Anyone want to rate my Sega Genesis collection?
I'm not nearly as big of a Sega fan as I am a Nintendo fan (when it comes to the old school systems); that's not to say I don't like Sega, though, I do. I never had the intention of going for a huge Sega Genesis collection. But the games are just so cheap and available, I just kind of built up one.
Oh, and a lot of the multiplatform games I have on SNES.
Here's what I have:
-After Burner II
-Altered Beast
-Batman Returns
-Bio-Hazard Battle
-Comix Zone
-Cool Spot
-Crue Ball
-Eternal Champions
-Golden Axe
-Golden Axe 2
-Lightening Force (Thunder Force IV)
-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
-Mortal Kombat (I have #3 on SNES, unfortunately, I don't have #2 yet)
-Raiden Trad
-Rastan Saga II
-The Revenge of Shinobi
-Rocket Knight Adventures
-Sonic the Hedgehog
-Sonic the Hedgehog 2
-Sonic the Hedgehog 3
-Sonic & Knuckles
-Sonic Spinball (I have Sonic 3D Blast on my Saturn)
-Space Harrier II
-Spider-Man (1991)
-Streets of Rage
-Streets of Rage 2
-Thunder Force II
-Vectorman 2
-Virtua Racing
-Wings of Wor
-X-Men 2: The Clone Wars
EDIT: Added a few I forgot the first time.