I made a list of everyone who has posted here that is ordered by online ID so that people could quickly check who someone on their friend's list is in case they don't recognize them. Then I thought maybe it would be more useful to sort by forum name in case you want to quickly add someone to your friend lists. Therefore I've now got two lists that you might find useful, though this thread isn't all that long so it's not so hard to flip through the pages. I only included Xbox Live, PSN, and Steam though so you'll still have to search for Nintendo friend codes

Mostly I was trying to figure out who sent me a Xbox Live friend request but it doesn't appear to be anyone at vgcollect.
Alphabetized by forum usernamesXbox Liveamauriel = Amauriel
azai392 = Azai392
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
darko = Darko2424
desocietas = Desocietas
ffxik = Kovalt Remora
foxhack = FoxhackDN
iskelly87 = dontxblink
jaydepps = Flyersfan1975
jcalder8 = BuckyBKatt
jobocan = jobocan1
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar2
ko1ru = ko1ru
matt = mattcakes
mkarasch = Olodumare
psydswipe = Psydswipe
scott = Wyrmm
sin2beta = sin2beta
spire = Spire VII
teknophyl = Teknophyl
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
tpugmire = tpugmire
turf = TURF1218
PlayStation Networkamauriel = Amauriel
anton = Red-Dawn-d-_-b
clanhuntercrio = Clanhunter Crio
climhazard = Climhazard88
desocietas = Deso31
disgaeniac = disgaeniac
dkdrum = dkdrum1983
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
gaiages = Slayn_Bacon
iskelly87 = iSkelly87
jaydepps = Jaydepps
jobocan = Jobocan
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar
madmax = madmax12ca
mkarasch = TheCrashes
psydswipe = Psydswipe
scott = Ryglore
spire = Spire_VII
thecollectorO07 = Azurealec
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
urbanchaos = JSMarsolais
Steamamauriel = Amauriel
azai392 = Azai392
blitz_bomb = spire
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
climhazard = Climhazard
desocietas = Desocietas
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
foxhack = Foxhack
iskelly87 = dontxblink
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
kirbysuperstar = twigfigure
madmax = madmax12ca
matt = madk
psydswipe = Psydswipe
Ryglore = scott
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
varkias = Varkias4066
Alphabetized by online IDXbox LiveAmauriel = amauriel
Azai392 = azai392
BuckyBKatt = jcalder8
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Darko2424 = darko
Desocietas = desocietas
dontxblink = iskelly87
Flyersfan1975 = jaydepps
FoxhackDN = foxhack
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
jobocan1 = jobocan
Kirbysuperstar2 = kirbysuperstar
ko1ru = ko1ru
Kovalt Remora = ffxik
mattcakes = matt
Olodumare = mkarasch
Psydswipe = psydswipe
sin2beta = sin2beta
Spire VII = spire
Teknophyl = teknophyl
tpugmire = tpugmire
TURF1218 = turf
Wyrmm = scott
PlayStation NetworkAmauriel = amauriel
Azurealec = thecollectorOo7
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Climhazard88 = climhazard
Deso31 = desocietas
disgaeniac = disgaeniac
dkdrum1983 = dkdrum
Evilbobbins = evilbobbins
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
iSkelly87 = iskelly87
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
JSMarsolais = urbanchaos
Kirbysuperstar = kirbysuperstar
madmax12ca = madmax
PiVikingWarlord = lordmeatpie
Psydswipe = psydswipe
Red-Dawn-d-_-b = anton
Ryglore = scott
Slayn_Bacon = gaiages
Spire_VII = spire
TheCrashes = mkarasch
SteamAmauriel = amauriel
Azai392 = azai392
blitz_bomb = spire
clanhunter crio = clanhuntercrio
Climhazard = climhazard
Desocietas = desocietas
dontxblink = iskelly87
Evilbobbins = evilbobbins
Foxhack = foxhack
Greasy Lazor = toybatsu
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
madk = matt
madmax12ca = madmax
Psydswipe = psydswipe
Ryglore = scott
twigfigure = kirbysuperstar
Varkias4066 = varkias