Home after hitting some garage sales, but some @$$hole is now placing fake Garage Sale adds on Craigslist.
Last week a sale advertising Video games of all kinds was on craigslist and the address didn't exist, the house numbers ended right before the address of the sale. So today a sale popped listing NES, SNES, Gamecube and Wii with tons of games. along with a ton of other stuff supposedly at this sale.
Well I got there early and saw it was a house that was for sale and looked empty. I figured They might be moving out/in so I waited, many other people started to show up for many of the other things listed in this sale. So the time came when it was supposed to open and nothing, I rang the doorbell and nothing. So many of the people there waited another 20-30 minutes and still nothing. I thought it was funny that none of the big resellers showed up, I've waited at many sales in the past and as I wait the resellers always show up. This time they didn't. (suspicious don't you think?) So we all left and I came back and hour later and nothing, came back another two hours later and still nothing. This is beyond low even for them. Now they gotta cheat by distracting us with fake garage sales. Did I ever mention I hate resellers?

So what do you guys think, What would you do?
Well after that BS, I hit many random sales and only found a few things.
SNES - Super Empire Strikes Back ($2)
PSP - Sega Genesis Collection ($4)
NDS - Puzzle Quest Galactrix ($4)
Tomorrow I'm doing a huge trade and getting an extremely rare game added to my collection.