Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 116821 times)


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #525 on: November 15, 2016, 02:48:31 pm »
Did you saw yesterday Raw ?, can't wait to see tonight's SmackDown anyway about cutting down the PPV's I like the idea, being honest there are so many and I don't even watch the NXT shows, always give priority to the ones of Raw and have missed two of SmackDown cause is not my favorite brand  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #526 on: November 15, 2016, 02:52:12 pm »
^ Haven't watched it yet. I usually watch my wrestling later in the week, after my sci-fi and superhero shows are watched. In other news...

I just got The WWE Network FREE until the end of January 31st!

And I've already claimed my free month, long ago. So this awesome!

I'm not sure how or why exactly, but I got an email (former subscriber) saying that I qualified for it. Sweet!

I had planned on ordering it anyways for Lesnar vs. Goldberg, but was waiting until the day of, to maximize my subscription time. REALLY glad I waited, now.

Anyone else get this offer?

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #527 on: November 15, 2016, 03:54:43 pm »
It's apparently given out to a few people who've let their subscription lapse for a few months.  I didn't get it myself as my subscription lapsed sometime before Hell in a Cell.  I don't watch Smackdown and Raw too much at the moment, I mostly just go to and get the news of what happens there.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #528 on: November 15, 2016, 09:47:40 pm »
I just got The WWE Network FREE until the end of January 31st!

And I've already claimed my free month, long ago. So this awesome!

Anyone else get this offer?

You lucky bastard no offense of course guess that I will never gonna qualify cause the only subscription that I have performed was the free one  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #529 on: November 16, 2016, 01:03:51 am »
Undertaker made an appearance on Smackdown to announce his return to kick some ass and made it clear to the Smackdown team that they need to beat down the guys at RAW.   Might even do something at Survivor Series.  Definitely another perk to watching Survivor Series this weekend.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #530 on: November 16, 2016, 03:36:29 pm »
Undertaker made an appearance on Smackdown to announce his return to kick some ass and made it clear to the Smackdown team that they need to beat down the guys at RAW.   Might even do something at Survivor Series.  Definitely another perk to watching Survivor Series this weekend.

Call me crazy but I got the idea/feeling that he's gonna take the place of old good Shane also you didn't mentioned that Sami is not going to battle against Ziggler, he's gonna fight against The Miz cause this mothafucka won the belt yesterday with a little help of the hottest Maryse, damn my wife was seeing me with those killer eyes that she has when a gorgeous or voluptuous lady appears on TV  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #531 on: November 16, 2016, 03:46:30 pm »
Damn, I didn't catch that.  Ziggler really didn't last long lol I'm cool with that as Miz vs Zayn should be fun.  I'm expecting interference, I just hope not.  That was practically every win for The Miz during his time and it gets annoying after awhile.  It killed Charlottes big streak for me, because Ric was getting involved in every single match.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 03:50:58 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #532 on: November 18, 2016, 12:03:32 pm »
Of course that will be interference from Maryse but I really don't care cause at the events she always looks outstanding anyway I almost forgot to say that there will be another match between The Brian Kendrick vs. Kalisto for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship where if Kalisto win SmackDown LIVE will get the entire Cruiserweight division, dunno if this one will be part of the Kickshow but indeed will see it too  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #533 on: November 18, 2016, 03:39:50 pm »
Both are good, so I'm curious to see who wins.  Could make the night interesting if Zayn wins over Miz, taking the IC Belt to Raw and if Kalisto wins, the Cruserweights go to Smackdown, though I feel like either won't happen.  Raw is the main shown and has the time available to fit the cruserweights into the show without cutting out anyone else.


Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #534 on: November 20, 2016, 01:01:34 pm »
Won't gonna be able to watch the show, at least not today cause my wife wants to go out and have a dinner at Taco Palenque so will avoid the Internet for the whole day until I download my copy of this event anyway here at my predictions for tonight show:

Brock Lesnar (with his fat and ugliest wife) vs. Goldberg: The last one has to win, somebody needs to teach Lesnar some manners.
5–on–5 Survivor Series elimination match: Raw will win this one for sure and not only because the super best friends KO & Y2J are there also because the ex Shield members are kinda trying to copy the friendship from Owens and Chris also don't forget that Strowman is there.
5–on–5 Survivor Series elimination match: SmackDown boobs team I mean Nikki Bella and Carmella, this will not going to be the typical bathroom match, maybe it will be but after it is over  :-*
Brian Kendrick vs. Kalisto: Kendrick for sure, as said before SmackDown doesn't have the time on air for the Cruiserweight division.
The Miz vs. Sami Zayn: Samy will definitely gonna bring the Intercontinetal championship to Raw also he needs a fucking belt.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #535 on: November 20, 2016, 02:45:32 pm »
I watched NXT Takeover last night and as always, a great show.  I don't think I saw a bad match.  That Tag Team Championship match though was likely the best match of the night, even though Nakamura vs Joe was great.  Kinda hoping with Joe winning, that it means we could see Nakamura moving up soon as I'd love to see someone else fighting for the belt.  Maybe we could see Roode pushing for it.

As for tonight, no real predictions for the big team matches, but I'd love for Goldberg to win.  As you said, Lesnar needs to be knocked down legit.  I'm tired of the Beast rampaging all the time and I feel this is the best they could do.  Honestly kinda tired with Suplex City. (What are you even going on about knocking Sable? lol)

I figure Kendrick will win, though I hope it's a good match.  If Kalisto doesn't mess up, he can be good.

And I'm guessing Zayn wins to be IC champion.  Think it's time to see him get some belt action.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #536 on: November 20, 2016, 07:04:47 pm »
There were apparently two kinda nothing matches on the kickoff show, where Kane beat Harper and there was a 3 on 3 Cruserweight match, but apparently nothing special.  Good to see Kalisto getting a title match on the main show.  It was bad when he was IC champion vs Ryback at Wrestlemania and with the issues that show had, they wrestled the kickoff in a half empty stadium.

Survivor Series is starting with the 5 on 5 Team Womens match.

Unrelated, but Finn Balor has apparently made an appearance in place of Mick Foley for an ICW show in Scotland, where he actually went into the ring.  Didn't fight other than hitting someone in the gut with a pipe, but him being in the ring is a good sign I think for his return eventually.

Slightly unrelated, but I might love Naomi's style.  One of the cooler looking outfit setups with the glowing intro and all the flair attached to it.  The loose fabric boots gives me an Ultimate Warrior vibe and she had like these tassle shoulder wear that made me think Macho Man.

Nia Jax might be the Stroman of the Raw team lol Kayfabe, Smackdown is definitely lacking a powerhouse.  I wish we could see like a Chyna type show up.  Chyna did men and women related stuff, but I think it would be great to mix up the sizes more like Jax brings.  Dana Brooke was apparently a bodybuilder, but never seemed to really have the build and she is TINY, like barely over 5 foot while Chyna was 6 foot.  Another 6 footer would tower over even a Nia Jax, though I understand why they wouldn't, since Jax is supposed to be this big powerhouse, when she's only 5'10", though when compared to most of the roster, she is still quite large.

Bayley vs Charlotte is clearly the next big push lol

Please tell me I'm not the only one who isn't on the Ellsworth express?  That he's legit signed...I don't know.  Has he even really wrestled? I know he got stomped by Stroman and there was a thing where he got wrecked and then given a win over Styles, but does he actually do anything?

Can we put Maryse into a cage suspended over the ring please? I am so fucking tired of interference wins.  When they do it like a dozen times in a row, it doesn't make me hate The Miz as a heel, it just makes me hate matches they participate in, because I know it's almost guaranteed to happen.

