Hey Matt,
Love the new site. However, I'm not seeing anyone way to "remove" a game from my collection. I put in the wrong game by mistake.
If you hover over a game on your Collection screen you should see the Delete button.
Thanks my man! ok, here's the scoop... It works perfectly with Internet Explorer, however Chrome does not display the "delete" or "edit" buttons when you put your mouse over the game.
So let me tell you.... I used to use RFgeneration a long time ago, but that site is poop compared to yours

I know those guys work hard as well, and I give them a lot of credit, but after their servers crashed multiple times, and I lost days worth of cataloging, I packed up my bags and left. I just couldn't trust them anymore. Luckily for me and many others, your site was just being born. And now 3 years later, this site is really coming into it's own, and I recommend it to every game collector i meet.
love it!

- Retromangia