Author Topic: Recently completed/finished  (Read 221677 times)


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #885 on: December 09, 2015, 04:06:50 pm »
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD finished. Thoughts to follow in another post.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #886 on: December 10, 2015, 09:27:59 am »
As promised, some thoughts on my recent finishing (and platinum-ing) of Final Fantasy Type 0. I'm going to attempt to be as spoiler free as possible.

For a game being heralded as an HD port, most of the graphics have a weird look. Like, everyone is really shiny. Square knows how to make gorgeous graphics and during the multiple movies, things were wonderful. The regular graphics weren't bad, but like I said, they were weird. Also, nearly every environment looked the same aside from Akedemia. The music was awesome. This is a soundtrack worth hunting down, even if you're not a Final Fantasy fan.

The story was strong but predictable. Being part of the FNC sub-series, I thought it was cool seeing things like Focus, l'Cie, Pulse and other terms outside of the FFXIII world. On the other hand, they left a lot of questions unanswered.

Combat was strong. It felt like a tighter version of Crisis Core. Queen was my go-to character, but I would have liked to have experimented with others such as Machina, Rem, King or Trey.

In terms of the platinum, it felt like I did barely anything. I was missing so much data for the characters, the historic compendium, the monster list, and so on. I don't feel compelled enough to go a New Game Plus, but I do like that everything carries over on later files.

Other thoughts:
*The game is so exploitable, it's insane. You can get all of your characters to level 99 in a few hours. Furthermore, you can farm SPP, Gil, and other collectables automatically
*I wanted more character interactions between everyone
*Speaking of interaction, I thought it was funny that only two or three cadets would appear on the screen at a time during the story sequences
*Despite all of Class Zero being unique with their own weapons, moves, skills, etc. all of the customization was hardly needed thanks to having Avoid and Thundaga

Anyway, I'll create a review at some point.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #887 on: December 13, 2015, 12:29:42 pm »
Completed recently:

Shovel Knight (PS4)

Cleared the game, no 100%. The game is very hardcore if you want the Platinum, it's clearly speed-run oriented, I'm not gonna invest enough time to try it. Started the Plague of Shadows DLC, it's as much awesome as the main game ♥

Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's cut (PS4)

Cleared the game with 100% items, 2 endings and unlocked the magic mode (outfit below). I may speed-run the game for 2 other endings, it's not so hard and a lot of fun.

Driveclub (PS4)

Cleared the Driveclub tour 100% with 225/225 . I can now start one of the numerous the expansion packs. Best arcade racer I've played in a long time.



Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #888 on: December 14, 2015, 12:40:12 pm »
Finished Metroid Prime last night! Really a fantastic game, enjoyed it a lot
Currently Playing:
Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #889 on: December 14, 2015, 02:01:33 pm »
Finished Metroid Prime last night! Really a fantastic game, enjoyed it a lot

One of the best games, period.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #890 on: December 22, 2015, 09:21:37 am »

Finally completed the Platinum of Muramasa: Rebirth! What a fantastic game.

Now I got 4 expansions to complete on that one...


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #891 on: December 22, 2015, 09:34:46 am »
I platinumed South Park: The Stick of Truth & Fairy Fencer F.

I'm one really grindy trophy away from platting Dungeon Travellers 2 (kill 20,000 enemies), and I'm playing Awakened Fate Ultimatum.

Maybe Lost Dimension or Disgaea 5 next...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #892 on: December 22, 2015, 09:42:09 am »
Last night, I got my platinum trophy in Dark Souls. The timer said it took about 100 hours, but I'm thinking it was around 60 to 70 since the game doesn't have a pause function. Still, it was a long and rewarding journey and one that I would absolutely do all over again.

I was hesitant to start with a pyromancer, but I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone. The balance of magic and quick attacks was great in the long run. I got to channel my inner Hikaru and shout, "Honoo no Ya!" after every spell. It was really fun making a character look the way I wanted to and equipping all of those unique sets of weapons and armor. By the end of the game, my character had a fashionable but practical look that I am very proud of: the gold-hemmed hood, silver knight armor, crystalline gloves and paladin boots. The weapon was the Titanite Catch Pole, which was so much fun to wield. If anyone intends to play Dark Souls in the future, the odds of you getting one of these is slim but if you do, enjoy it.

As expected, the game was hard. It was brutal. It was downright mean. But I never stopped having fun. Well, scratch that. The only time I wanted to stop playing was the first time I fought Smough & Ornstein. Even with the assistance of Solaire, S&O is a battle of luck and endurance. My second time only took me a couple of tries to get them down. I was very pleased. I knew that if I was able to get passed that hurdle, the platinum was as good as mine. The rest of the boss battles ranged from surprisingly straightforward to, "Holy the hell did I just emerge victorious from that...?" Even standard enemies weren't to be messed with.

