Author Topic: Best PSP RPG's  (Read 9153 times)

Best PSP RPG's
« on: March 05, 2014, 09:16:46 pm »
what are some PSP RPG's i should look out for?
im somewhat of a novice when it comes to the PSP and RPG's but i do enjoy them both
so what are some of your faves?
any hidden gems?

Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 10:33:12 pm »
You should definitely check out Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, it's def one of the top 10 rpgs for the PSP.

Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 11:02:36 pm »
You should definitely check out Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, it's def one of the top 10 rpgs for the PSP.

i picked that one up (just because its final fantasy) not got around to playing it yet. might make it my next game after Ni No Kuni


Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2014, 11:44:12 pm »
Speaking of Ni no Kuni, Jeanne D'Arc is a great strategy RPG on the PSP by Level-5, the same dev.  Brave Story is a great traditional turn-based RPG with a lot of charm.  And I haven't played them yet, but I've heard the Corpse Party games are excellent.
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if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
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desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 01:20:56 am »
  • Spectral Souls: Resurrection Of The Ethereal Empires: it's been awhile since I've played this game, but I do remember powering up characters and found it enjoying.  Problem is loading times, as it can take awhile.  Although, since the updates, maybe installing the game might make load times more manageable?
  • Crimson Gem Saga: had an Atlus-collecting phase and the sensation re-emerges from time to time, due to the fond memories I remember with the games they published.
  • Riviera: The Promised Land: although a port with added extras of the Gameboy Advance version, and Wonderswan Color to anyone who has the system...  The game was awesome for it's rhythm- and timing-based puzzles to solve, relationship points to "partners," and it's all-around cutesy.  Also, Atlus phase.

Looking at my awesome elder brother's greater collection:

  • Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection: recommended for any Final Fantasy fan, especially Final Fantasy IV, as it also includes Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.  If you don't have the game yet, this is two great games for the price of one.
  • Generation Of Chaos series: if I remember correctly, this RPG is similar to Spectral Souls and also has a kingdom-micromanagement system.
  • Growlanser: Wayfarer Of Time: used to enjoy the game series back when it was published by Working Designs.  Then again, I use cheat codes when I play tactical RPGs.  :P
  • Ys series: another great series that my brother owned and that I forgot to get for my collection.

Please check out the games I have for sale.


Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2014, 09:38:03 am »
I would second FFIV complete and the Ys games. The Ys games are the reason I even own a PSP. I just havent gotten around to making full use of it yet.


Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2014, 09:46:26 am »
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core is pretty solid.

I'd steer clear of Persona 3 Portable though.. some folks like it. But to me they made changes that weren't required and gutted the daytime portion of the game.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2014, 05:09:39 pm »
thank you guys
i think i seen Brave Story in my local pawn store. i will pick it up next week


Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2014, 09:58:29 pm »
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core is pretty solid.

I came here to say this. I really enjoyed Crisis Core. I would check it out if you like FF :)

Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2014, 10:26:06 pm »
The psp, for me is the best handle console ever made (yes better than gameboy etc, are my likes ok xD ) and one reason for it is because of the rpg selection. For me the best rpg selection that you can come by after ps2 rpg games of course.
I will make my list by category (action rpg, turn based and tactical) and also maybe I will have some left because I dont own or never played them

Turn Based:
Brave Story (for me the best game of the console)
Hexzy Force
Crimsom Gem Saga
Valkery Profile
Tales of the world (there are more tales of games but are in jpn)
Legend Of Heroes (the are like 3)
Monster Kindgom Jewel summoner (Pokemon style with dragons)
Dragoneer's Aria
Final Fantasy 4 (there is also ff3 jpn only)
Fate Extra
Persona games (1, 2  and 3)

Action Rpg
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core (the best action rpg) (also type 0 is good but is in jpn :/ )
Tales of Eternia (another really good tales of game)
Monster Hunter (this game is the reason that the psp came way popular, everyone was playing it back then, there are like 3)
Kindgom Hearts
Gods Eater Burst
Lord of Arcana
Ys games (there are like 3)
Phantasy Star Portable and 2
Blade Dancer
Star Ocean (the first and second one)
Dudgeon Explorer
Valhalla Knights and 2

Tactical Rpg
Jennae D'ark ( the best one)
FF Tacttis
Valkyria Chronicles II (tactical shooter)
Wild Arms XF
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone
Generation Caos
Ragnarok Odessey
Astonishia Story
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance
Blazing Souls Accelate
Class heroes
Dissgaea (the are like 3 games)
Half-Minute Hero
Knights in the Nightmare
Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle
Riviera: The Promised Land

Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2014, 11:18:42 pm »
xstonekinghtx  thank you i will keep my eyes open for any of these

Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2014, 08:17:41 pm »
The psp, for me is the best handle console ever made (yes better than gameboy etc, are my likes ok xD ) and one reason for it is because of the rpg selection. For me the best rpg selection that you can come by after ps2 rpg games of course.
I will make my list by category (action rpg, turn based and tactical) and also maybe I will have some left because I dont own or never played them

Turn Based:
Brave Story (for me the best game of the console)
Hexzy Force
Crimsom Gem Saga
Valkery Profile
Tales of the world (there are more tales of games but are in jpn)
Legend Of Heroes (the are like 3)
Monster Kindgom Jewel summoner (Pokemon style with dragons)
Dragoneer's Aria
Final Fantasy 4 (there is also ff3 jpn only)
Fate Extra
Persona games (1, 2  and 3)

Action Rpg
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core (the best action rpg) (also type 0 is good but is in jpn :/ )
Tales of Eternia (another really good tales of game)
Monster Hunter (this game is the reason that the psp came way popular, everyone was playing it back then, there are like 3)
Kindgom Hearts
Gods Eater Burst
Lord of Arcana
Ys games (there are like 3)
Phantasy Star Portable and 2
Blade Dancer
Star Ocean (the first and second one)
Dudgeon Explorer
Valhalla Knights and 2

Tactical Rpg
Jennae D'ark ( the best one)
FF Tacttis
Valkyria Chronicles II (tactical shooter)
Wild Arms XF
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone
Generation Caos
Ragnarok Odessey
Astonishia Story
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance
Blazing Souls Accelate
Class heroes
Dissgaea (the are like 3 games)
Half-Minute Hero
Knights in the Nightmare
Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle
Riviera: The Promised Land

picked up Brave Story and Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle and Jennae D'ark  for $6 a piece because of this thread
thank you

Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2014, 11:49:04 pm »
awesome, brave story the best turn based rpg and for me the best game on the handle and jaenna d ark the best tactical rpg :)


Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2014, 12:28:22 am »
I don't have a lot of items on the PSP, but what I do have are all RPGs.  I love that they put the Star Ocean series on the handheld as well as the Persona series.  I remember spending a lot of time with Ys Seven - I'd definitely give that a purchase when you can.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Best PSP RPG's
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2014, 08:08:04 pm »
I don't have a lot of items on the PSP, but what I do have are all RPGs.  I love that they put the Star Ocean series on the handheld as well as the Persona series.  I remember spending a lot of time with Ys Seven - I'd definitely give that a purchase when you can.
i have persona 3