Author Topic: New XBox Reveal on May 21  (Read 32071 times)


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2013, 10:46:15 am »
The biggest distinguishing factor this gen, for me, is the controller. I prefer the 360s, so I have more games for the system. Other than that - essentially the same thing when it comes to playing games.

Show-off  :o

You made my point a lot quicker & w/ a lot less words  ;)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2013, 11:14:22 am »
I wasnt going to post here as everyone knows I hate Xbox systems. But I will give the main reason why and its simple : I have 3 broken xbox/360 systems in my house and no broken playstation systems.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2013, 11:20:12 am »
I will mention that I have had 1 RROD 360 and 2 Disc read error PS2s. So any hardware has a chance to fail. All in all its like Ford and Chevy. You use what works for you. Which ever holds up best in each case is the one you stick with.

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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2013, 11:26:13 am »
I wasnt going to post here as everyone knows I hate Xbox systems. But I will give the main reason why and its simple : I have 3 broken xbox/360 systems in my house and no broken playstation systems.

It must come down to personal experience. I have a pre HDMI 360 that I bought used that is still running strong. I just clean it of dust periodically. But I have had experience with 3 PS2s and all were horrible. One had faulty control ports, one had difficulty moving the laser. and one that someone I know has to play it upside down now. I always considered the PSX fairly rock solid. But after that the build quality was not the same. But I assume that is just the limited experience I have had with them.

But my dislike of Sony goes more toward the use of proprietary standards, advertising an open linux friendly system and taking it away, advertising backwards compatibility and taking it away, and so on, they are a very bait and switch company. I won't even mention the entertainment/music side of the company.

The XBox is just a PC. If anything goes wrong, it can be fixed easily. They released development tools, and the XBox has one of the best most lively mod scenes because of that. I think that is what I like about them.
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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2013, 11:27:58 am »
I wasnt going to post here as everyone knows I hate Xbox systems. But I will give the main reason why and its simple : I have 3 broken xbox/360 systems in my house and no broken playstation systems.

My xbox 360 is almost 2 years old and it hasn't broken down yet. I know some people whose xbox got a RRoD  after one year. You just gotta take good care of it that's all.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2013, 11:32:53 am »
Its also a Sony thing for me. I played Everquest for 11 years ... I love the RPG options on the PS1/2 ... I prefer the Playstation controller to the original Xbox football sized controller.  Why do people hate certain football teams or whatever? Cause they are "mortal enemy" of the team they like. OU vs OSU ... Red sox vs Yankees ... cats vs dogs ... And as Scott said, Chevy vs Ford. I wont ever tell a person to never play an Xbox system, I just dont use them myself.


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2013, 01:30:34 pm »
I wasnt going to post here as everyone knows I hate Xbox systems. But I will give the main reason why and its simple : I have 3 broken xbox/360 systems in my house and no broken playstation systems.

Really? I'm on my 3rd PS2, and I know many people that have gone through more than one.

On the other hand I still have the same original XBox. And I have my original white model XBox 360 still (although it is getting pretty loud, it might not much have life left in it).

I also just replaced my Saturn and my Sega CD died a year back. So these things aren't just confined to one brand, anyways.

It's just crazy that you pick PlayStation systems as the most reliable when PS2s are notorious for going out.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2013, 01:36:02 pm »
I wasnt going to post here as everyone knows I hate Xbox systems. But I will give the main reason why and its simple : I have 3 broken xbox/360 systems in my house and no broken playstation systems.

Really? I'm on my 3rd PS2, and I know many people that have gone through more than one.

On the other hand I still have the same original XBox. And I have my original white model XBox 360 still (although it is getting pretty loud, it might not much have life left in it).

I also just replaced my Saturn and my Sega CD died a year back. So these things aren't just confined to one brand, anyways.

It's just crazy that you pick PlayStation systems as the most reliable when PS2s are notorious for going out.

I've had the same PS2 since the first year they launched and never had any issue with it. I've also had a 360 since the beginning and it's still going strong. The "THIS SYSTEM BREAKS DOWN MORE THAN THAT ONE" argument is frivolous and naive. All electronics hold the potential for issues. It's the nature of the beast. PS3s overheat, 360s overheat, etc, etc, etc. It's just not a valid argument in either direction and it amazes me that people still cling to it as a justification for their personal preference. You shouldn't need justification for a personal preference after you've made a decision.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 01:43:40 pm by darko »


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2013, 01:46:52 pm »
The 360 completely depends on those exclusive games, online service and their marketing to carry it.

I don't understand why these are complaints. These are things that all successful consoles do.

