First off, no, this idea isn't *Entirely* original...
...I got the basic idea/"inspiration" for it from something I've seen at the PS3Trophies web-site.
What they do, is simply pick a "Member of the Month" (based on how many/how quickly they complete their games/"100%" / "Plat" them, how many guides/Faq's/walk-through's they write/contribute), etc.
Then, they have a 'standard' list of (iirc) 20 to 30 questions that the member answers/types out the answers to, and returns to them. Obviously, they're almost all questions & Answers on Trophy-Hunting.
I was thinking that something similar here could be both an enjoyable and informative extra 'feature' to look forward to, each month.
I think that here, though...just about any (of the "regulars", at least) could 'qualify'.
Doesn't matter if they edit/submit a ton of shit, are active in welcoming new members, are helpful in guiding people & answering questions, contribute lively & actively to keeping an interesting forum/community going, etc, etc, etc ===> so, in theory, (eventually) just about all active members would get their 5 minutes

Not only that...but it would be a "Super-Improved" version to the "Intro" section...
More people would get to know more about other users than they otherwise would have = finding more commonalities & topics for discussion that may have gone over-looked, etc...and, as new people continue joining the site (not really *knowing* anyone at 1st = they could easily read some "back" 'interviews' to quickly learn about older/other members)
I think, that even for the members writing/answering would be interesting to re-read them a year or 2 or 5 later to see where they were/how far they've come "collection-wise" since then, etc

Lastly, I was thinking, to make it a bit more random, friendly, and interesting...Have, say a single, *Stickied* thread w/ a list of potential users...with a "vote-by" date; deciding which user has the most interest in being heard from/getting to know better & more in depth, and/or "interviewed" each month.
This is just a bare bones idea...I'd love to hear any responses, ideas, criticisms, caveats, etc (Ex. Should there by any rules for a user to be eligible)?, etc...