Awesome news! You guys probably remember the site that was polling for interest in a physical edition of Class of Heroes 2G for the PS3 - they said if they reached a certain number of interested buyers (I wanna say 5k? maybe 7k?) they would make them & sell them for $40/each. And as some of you may remember, the last time we checked in on that poll it was nowhere close to that. Well they've decided that since many of the people on their forums that were interested indicated they would pay a bit more if necessary to get the physical copy, they will produce them after all and sell them for $50 + $4 shipping each. I'm definitely OK with that!

They're opening up sales next week & will keep them open a month, at the end of that month they cut them off & however many they sold is how many they'll make. No more ever, that's it! So if you want one (or two, or in Kenny's case 7

) then you'll want to GET ON THAT! Here's the site link where you can read the details for yourself & also put your email address down to be contacted when preorders open.
Very happy!