Because in the long term, it can be damaging, if they continue to bring nothing new to the table that actually pushes the console industry forward in these areas. Sony already has with Home and truly massive multiplayer online with its exclusive titles. Microsoft claimed their system was just as powerful, but have yet to yield an exclusive title capable of 64+ players in an arena.
SWFL Werewolf Gamer


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2013, 01:49:55 pm »
It's just crazy that you pick PlayStation systems as the most reliable when PS2s are notorious for going out.

While they may not be as reliable for some people, they are for me. I have my original PS1 and PSOne, PS2, and PS3. And as I mentioned before, its not my only defining reason, just one of many. I really dont want to get into a PS vs Xbox argument on this thread and hesitated to post at all. I dont expect anyone to jump on the Sony ship just cause of my recommendations and hope no one expects me to fly toward a Microsoft ship either.


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2013, 02:15:19 pm »
I wasnt going to post here as everyone knows I hate Xbox systems. But I will give the main reason why and its simple : I have 3 broken xbox/360 systems in my house and no broken playstation systems.

Really? I'm on my 3rd PS2, and I know many people that have gone through more than one.

On the other hand I still have the same original XBox. And I have my original white model XBox 360 still (although it is getting pretty loud, it might not much have life left in it).

I also just replaced my Saturn and my Sega CD died a year back. So these things aren't just confined to one brand, anyways.

It's just crazy that you pick PlayStation systems as the most reliable when PS2s are notorious for going out.

I've had the same PS2 since the first year they launched and never had any issue with it. I've also had a 360 since the beginning and it's still going strong. The "THIS SYSTEM BREAKS DOWN MORE THAN THAT ONE" argument is frivolous and naive. All electronics hold the potential for issues. It's the nature of the beast. PS3s overheat, 360s overheat, etc, etc, etc. It's just not a valid argument in either direction and it amazes me that people still cling to it as a justification for their personal preference. You shouldn't need justification for a personal preference after you've made a decision.

Which is why I threw that highlighted part of my post in there. All cd-based system eventually go out. I was just pointing out that PlayStation is far from innocent in that regard.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2013, 03:02:28 pm »
Bringing this thread back around to the new Xbox...

Microsoft should seriously reconsider the always online feature. This is one industry push forward that will end up alienating a lot of gamers. My state is among those that will suffer in this department. The city I moved to was finally upgraded to fiber optics and thus the internet speed was boosted from 3 megs to 10 megs. My area isn't the only one however. There are many locations across the country that simply are not important enough to be upgraded. The situation gets worse should the new Xbox actually favor connection speeds greater than what I have now. This is one of many factors that hurt the upgraded Playstation Network during its first couple of years. The PS3 was simply too fickle about the connection. That and everyone finding out about the default NAT 3 setting being a problem in households with routers.
SWFL Werewolf Gamer


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2013, 03:34:18 pm »
If any system depends on Internet speed to work, I'm out. I live in rural northern Arkansas.  We don't have the luxury of speedy Internet. I have to upgrade to a higher speed just to use Netflix.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2013, 04:11:58 pm »
If any system depends on Internet speed to work, I'm out. I live in rural northern Arkansas.  We don't have the luxury of speedy Internet. I have to upgrade to a higher speed just to use Netflix.

My PS3 was probably laughing hysterically inside, after moving out to my new place last year, while attempting to connect online *L* The fiberoptic upgrade was completed only 4 months ago here.
SWFL Werewolf Gamer


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2013, 04:54:42 pm »
The "THIS SYSTEM BREAKS DOWN MORE THAN THAT ONE" argument is frivolous and naive. All electronics hold the potential for issues. It's the nature of the beast. PS3s overheat, 360s overheat, etc, etc, etc. It's just not a valid argument in either direction and it amazes me that people still cling to it as a justification for their personal preference.

It's not always frivolous and naive. The Jaguar CD was built poorly. Most models of 3DO were built poorly. The ribbons in the 32X are poorly set.

However, I definitely agree with your statement on the PS3 vs 360. Although, I would be tempted to say the old 360 is less reliable. From my experience it does have a fatal flaw in dust build up. Everything that works like a PC needs to be cleaned inside, but the XBox does have it more than the others. They also make it difficult to get inside (unless you have the tool or know where to pop the latches. If you know how to maintain the XBox 360, they are solid.  But this is something that should not have been as bad as it was. I do not think the 360 is on the unreliable level of Jaguar CD or 3DO though.

But then there are the things that are somewhat unavoidable and just come with old age. For instance, lasers go out eventually. Most things are just maintenance issues. If you own a motorcycle, you have to do valve adjustments. You have to change the oil in your car or motorcycle. This is normal. A 1976 Pinto is not normal. This is the Jaguar CD.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 04:57:31 pm by sin2beta »
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....