I've got 5 games at the moment and apparently Amazon didn't get Need for Speed so that'll be next week hopefully.
I am rather enjoying myself so far. First game I fired up was Knack. Went in with low expectations but also I only ever expected it to be a simple launch game. I ended up enjoying it more then I expected to. It's basically just like a Crash Bandicoot sort of game. And it's oddly difficult sometimes.
Played some Resogun which is pretty cool and some sweet music. I suck at these kinds of games but eventually I completed it on Rookie.
Next I tried out some Killzone and after waiting for all the boring story intro stuff I got to some shooty parts. Game looks impressive but I wasn't in the right mindset to be playing a shooter at that moment. I'll come back to it today maybe.
Played that Contrast game for like 15 mins. Seemed weird and neat. Wasn't really feeling it though and maybe I'll come back to it.
Popped Lego Marvel Super Heroes in next. Man these Lego games are always so damn charming and cute. Played it for awhile and will do more today.
Before going to bed I popped in Assassin's Creed 4. Ended up looking better than I expected. I'll definitely play it more today.
Also got FIFA14 for free on one of the deals so I haven't tried that out yet. I'm not a sports person and never buy these kinds of games but we'll see. I might have fun dicking around in it.
And then NFS I'm looking forward to so that could be good next week.
My biggest and only real complaint so far is the main system interface itself. I didn't think the PS3 one was bad and it worked fine for me. I feel like there is a lack of organization to the menu. I like something fairly minimalistic. I want there to be a Games tab where all game stuff goes and it is always the default tab the system starts on and it's always at the "front" of the menu per say. I want to be able to make sub menus/folders. So on PS3, under Games, I had a folder for Arcade (all the small download arcade-like PSN games), a folder for Demos (any demo went here. I still have the Gran Turismo HD Concept one which can't be downloaded these days), a folder for Free Games (any games I got for Free from PS+) etc. Also had my Video menu listed similarly with folders for TV, Comedy, Movies etc. As it seems to be now on PS4, it adds a menu option for every game you play onto the main cross media bar thing. Mine is already overcrowded and I don't like it. The "What's New" is the default and first menu tab, seems neat but I don't really need it, at least at the front.
Less serious is I liked the UI customization on the PS3. How you could change colors of the background and stuff. Changing "Themes" was pretty cool as well.
In the end I'm hopeful they'll patch this kind of stuff in with firmware updates. I'm glad I got the system and I haven't had any real problems with it so far. Commence PS4 Day 2.