Author Topic: Sony's new and evil patent  (Read 4908 times)


Re: Sony's new and evil patent
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2013, 11:03:04 pm »
Sony are in a really tough spot right now. The PS3 didn't do so well because of the way they acted when they decided to take away some features on the PS3. They defied hackers and even dared them to try to hack them, it cost them Millions of dollars and a lot of bad advertising. Several of their websites were hacked as well and the hacking community basically targeted Sony for being so arrogant.
thats why can see them using this technology,they lost a lot of money and the removal second hand games would help them get that money back and we have seen time and time again they dont care for there fans with them just leaving account information txt files and the removal of other os

Nope.  Sony would effectively be cutting their own throats with this move.  They lost so much before simply because they promised certain features, then took them away.  Then had the audacity to throw that back in the consumers face.  If they implement the used game restriction, Sony would lose vastly more money from unsold consoles just sitting  on store shelves.  This would literally be Sony's death knell in the console market.

As long as the media stays physical I really don't see the used market going anywhere.  That is why they are pushing digital so much.  Which depending on how things go.  That may not even be the case as speculation is abound with the sales of used digital content.

No one knows what the future holds.

i dont think this would a day one thing but instead update for the ps4 after they
sold enough consoles

Can't agree with you there either.  The article states that it uses a contact-less tag in the games to record the unique ID of the console and the games disc.  If the numbers don't mach during a boot check then you're up a creek.  All without a network connection.  No need for an system update, the problem won't be attached to the hardware but the software. 

It's a very big if, that this gets implemented. I would say not in this coming generation at all, the next maybe, if it goes all digital used games sales are definite no. 

We are all grateful you brought this up because it shows us the direction that the companies are going and the steps they are willing to take to screw everyone.   Though, that being said.  Always question every article you read.  Remember these things are written to instill a sense of dread, to get the rumor mill working to generate hits and revenue.  This is deceptive pseudo journalism at it's finest. 


Re: Sony's new and evil patent
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2013, 01:37:00 am »
so... what happens if one of my ID's gets corrupted for one reason or another will i be up shit creek without a paddle
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 01:39:15 am by htimreimer »


Re: Sony's new and evil patent
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2013, 08:10:38 am »
In the event of that or a hardware malfunction.  That looks to be the case going on the information (what little of) provided.  :-\


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Re: Sony's new and evil patent
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2013, 09:00:18 am »
Sony are in a really tough spot right now. The PS3 didn't do so well because of the way they acted when they decided to take away some features on the PS3. They defied hackers and even dared them to try to hack them, it cost them Millions of dollars and a lot of bad advertising. Several of their websites were hacked as well and the hacking community basically targeted Sony for being so arrogant.
thats why can see them using this technology,they lost a lot of money and the removal second hand games would help them get that money back and we have seen time and time again they dont care for there fans with them just leaving account information txt files and the removal of other os

Nope.  Sony would effectively be cutting their own throats with this move.  They lost so much before simply because they promised certain features, then took them away.  Then had the audacity to throw that back in the consumers face.  If they implement the used game restriction, Sony would lose vastly more money from unsold consoles just sitting  on store shelves.  This would literally be Sony's death knell in the console market.

As long as the media stays physical I really don't see the used market going anywhere.  That is why they are pushing digital so much.  Which depending on how things go.  That may not even be the case as speculation is abound with the sales of used digital content.

No one knows what the future holds.

i dont think this would a day one thing but instead update for the ps4 after they
sold enough consoles

Can't agree with you there either.  The article states that it uses a contact-less tag in the games to record the unique ID of the console and the games disc.  If the numbers don't mach during a boot check then you're up a creek.  All without a network connection.  No need for an system update, the problem won't be attached to the hardware but the software. 

It's a very big if, that this gets implemented. I would say not in this coming generation at all, the next maybe, if it goes all digital used games sales are definite no. 

We are all grateful you brought this up because it shows us the direction that the companies are going and the steps they are willing to take to screw everyone.   Though, that being said.  Always question every article you read.  Remember these things are written to instill a sense of dread, to get the rumor mill working to generate hits and revenue.  This is deceptive pseudo journalism at it's finest.

Hate to say it, but you're right...IT'S ALL ABOUT TEH CLICKS  :'(
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"