My favorite area was The New Londo Ruins. I think all involved in the survival horror genre should take a note from that area because it was creepy. The ghosts, the banshees, the Dark Wraith Knights, the giant mass o' souls and the sounds that enveloped the area were stuff from nightmares. I really hope that Dark Souls II, III and/or Bloodborne have an area like that. My least favorite area was Blighttown. The dropping frame rate was bad enough, but having to trudge through the swamps and be subjected to poison/toxin was miserable. At least it was easy to skip.

Some final, random thoughts:
*Quelag's Fury Sword was a weapon everyone recommended, but I didn't like it as much as the catch pole
*Some of the trophies were easy to obtain by tricking the system; that's how I managed to obtain ultimate crystal, enchanted, magic, etc. weapons
*Despite it's difficulty, I find Dark Souls to be easier than Demon's Souls

I'm going to hold off on Dark Souls II for a while. I'm not sure what game I'm going to play next, but I know one thing: it has some big shoes to fill. Dark Souls was magnificent.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #893 on: December 22, 2015, 01:49:13 pm »
*Despite it's difficulty, I find Dark Souls to be easier than Demon's Souls

Indeed, Demon's is the King of Souls games, the hardest, the darkest, simply the best! Collecting those weapons with pure tendency requirements or lizard hunting for the endgame craft was quite something compared to the sequels.

Just too bad that I could kill the hardest enemy in the game at level 12 only with HEADBUTT!

I'm going to hold off on Dark Souls II for a while. I'm not sure what game I'm going to play next, but I know one thing: it has some big shoes to fill. Dark Souls was magnificent.

If you play Dark Souls II, please try Scholar of the first Sin complete version, it's the definitive version of the game and all the additions really make the game shine in the high level areas.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #894 on: December 22, 2015, 03:35:16 pm »
If you play Dark Souls II, please try Scholar of the first Sin complete version, it's the definitive version of the game and all the additions really make the game shine in the high level areas.

Funnily enough, I learned of that game the day my copy of vanilla Dark Souls II arrived. Now I feel like I wasted my money in getting that version since the Scholars version seems to have more stuff.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #895 on: December 24, 2015, 04:25:48 pm »
I finished Fatal Frame. I hate that it was so short, but it was great and really creepy. I'm anxious to check out the other two on the PS2.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #896 on: December 28, 2015, 01:33:57 pm »
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance wearing a Mariachi suit fuck yeah  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #897 on: December 28, 2015, 02:12:44 pm »
BurningDoom's 2015 Beaten Games List:
1.Strikers 1945 (PS1)
2. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)
3. Monster In My Pocket (NES)
4. Shovel Knight (Wii U)
5. Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
6. Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
7. New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
8. Arcade Hits Pack: Gunblade NY & LA Machine Guns (Wii)
9. Rock Band: Metal Track Pack (PS2)
10. Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation (DS)
11. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U)
12. King's Field: The Ancient City (PS2)
13. NES Remix (Wii U)
14. NES Remix 2 (Wii U)
15. The Legend of Zelda - 2nd Quest (NES)
16. Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare (XBox 360)
17. ECW Hardcore Revolution (GBC)
18. Resident Evil (GameCube)
19. Resident Evil 2 - Dual-Shock Edition (PS1) - Both Scenarios A & B
20. Final Fantasy (GBA)
21. Dynasty Warriors 5 (PS2)
22. Mega Man Legends 2 (PS1)
23. Final Fantasy 2 (GBA)
24. Spyro the Dragon (PS1)
25. Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth (N64)
26. Brutal Legend (XBox 360)
27. Sonic Colors (DS)
28. Batman: Arkham Knight (XBox One)
29. Halo 5: Guardians (XBox One)
30. Ryse: Son of Rome (XBox One)
31. Walking Dead: Season One (XBox One)
32. Wolfenstein: The New Order (XBox One)

33. Samurai Warriors 2 (Xbox 360)

And when I say I beat it, I mean I completed every single character's story mode. All 24 of them. Very basic beat-em up/hack-n-slash, yet addicting game. The upgrade/store system really drives you to keep going.

Not much new here (but that's not a bad thing). It's basically Dynasty Warriors, but with that added upgrade/store system I told you about. And set in Feudal Japan rather than Ancient China. It's also an early 360 release, so don't expect graphics that are gonna knock your socks off, but it gets the job done.

Liked it so much that it made me go and order Warriors Orochi for my 360.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #898 on: December 28, 2015, 02:59:31 pm »
Not much new here (but that's not a bad thing). It's basically Dynasty Warriors, but with that added upgrade/store system I told you about. And set in Feudal Japan rather than Ancient China. It's also an early 360 release, so don't expect graphics that are gonna knock your socks off, but it gets the job done.

Liked it so much that it made me go and order Warriors Orochi for my 360.

Yeah I'm currently playing Samurai Warriors 4 on PS4 and I'm having a lot of fun with it, I foud out that Musou can be really addicting !

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #899 on: December 29, 2015, 12:35:56 pm »
The GBA port of Final Fantasy VI. it was worth the $35 to replace the loading times of the PSP version.