Kinda lame that Team Smackdown didn't get an intro really and wow...I thought they were gonna bury Smackdown, but they just booted New Day out of the fight right from the start.  The biggest guys on Raw next to Enzo and Cass in terms of popularity.  That's interesting, though I think this will be kind of a mess as huge team fights like this tend to be lol God damn, that Gable roll into suplex against Cesaro looked amazing lol  While it wasn't an amazing match, there were a few good spots here and there.  I loved the continued throws outside.  I think there were like 3 or 4 in a row lol

I feel like we could see a Smackdown win in the big singles match.  Smackdown can't get buried too hard or it just makes their second brand look too weak.  Kalisto won't win and Smackdown can't just have that scummy Miz win.  That's my prediction now.

Kinda love that every count-out is being chanted as "10" because of Tye Dillinger lol Yikes, the crowd is dead for the Cruiserweight Championship.  The quietest I've seen all weekend, though I didn't see the two kickoff matches.  A few good spots here though. And a Baron Corbin run-in to disqualify...Didn't he get injured or something which was why Shane was stepping in for the big team match? I don't...I don't know what is going on.

Owens and Jericho hugging in the ring.  The Bromance is real, I love their dynamic together lol It hasn't gotten old. Man, I thought the Reigns hate train had died down a little, but it's big in Toronto apparently lol Jesus Christ, Strowman chucked Styles out of the ring so haphazardly, he's incredibly lucky he missed his head all the way down the tumble.  It could've been nasty. RKO Out of Nowhere never gets old lol And another amazing jump from Shane.  I commend the guy for giving his all, but man...That's gotta be rough lol Okay, I laughed at Ellsworth causing a count out.  I still don't like this gimmicky mascot indie dude, but that was some good use for him. Man, I have to wonder if Shane actually was hurt.  That was a nasty hit he took from Reigns.

Oh Randy Orton...Your RKO's are a thing of pure joy and beauty.  While this big single battle was messy, there were a lot of good spots I thought.  More exciting than I was expecting and worth watching.

Don't know where Goldberg vs Lesnar will go, but I hope we get a good match.  I don't just want a million suplex's to happen.  Two spears on Lesnar right off the bat.  I'm so glad they aren't making Lesnar the unstoppable beast.  Both men need this, even if Lesnar wins.

WHAT WHAT WHAT.  I don't...Holy shit.  Spoilers for this, but holy crap that was an instant.  I guess they want to prolong this rivalry, but man.  That was just devastating.  While I would've rather had a proper fight, this is great story telling, this puts down Lesnar like it needed to oh so very much.  He's no longer the conqueror.  Interesting stuff.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2016, 10:28:50 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #537 on: November 21, 2016, 01:46:26 am »
In aftermath news, It does seem like Shane legit might've taken too big of a hit against Reigns.  He looked fairly out of and it was confirmed that Orton even consoled Shane's kids at ringside to reassure that he will be okay, breaking character.  He might've just taken a big header since he did make his way up the ramp with help and wasn't stretchered, but hope he's alright.  He can't keep doing these insane moves.  Probably his last go of it I'd say, but he did much more than I ever thought.

Also it looks like a guarantee that the Royal Rumble will see the Goldberg vs Lesnar rematch in January.  The squash made sense to do, even if it was disappointing.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 01:49:17 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #538 on: November 21, 2016, 12:45:15 pm »
Everyone seems to be praising the Goldberg vs. Lesnar match. I don't get it. 10 years ago, everyone was bitching about their match because it was so short. So what's different this time around?

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #539 on: November 21, 2016, 03:05:32 pm »
Everyone seems to be praising the Goldberg vs. Lesnar match. I don't get it. 10 years ago, everyone was bitching about their match because it was so short. So what's different this time around?

I think it's because of what comes afterwards, though I wouldn't "praise" the match, I'd just understand it's story potential.  The first time it was short and everyone hated it because they knew they were leaving afterwards.  This one is buildup to another big match and it was great at putting down Lesnar, of which this was the first time since Undertaker low blowed him I believe.  It knocked down the Beast, elevated Goldberg, and now the next one should hopefully be a proper match for both.