I've been quiet on the new game front, mostly because I've been downsizing my collection to get money for the new rig. I did pick up a motherboard and CPU combo plus a sound card, now I need to get some RAM, a CPU cooler, and a PSU and I can start building the new system (the CPU has integrated video, I can work with that while I get a video card.)
I have been getting some stuff for Steam... Guess I should list it. :p
* I picked up LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4, LEGO Harry Potter Years 4-7, and LEGO Lord of the Rings last weekend;
* I got Aliens Colonial Marines Season Pass, the cosmetic / weapon DLCs, the three Typing of the Dead: Overkill DLCs I was missing, and a digital game called Operation Matriarchy (yes, really) on Gamersgate thanks to a friend who got them for me at a discount;
* And using the Gamersgate credit I had from previous purchases and the recent gifts, I bought Binary Domain and its DLC for $1. XD
Oh and I got Fable 1 on PC in exchange for a $1 game. XD