Author Topic: PS3 Games  (Read 4844 times)


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PS3 Games
« on: December 16, 2013, 06:43:23 pm »
So along with my new ps3 (im brand new to the ps3 btw), i got the 500 gb slim one.  I picked up red dead redemption and white knight chronicles at game stop.  Can anyone recommend a top 5 or best rpg or action free world games for the ps3 (not internet based)?  I do not wish to connect my console to the net at this point so anything straight console only would be great. 


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 06:46:51 pm »
What about that FallOut: Las Vegas game too.  Any good?


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2013, 06:51:37 pm »
the Tales of Series
Yakuza 3
Dragon's Crown
Valkyria Chronicles
Sly Cooper Theives in time
No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise


Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2013, 07:26:23 pm »
The PS3 is actually my current favorite system. Its just a magnificent piece of machinery.

Here are some great choices :

Ni no Kuni - This is the best game I have ever played. Period. Nothing else to say.
Diablo III - If you like hack and slash games like Baldur's gate, this game did it flawlessly. Plus you have the ability to get online and play with people, trade, etc.
Kingdoms of Amalur - While Skyrim definitely is badass, I preferred the play style of this game. I totally enjoyed this game.
God of War III - Probably the best of the series.
Saw - A sleeper title. If you like the movies, this game is pretty spot on. Great horror game.
Lollipop chainsaw - My choice for the zombie slaughter genre.
MK 2011 - Best MK game to date. They got rid of all the silly 3D fighting and went back to what made the series what it was. 2D annihilation.

Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2013, 07:43:41 pm »
Fallout games are all pretty rad, and New Vegas is no exception.  Since you aren't planning to hook up to the internet, I'd try to get Game of the Year editions when you can, as they will typically include DLC.  Hopefully not as a code :(

The uncharted series is pretty great.  Wonderful attention to detail, decent story.  It's so cinematic, the wife watched me play the whole thing.

RPGs were handled very well so far, so I'll focus on open world style games.

Red dead would have been my first recommendation, since you said free-world.  It's probably my favorite sandbox-style game.

Grand Theft Auto IV Complete edition you can get into for pretty cheap.  I said when I played through GTA IV that it was an amazing game engine with a mediocre game played out on it.  Lost and the damned, and the ballad of gay tony were much better stories, I felt.

Assassin's Creed is pretty good too, although I'd probably just get the ACII Ezio trilogy, as the AC1 was VERY repetitive.  If you LOVE it, then spring for 3, but this way you get three full games for one price. (ACII, Revelations, and Brotherhood)

Arkham City was wonderful, and with 400 riddler secrets to find, you can be busy for a very long time.

I haven't played Far cry 3 yet, but I've heard it's all kinds of open world awesomeness.

Finally, Oblivion/Skyrim are HUGE open world games, with TONS of gameplay.  RPG and open world elements here.


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 08:08:04 pm »

Fallout games are all pretty rad, and New Vegas is no exception.  Since you aren't planning to hook up to the internet, I'd try to get Game of the Year editions when you can, as they will typically include DLC.  Hopefully not as a code :(

The uncharted series is pretty great.  Wonderful attention to detail, decent story.  It's so cinematic, the wife watched me play the whole thing.

RPGs were handled very well so far, so I'll focus on open world style games.

Red dead would have been my first recommendation, since you said free-world.  It's probably my favorite sandbox-style game.

Grand Theft Auto IV Complete edition you can get into for pretty cheap.  I said when I played through GTA IV that it was an amazing game engine with a mediocre game played out on it.  Lost and the damned, and the ballad of gay tony were much better stories, I felt.

Assassin's Creed is pretty good too, although I'd probably just get the ACII Ezio trilogy, as the AC1 was VERY repetitive.  If you LOVE it, then spring for 3, but this way you get three full games for one price. (ACII, Revelations, and Brotherhood)

Arkham City was wonderful, and with 400 riddler secrets to find, you can be busy for a very long time.

I haven't played Far cry 3 yet, but I've heard it's all kinds of open world awesomeness.

Finally, Oblivion/Skyrim are HUGE open world games, with TONS of gameplay.  RPG and open world elements here.

What is DLC?

Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 09:11:37 pm »
DLC= Downloadable content, this means that the game have some extra that you can download and add it to it. Most of them are extra clothes for your character, extra missions or maps. But, back to the original question this are my suggestions:

Eternal Sonata (turn based)
Tales of series (grace and xillia)  (action rpg)
Ni No Kuni (turn based)
White knights Chronicles 2 (have the first one also, action rpg)
Demon Souls and Dark Souls (both are action rpg/ open world/ hard has hell xD)
Disgaea 4 (strategic rpg) and Cross X Edge (if you like this type of game this is the version of project x on ps3 with mana kemia, disgaea and other strategic rpg chracters)
Folklore= the only reason I can suggest this one is for the battle system because the game sucks in the story :/. Also is the first rpg for the ps3
Dragon Age (the first one, action rpg)
Kingdom Hearts Hd (remake, action rpg)
Skyrim (open world action rpg)
Fallout (the first one is better than vegas, action rpg with guns)
Diablo 3 (action rpg )
Neptunia series (turn based, I never played but my gf played it and she loves this games)
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (like fable)
Mass effect and Boderlands (both shotters/rpg)

