Author Topic: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?  (Read 18767 times)


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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions? survival horror
« Reply #105 on: March 27, 2013, 06:57:02 pm »
i'm surprise that no one ever talks about system shock or system shock 2 when it comes to survival horror, these are some of the best examples out there

I've brought it up at least once or twice in other threads. SS2 is easily among the best games ever made, as far as I'm concerned.


Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions? survival horror
« Reply #106 on: March 27, 2013, 11:06:14 pm »
i'm surprise that no one ever talks about system shock or system shock 2 when it comes to survival horror, these are some of the best examples out there

I've brought it up at least once or twice in other threads. SS2 is easily among the best games ever made, as far as I'm concerned.

Survival Horror is my favorite genre and to be completely honest, I've never played either title. IDK why, exactly. I just never remember they're out there!


Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #107 on: March 27, 2013, 11:13:18 pm »
Oh goodness. What have I walked into? My noobish self has this to say:

- I despise Resident Evil 1 and 2. Just about everything about them: the camera angles, the controls,..., the graphics...
- I think Silent Hill 2 is overrated. Don't get me wrong, I love the characters, the plot and the music, but I always thought the original Silent Hill was so much better, if not the best one in the series...

I'm not disagreeing...just thought it was funny :)

Welcome to the site!


Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #108 on: March 29, 2013, 04:52:16 pm »
Mine are more business and technology related and also the driving forces behind my ambitious idea to eventually to it all myself.

#1 The area of beta testing needs to use the Bungie template as a strict guide and not deviate from it. Only improve. Beta testers should not be afraid to be outright brutal with their criticisms, so long as they know what they are talking about.
#2 Nintendo really REALLY needs to get over its identity crisis and choose either kids or core gamers. They clearly are no longer capable of addressing both needs without shorting one of them.
#3 Now that Euclidean has shown us that true virtual 3D matter is possible in a environment and it is also possible to translate polygon to digital matter, can we please PLEASE see a move in this direction at the end of the PS4 lifespan. That is where my personal project is already looking.
#4 Consoles really need to evolve at the core hardware and take what has been done with PlayStation 4 and make it scalable technology. In other words, make that computer core removable and a fully functional portable system itself already. If I can see the technology is there, then so can all these R&D people.
#5 "Behold a new Windows operating system." No its NOT. to this day Windows cannot run without DOS being the middle man. Make a clean break already and truly create a whole new operating system and stop saying its new cutting edge technology. Same goes for Xbox. You people had something with the first one and didn't bother to build on that. Instead Xbox software is now stuck in the same rut as Windows.

I think that be it for the moment. Oh look mangled bloody bodies everywhere *shrugs*
SWFL Werewolf Gamer


Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #109 on: April 02, 2013, 12:55:59 am »
Oh goodness. What have I walked into? My noobish self has this to say:
- I don't like a lot of cartridge games, despite having grown up on the N64.
- I don't think the Angry Video Game Nerd is all that funny.

Oh my dear friend, you poor soul. Even tho I agree with everything there
EXCEPT FOR THE CARTRAGE COMMENT, Carts are my bread and butter and i do love them. :)
And the AVGN comment, he's the reason I got interested in retro games, he caught my eye and showed me the wonders :)

Also here's my take on this thread,

I actually think ET for Atari 2600 isn't that bad of a game, there I said it. :/
I'm more of a hardware collector than a game collector. I collect consoles of all colors of the rainbow! Woo!


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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #110 on: April 08, 2014, 01:14:23 pm »
I mostly hate the JRPG stereotypes that have dominated the genre. I hate super-cuticized characters. I hate overly complicated political storylines (especially when those complicated storylines don't mirror the real government at all). I hate games that have random battles every 2 seconds. And I'm not a fan of Atlus or the Final Fantasy series (at least not since FF turned into a love-story-fest).

A JRPG has to have a really good story, or some sort of unique gameplay hook for me to really like it.

As much as a "hardcore" collector and gamer that I am; you'd think I'd be all about the JRPGs like most gamers.

