Well, not even sure what a "fair" BIN price would be... Any suggestions?
Hell no, I don't have any suggestions as to what a fair BIN price would be...that'd be waaaay beyond the scope of my knowledge to do so

I was actually asking because I really was curious myself as to what a BIN for such a collection would be

I *can* however, give you 2 good suggestions as to who possibly *would* be able to realistically help you with that -
- PM our site member "theFlea", and/or
- ask/link Mike at
http://collectorscardsandgames.comHe is a long-time, honest, fair, and personal friend of mine.
If you do talk to him, you can tell him that Kenny sent you & he'll be able to weed your e-mail out from the hundreds that he gets daily.
Are you considering selling any of the items separately or is it a definite all or nothing thing?
Best of luck to you, though!