA holes. I also got some more Crisis on Infinite Earths Tie-In Issues (1st appearance of The Monitor & 1st appearance of Lyla (Harbinger), among them).

Can't wait to read JLA: The Century War, JLA: Golden Perfect, and JLA: The Obsidian Age.

I also got a JSA story I'm looking forward to that fell under my radar somehow the first time around: Kingdom Coming which starts in the last 2 issues of "Magog" and end in the Justice Society of America Special. Supposedly the events leading to Kingdom Come are starting to unfold and the JSA has to stop it from happening.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #72 on: March 04, 2014, 01:22:32 am »
First comic book I had was given to me by a friend from the Philippines.  For some reason, I can't remember where I placed it when I was 10 years old.  For this reason, I am still sad that I lost my Peter Parker: Spider-Man comic book.   :'(

I don't think I can ever face my friend for losing such an awesome comic book.

Please check out the games I have for sale.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #73 on: March 08, 2014, 01:11:10 pm »
Added some comics to my collection.


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Re: The Comic Book Thread
« Reply #74 on: March 11, 2014, 12:34:56 am »
Bought and added these to my collection:

from 90snostalga.   ;D

Please check out the games I have for sale.