Holy Christ on a cracker, had some good finds today from garage sales.
Continuing the count down to my 1000th PS2 game.
PS2 998 - Crazy Frog: Arcade Racer ($2)
999 - Mafia ($1)
The next game I buy for my collection will be my 1000th game
Wii- Mario Super Sluggers ($3)
NDS- Naruto: Ninja Destiny ($1)
PS3- The Saboteur ($1)
- A Gameboy Game Genie ($1)
- A Gamecube Mobile Monitor ($3)
- A Frogger Plug n' Play ($1)
- A Namco Classic's Plug n' Play ($1)
- A Steel Battalion with Controller and Peddles ($50) Bought because a fellow collector asked me to buy it for him.
GBA- Barbie: Horse Adventures ($1)
- Bratz: Forever Diamonds ($1)
Now the good stuff

Hit a sale and the guy had 17 Turbo Grafx 16 games, He made me a package deal $70 for all of them.
- Splatterhouse
- Dragons Curse
- Sinistron
- Neutopia
- Legendary Axe
- Legendary Axe 2
- Klax
- Moto Roader
- Power Golf
- Victory Run
- TV Sports Hockey
- TV Sports Basketball
- Tale Spin
- Keith Courage
- Final Lap Twin
- Bonks Adventure
- Bloody Wolf
Then came across a box of old NES stuff, he had two NES consoles, a grey zapper and about 15 games. I asked about the games and he wanted 2.50 each and he wanted $15 for one of them, and when I saw the $15 game I said "sold" lol
- Tetris (Tengen version)

also picked up
- Heavy Barrel