Pinball Madness (PC [NA])
The Official Flashback: The Quest for Identity Strategy Guide (Strategy Guide)
Flashback: The Quest for Identity (Floppy disc version) (PC [NA])
Panic in the Park (PC [NA])
Innocent Until Caught (Floppy disc version with sticker) (PC [NA])
Ying Xiong Chuan Shuo: Kong zhi Gui Ji 3 - Deluxe Edition (PC [CN]
Over the Hedge (PC [NA])
Sonic Riders (PC [NA])
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Colonies Edition (PC [NA])
Mindscape CD-ROM Challenge Pack 2 (PC [NA])
Lawnmower Man, The (PC [NA])
Megapak 2 (PC [NA])
Lost File of Sherlock Holmes, The (Floppy Disc version) (PC [NA])
Wing Commander Armada (PC [KR]
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (PC [NA])
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude - Uncut and Uncensored! (PC [NA])
EA Games Collection, The (Small Box) (PC [NA])
Silent Hill: Book of Memories (PlayStation Vita [US]
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - Limited Collector's Edition (PC [NA])
iCarly - iDream in Toons (PC [NA])
Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon (Wal-Mart Exclusive) (PC [NA])
Beyond Normandy - Assignment Berlin (e-value release - India) (PC [NA])
Golden Compass, The (PC [NA])
Left Behind: Tribulation Forces (PC [NA])
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (PC [NA])
Bully: Scholarship Edition (PC [NA])
Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia (Southpeak Games header) (PC [NA])
Space Siege (PC [NA])
UberSoldier (PC [NA])
Action Arcade 5 Pak (PC [NA])
American McGee presents Bad Day L.A. (PC [NA])
Thanks to kimimi for helping me with Sora no Kiseki the 3rd's Mandarin title.