Don't get me wrong, though, I don't hate them all. I still have a handful of favorites: Dragon Warrior IV, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Legaia, Golden Sun.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 01:16:31 pm by burningdoom »

Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #111 on: April 08, 2014, 02:03:00 pm »
The Bioshock and Halo series are extremely over rated. There was nothing original from either franchise that makes them a must play.

Not sure if the next item is an unpopular opinion or not because there's a lot of people who hate COD but....
COD as ruined a generation of FPS gamers. It trained players to want continuous rewards and now when they go play another FPSs they dislike them basically because they're not COD/Battlefield consistently spoon feeding them. Now I can't play a online FPS like Team Fortress 2 or Red Orchestra 2 without someone b****ing about the game not being fast enough, no/slow unlock system, no kill streaks, unable to win, et cetera.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 02:15:33 pm by badATchaos »


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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #112 on: April 08, 2014, 02:10:16 pm »
^I LOVE the Halo series. Such a cool sci-fi setting and epic sci-fi story running through those. Halo 2 is especially satisfying for the epic thrill-ride story you get out of it. And it always had great production values including the unforgettable music.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 03:55:35 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #113 on: April 08, 2014, 02:17:40 pm »
The gaming..."community" is a funny & fickle thing since "hipsters" & 'Followers' very often will try to jump on the nearest bandwagon, to make someting unpopular popular and/or try to trash something popular, just 'cuz - you's popular  :o

Surely it's no coincidence that you can't make a "FANatic" w/o a "FAN:D

One of the funniest sigs that I've seen recently was (something to the effect of):

"If you really wan't to become disillusioned with & lose interest + respect for ANY one of your favorite games/series ==> simply spend some time socializing with & getting to know that "community's" won't need to spend much time reading, seeing, & listening to never want to be around and/or associated with any of them ever again"   :P
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #114 on: April 08, 2014, 02:23:23 pm »
GameCube: a sexy system or the sexiest system?


Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #115 on: April 08, 2014, 03:06:38 pm »
First, let me say I really dislike the terms "underrated" and "overrated" because frankly, they're meaningless.  People use them as if there's some metric you can use to scientifically show something is one or the other.  All it means when you say something is overrrated is "I don't like this thing as much as the majority".  Which is fine, but just say that instead, it sounds less...arrogant.  ;) 

BTW, I believe Bioshock is the greatest new franchise this generation and could expound for hours on why I believe that, but to each their own.  ;D

I also wouldn't say the majority of gamers like JRPGs - they are very niche (just look at the sales numbers) and I'd say they're even moreso now than they were 10 years ago.  JRPG fans are vocal, that's all.

Now here's a few cases where I differ from the majority:

I hate The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  It feels absolutely lifeless to me - and this isn't a case of the game being dated, I felt the same when it first came out.  Was a huge disappointment to me after LttP.  Majora's Mask is by far the best Zelda on the N64. 

I also dislike Mario 64.  The constant cycle of being kicked out of a world just to have to go back into it really turns me off.  I felt Spyro was a far superior series at the time.

Not to just pick on Nintendo & sound like a Sony fanboy - I absolutely hate Shadow of the Colossus.  Extremely boring game IMO, just boss fights & empty areas make it feel like a half-finished game to me.  ICO I loved, SotC I can do without. 

I really tend to dislike "artsy" games - Journey and Limbo are two good examples of this, I didn't "get" either one of them.  I enjoyed the gameplay in Braid, but thought the story was hipster rubbish that was completely unnecessary. 

Final Fantasy VIII is the best FF on the PSOne.  Deal with it.  :P

Chaos Legion is an incredible game that you probably didn't play but should have.

Deadly Premonition isn't good, and it isn't "so bad it's good" - when it comes to games, there's no such thing.  It's just plain bad. 

The 3D Ninja Gaiden games are wanna-be Devil May Cry's - and they're not as good.

The same goes for God of War. 

Coke is far superior to Pepsi, but Mt. Dew is way better than Mellow Yellow. 

