Anybody here pick up
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk yet?
Just wondering...
The last 3 '
Atelier' games (
Totori, and
Meruru); I'd pre-ordered the LE's of...right around the time it became possible to do so.
It's no secret here that I like
N1 - and that I enjoy supporting them, and that I'm usually pretty quick to do so.
The *anomaly* (well, actually there's several) with this newest Atelier game are:
A. It's the 1st game in a new "arc". The last 3 games (mentioned above) made up the 3 games in the "Arland" arc.
- Now, this is nothing unusual, as the Atelier games have been known to come out in story arcs of 3's (The 3 "Iris" games, the 3 "Arland" games), etc.
- (Presumably), this is/should be the 1st/opening game in the next set/arc of 3 (iirc, it's to be called either the "Dusk" or "Twilight World") trilogy.
B. More significantly and *controversially* (because..."
gamers"), is the fact that, since the last 3 (Arland) games,
GUST (the company making the games), has been bought-out/taken-over by...
- When this became common knowledge, there was the (usual & expected) high amount of threads, sites, forums, blogs, and the (*God damnit! I'm so sick & tired of*) OPINIONS stated & posted as FACTS, etc. of our brother "pundits" of the gaming industry (read: the "
keyboard-kowboyz" (read: *MY* term for the equivalent of "
armchair" fill-in-the-blanks, "
Couch Coaches/Crusaders" and/or "jailhouse lawyers" types of things:)
Setting sites & web-spaces everwhere aflame with their hypothesizing (they'll actually begin with a "
Now, this is just me guessing & speculating here, but")...
...and then *STILL* finish their sentence/statement by...yep, ya' guessed it...stating whatever guesses & opinions they just talked*FACTS*
YES! This vexes me to no end - and is one of my most-hated pet peeves *Raaawwwr*

Anyhow, coming back in from the tangent/rant that I went off on...
- TK really didn't (to my knowledge, at least) market/advertise the game at all, since they were the "Localizers" (instead of NISA) this time...there was no LE and/or any extras for the established fan-base (admittedly, small & niche here in the West), and (apparently) they committed one of the most heinous & un-forgiveable sins by...
...dropping/cutting the option to play/switch-over to a Japanese dub of the game

Personally - I just don't give a shit about this, as I've never understood the appeal & importance (and, I actually seem to be in the minority on this side of the issue) of being able to play a game in a language that I don't understand

Maybe, if some of you here *do* find/understand the importance of this...please do share it here

- I "get" that losing & receiving *less* options is never a good or consumer-friendly thing,
- I can totally understand why something like this would bother those fluent in Japanese and bi-lingual gamers,
- I can understand (and even join the masses:) in complaining about the lowering of the "norm"/what we have come to expect from previous installments of certain games & series, by certain companies/localizers,
- I just don't get why those who don't/can't speak, read, or understand Japanese in the 1st place...would go so far as to try and form "
boycotting movements", and, not only just vote w/ their wallet themselves (by not buying the game) -but- by also trying to convince as many as possible to do the same, because...
there's no option for them to play the a language that they don't even knowAs always, just my 2 cents (and, yes...I do realize that I'm losing $ here since every time I give my 2 cents...all that I ever get is a penny for my thoughts:)
Thanks, fellow vgcollectors for, once again, tolerating my racing jumbles of words & feelings that never fail to = a RANT