So I'm going to ask this here instead of making a new thread because it's related. I have a ton of case-less DS games that I'd like to do something with. I also have a ton of empty/blank DS cases, so you'd think I should be set - but I can only find printable covers for *maybe* half of the games I need, probably less. For the rest, I can find a hi res front cover for MOST, but the back & spine is a no-go. So here are the options I've come up with so far:
1) I could print & case the ones I've found covers for & leave the rest. Don't like this idea.
2) I could create my own covers, ignoring what the original artwork was & just doing my own thing w/ the hi-res art I'm able to find. I'm borderline on this option, my main issue being that they wouldn't match the DS games I do actually have real cases/covers for.
3) I could do something completely different for the cart-only games I have such as making some of these cassette covers (tho a DS game would rattle around in a cassette case unless I did something to it to hold the cart in place) or something similar.
I'm really torn. Buying the real cases online isn't an option because they're just too much money, and the reason I got these games cart only is because they were so much cheaper than buying a complete version. Of course if I come across some in the wild for cheap w/ the real cases I'll grab them, but that's a crapshoot. I'd like to do something in the meantime to make it easier to look through my quickly expanding DS library. Any suggestions will be welcomed.