
I mean "Interim Manager"

As in, when the current manager leaves tomorrow...she will be the *Manager* until Friday (the day that Corporate decides to make her (or, 1 of the other 2 or 3 *potential* managers) the NEW manager.
So...during that *TERM* (from Mon. afternoon - Friday afternoon), she will be the *Manager* (ie..."Interim Manager")!

After Corporate decides on Fri (she & I, at least:) are hoping that she will continue (be *Promoted*) to the position of the new, permanent manager of that store...
...Very likely, the other *Potential* Managers (who will all indeed be the "Assistants to the Interim Manager") will be hoping just as strongly that They will be promoted to become the manager of that store.
So. tl;dr =
I do, indeed, know what "Interim" & "Manager" mean!
Thanks for your concern, though - it's duly noted