Open World
Grand theft auto series
Far Cry 3
Sleeping Dogs
Dead Island
Dead Rising
Overlord (if you like pikmin you will love this one)

Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2013, 12:45:02 am »
Along with all the great titles mentioned, you should try out the Dead Space series if you're into horror

Or Saints Row, which are just lots of fun to play and its open-world.

And Valkyria Chronicles too! Great RPG game, will consume hours just to beat.


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2013, 12:46:48 am »
What about that FallOut: Las Vegas game too.  Any good?
If you're looking into Fallout or open-world action RPGs, I would start with Fallout 3 since it is an amazing experience long after it came out.  Game had better story and no difficulty modes, which Fallout: New Vegas lacked and had, respectively.  As far as RPGs go, I would strongly suggest the popular Valkyria Chronicles and Dragon Age: Origins because of how awesome their own tactical battle system and story were.

Please check out the games I have for sale.


Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 09:03:37 am »
I'd like to second the recommendation of Ni No Kuni. It's a great RPG that makes you feel all the wonder you had as a kid playing RPGs.

If I remember correctly, you mentioned in your Atari 2600 thread you had kids. I imagine Ni No Kuni would be a great game to play with the kids watching. I will warn you though that the beginning of the games centers around the main character's mother dying, and thus he's transported to the world the game takes place. That might be a bit much for very young kids. Check it out on youtube though!
Currently Playing: The Witcher


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 09:25:50 am »
If you're into shooting shit and picking up loot, get Borderlands or Borderlands 2.  It has RPG elements and you shoot a ton of stuff.  It's a lot of fun.  It's in my top 10 of this generation.


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2013, 09:46:57 am »
Thanks everyone for the suggestions  :)  Over time, I'm going to give all these a try.  I hooked it up first last night and I enjoy it so far.  Still trying to figure out the aiming on red dead but other than that, its great :)  Really excited that it plays my 3d blu rays as well so i dont have to use my 3d blu ray player  ;)  Really cool.

Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2013, 08:18:12 am »
Fallout games are all pretty rad, and New Vegas is no exception.  Since you aren't planning to hook up to the internet, I'd try to get Game of the Year editions when you can, as they will typically include DLC.  Hopefully not as a code :(

The DLC is on a disc, at least on the 360 it was. It should be no different on the PS3, though.

OT I really recommend the Fallout games, especially 3 and New Vegas. The Elder Scrolls games are also awesome, they're like Fallout but with swords and magic instead of guns. Oh, and Mass Effect. Don't forget Mass Effect.


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2013, 09:54:00 am »
Folklore= the only reason I can suggest this one is for the battle system because the game sucks in the story.

I haven't played Folklore -but- owning its OST...I can say that (well...if you're like me, at least and a game's music has some importance to you) that the game's soundtrack is phenomenal.

My personal favorite PS3/RPG's would be:

(currently playing)  The Guided Fate Paradox.  It's a rogue-like that's VERY challenging while staying fun & fair,

Cross-Edge.  Admittedly, very much a 'Love-it-or-Hate-it' kind of game...if you're on the "Love it" side (like me:); you'll find, IMO, one of the best, most in-depth, and addicting battle systems...Ever... + an unbelievable amount of combo & customization options,

Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4, and Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness.  Well, from my screen-name, it should be no secret that I'll be 'biased' when it comes to the Disgaea series...but: #3 = Meh.  Thought by most long-time fans to be about the series' lowest point; skippable.

#4 = IMO ===> D2 > 1 > 4 >2 >3; so - in the middle & definitely worth playing -but- prolly not the best place for a D-virgin to jump into the series.

#1 = Up until recently (when D2 was released; which, btw is the only direct sequel in the series/to #1) my favorite.  TBQH, though - a lot of its mechanics are pretty dated now, so, I'd say that, if you're going to play it - play it 1st because otherwise (after playing the newer & more streamlined games); it could be hard to go back to.

#2 = Somewhat similar to 1 in a lot of ways with some nice QoL additions; worth playing, and

D2 = Easily, the best & most accesible place for a new-comer to the series to jump in.  It's not only that -but- IMO, it's also far & away the best & most fun that I've ever had w/ a Disgaea game.

Maybe more later...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: PS3 Games
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2013, 09:59:29 pm »
Let me ask you guys this.  Not sure if you all have played Shenmue and Shenmue 2 but you basically live the life of Ryo along with the main and side missions.  Time and days of the week are very important.  Are there any games like that on the ps3 where you sort of live the life of someone?