These eBay sellers can cause a lot of other problems too. I had a garage sale this last weekend and had put out some of my doubles. Things like an NES for $15, just because it was easier to sell it that way than list it and mess with it. I had people flaunting their own collections with stories all day. I had this one guy tell me he had a really rare game, but he couldn't remember the title. But it was so rare that he tried to take it to Replays (local game shop) and the manager wasn't there so the employees wouldn't offer him anything for it and he was going to have to come back. The name of the game was on the tip of his tongue, blah blah. He started looking through the rest of my classy garage sale merchandise and then he spun around and pointed, practically yelling "Simon's Quest! That's the one!" I was like "For the NES? You mean Castlevania II?" and he was like "Yeah, it was on eBay and was selling for thousands and I have a copy!" and I couldn't help myself..."Well if that's the case, I guess I shouldn't be standing out here selling crap, I should go digging through my boxes to see if I have just 3 or if I have 4 copies of it lying in the basement. I guess I don't have to worry about saving for a down payment on a house any longer!" in the most sarcastic voice I could muster. People really think they have these amazingly expensive treasures at home and that collectors will just pay these crazy prices for them, because they've seen them on eBay.