Author Topic: Game Room Pics  (Read 204593 times)

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #375 on: August 25, 2013, 01:07:01 pm »
That bubble bobble painting/poster is so freakin cool stethebubble!
'i got it from comic con a few years ago. love artist alley.


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #376 on: August 26, 2013, 06:00:07 pm »
oh nice, we are having ours in Salt Lake City in two weeks.  I'll have to make my way over there.

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #377 on: August 27, 2013, 07:34:40 pm »
One of my shelves with a special custom place for some of my 2600 games:


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #378 on: September 01, 2013, 02:04:02 am »
Here is my collection as of August 2013...
Modern games

Retro games


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #379 on: September 01, 2013, 02:21:39 pm »
Good taste on the dead man. :)


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #380 on: September 02, 2013, 12:11:04 pm »
Love these pics being posted. Still holding off on mine, since my game room is also our living room and currently going through a transition and reorganizing phase.
SWFL Werewolf Gamer


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #381 on: September 04, 2013, 11:32:18 pm »
Good taste on the dead man. :)

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #382 on: October 05, 2013, 09:58:51 pm »
These are all pretty awesome! After seeing them it is quite hard to consider what I have a collection or even a game room, haha. I have about 30 - 35 games total, but I do love em all. I may try to post some pics of my room, (or man cave as my wife calls it), at some point, but it is quite lacking compared to these. Can't wait to see more...these all rock!


PRO Supporter

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #383 on: October 05, 2013, 10:06:13 pm »
These are all pretty awesome! After seeing them it is quite hard to consider what I have a collection or even a game room, haha. I have about 30 - 35 games total, but I do love em all. I may try to post some pics of my room, (or man cave as my wife calls it), at some point, but it is quite lacking compared to these. Can't wait to see more...these all rock!

You're probably WAY more sane than the rest of us. Quality over Quantity


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #384 on: October 05, 2013, 11:04:12 pm »
These are all pretty awesome! After seeing them it is quite hard to consider what I have a collection or even a game room, haha. I have about 30 - 35 games total, but I do love em all. I may try to post some pics of my room, (or man cave as my wife calls it), at some point, but it is quite lacking compared to these. Can't wait to see more...these all rock!

You're probably WAY more sane than the rest of us. Quality over Quantity

Definitely.  I still do not know why I have a shelf full of Genesis sports games...
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #385 on: October 06, 2013, 10:58:13 pm »
Alright, well here goes:

Here is one angle of my man cave, (I suppose it isn't quite a game room):

And another angle:

Here are my consoles, though I have an NES, (barely works), and an N64, (no games):

My small Disney Infinity collection:

My wife and I have a Star Wars figure collection to the right of the Infinity stuff, couldn't get a full picture though:

Skyward Sword poster with a Gamestop The Last Story advertisement on top:

To the left of my tv console I have my World of Warcraft CEs, (I don't play anymore):

And then to the left of that on another wall is my book shelf:

Behind the couch is my case with my games:

Wii games:

My little Link with a few LE boxes:

Wii U games, (I order Tekken Tag Tournament 2 today), and my few 3DS games:

Gamecube games and 360 games:

My small Final Fantasy VIII shelf, (favorite JRPG of all time). I also have some little crystal red Coke figures, but haven't found em since the move:

Burger King Lord of the Rings goblets with the books, (my dads books actually, bought in the 60s or 70s, can't recall) on top of the case:

And last, my PC, (I do a little gaming on it, though not as much as I once did), and my 3DS xl:

And that is about it. I ordered two little Zelda figures that look to size with the Wind Waker HD Ganondorf, (I ordered Tetra and Link, though I think they are from Phantom Hourglass technically), and I plan to set them up between my Wii U games and my Gamecube games. Not quite as awesome as these game rooms I have seen here, but it is quite cozy. Sorry the pics are kinda big, couldn't figure out how to adjust the size.


PRO Supporter

Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #386 on: October 07, 2013, 02:37:36 am »
Very nice.  I really like the Star Wars stuff. In the years Before the Boy (now referred to as BB) I had a nice little room with all of my Star Wars stuff out. It's all in totes in the attic now. Kids steal all the fun.
  Everyone else's room is all clean, neat, and homie. Mine is a jumbled mess with a refrigerator and a treadmill in it.


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #387 on: October 20, 2013, 11:15:27 am »
Been working on mine a bit ;)


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #388 on: October 20, 2013, 02:53:36 pm »
That SEGA sign doesnt fit in that collection. I am willing to help you out and allow you to ship it to me free of charge.


Re: Game Room Pics
« Reply #389 on: October 21, 2013, 12:10:09 am »
Great looking collections denniedarko and forte. Just a heads up forte, there are a couple other games besides mega man out there :D