'82 here (for some reason I thought you'd all be older...?

80s movie? Back to the Future II
80s cartoon? Simpsons
80s TV Show? Quantum Leap
80s band? Paula Abdul/Janet Jackson back then... Smiths/Morrissey now

80s clothing trend? Fingerless gloves (I still sport knit ones when I have the chance)
80s game? Tetris
90s movie? Independence Day
90s cartoon? Daria (soooo many others! I miss Liquid Television so much)
90s TV Show? X-Files
90s band? Boys II Men in the early 90s, Radiohead in the late 90s (crazy to think of them now as a "90s band")
90s clothing trend? I kinda miss wallet chains and the nicer looking grunge stuff
90s game? Chrono Cross