People who put salt on fruit are communists.  Don't turn your back on them.

"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #116 on: April 08, 2014, 03:24:24 pm »
-Xbox 360 is one of the worst consoles ever made
-Call of Duty is garbage
-Halo franchise has gone down hill since it started trying to be like Call of Duty
-Heavy Rain, Indigo Prophecy, and Beyond: Two Souls are bad and anyone who likes them should be ashamed of themselves
-Halo 4 was laughably bad
-Pokemon is a game for babies
-Dishonored was one of the most boring and disappointing games I've ever played.
-2D fighting games are obsolete
-Minecraft is boring
-Goat Simulator is fun for the first 45 minutes (its boring after that)
-I don't understand why people like the legend of Zelda franchise so much. How can people say the legend of Zelda games are "amazing" when the protagonist lacks any kind of character development?
-Half Life 2 is overrated
-"unlockable" items in multiplayer games are a gimmeck and are a really lazy way to get people to keep playing a game
-Bad Company 2 will always be the best FPS multiplayer game to me
-Left 4 Dead is simply a hallway shooter with random spawning. This does not mean it has high replay value nor does it mean it is good.
-Bioshock Infinite is pretentious
-I enjoyed lost planet 1 & 2
-People who are impressed by good graphics are idiots.
-The ending to Mass Effect 3 isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be. I'm not saying its good, I'm saying that most people are just butt hurt fanboys who need to calm down.
-Grand Theft Auto 5 isn't a good game. It's just a bunch of assholes doing stuff.


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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #117 on: April 08, 2014, 03:29:10 pm »
I really loved this thread.  I went back and re-read the whole thing.  Soera really pissed some folks off with his opinions.  That was good times. 

Glad to see this one come back from the dead.

Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #118 on: April 08, 2014, 03:49:52 pm »
If over 50% of your games come from gamestop, you can not consider yourself a gamer.
The Xbox 360 is a huge pile of crap.  Microsoft needs to stick to computer stuff and get the hell out of the console gaming business.

Ummm, no.

1) Most of my PS2, 360, PS3, & PSP titles have come from GS. B2G1 free? Yes please.

2) The 360 is a fantastic console with the best online experience for any console to date. It also has the best controller I've ever used. Most of the multi-platform titles released on the 360 and PS3 are better on the 360 as most of them are actually designed to run on the 360 first. This isn't true of every game, but I would bet that over 50% of them fit into this category. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never had an issue with either of my 360s. I've been gaming for a long time and there's a reason I have over 100 360 games and 36 PS3 games. I don't hate the PS3 at all, it's also a great console. However, Microsoft absolutely nailed it with the 360 and I'm hoping that their next console can do the same thing.

It's fun to hate on the big boys until you consider the facts :)

Some very serious problems with what you said.

1) The xbox 360 had an atrocious failure rate. Microsoft reported that 30% of their consoles  failed within 3 years but in actuality it was much higher. Many people didn't bother with the replacement process because it was so slow and cumbersome. Personally, I said screw it and just bought another 360 because I didn't want to wait 2 months to get a new one.

2) The multiplayer experience was better BECAUSE YOU PAID FOR IT! the PS3 may not have had better multiplayer support BUT IT WAS FREE!

3) Yes, many games are better on the 360, but that does not mean the 360 is better console. The fact that Bethesda said it wasn't going to patch Skyrim on the PS3 does not mean the 360 is better.


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Re: Do You Have Any Unpopular Gaming Opinions?
« Reply #119 on: April 08, 2014, 03:59:01 pm »
hate The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  It feels absolutely lifeless to me - and this isn't a case of the game being dated, I felt the same when it first came out.  Was a huge disappointment to me after LttP.  Majora's Mask is by far the best Zelda on the N64. 

I also dislike Mario 64.  The constant cycle of being kicked out of a world just to have to go back into it really turns me off.  I felt Spyro was a far superior series at the time.

Me too. And before the N64 (and after in some cases), I was a HUGE Mario and Zelda fan.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 04:29:05 pm by burningdoom »