So I watched this last night, the documentary part (haven't got to the matches, yet).
Not bad, but I think it definitely could have been better. It was a documentary-style, that followed Sting around the WWE headquarters as he reminisced about his career (with of course added footage from the past where applicable).
I think it was very lacking, though. I was really hoping to learn some more about his WCW career during the blonde-years. But it skipped over a LOT of that.
It did give a lot about how his career began with body-building, teaming with Ultimate Warrior, and getting his start in Jerry Jarrett's organization. Then it talks about him getting into WCW. Thing is, it only really talks about his break-in match with Flair, then skips ahead to the big Starrcade build-up and match with Hogan in 1996, and his change into Crow Sting. Which is a career-defining match for him, no doubt. But I wanted to see stuff about his rivalries with The Great Mutah, Vader, and Cactus Jack. It then skips ahead to the final Nitro at Panama Beach. Totally skipping the stuff in-between with The Wolfpac, the WCW version of the Mega-Powers with him Hogan and Goldberg, and his violent rivalry with Vampiro. Surprisingly enough, Sting does at least mention his time with TNA, though. And then it skips ahead to his signing with WWE.
The match selection looks good, though. I look forward to that.
Did anyone else watch this? What are your thoughts on it?