Author Topic: Gaming Pet Peeves  (Read 11603 times)


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2014, 12:57:00 pm »

But is it an NES-001?

Which leads into my pet peeve,  People still using that damn episode as if that guy was right to validate why they're selling a NES for so much. Also "quick-check ebay" sellers

Why is quick check eBay sellers bad? eBay is honestly to best gauge to see what an item is really worth at that moment in time. Problem is, most people only check listed prices rather than completed prices; which is what they should be checking because that's what people are actually paying for the item.

Because as I tell my wife, if I'm going to pay ebay prices I'm going to do it sitting at home in my underwear not at a flea market or worse yet, a yard sale at 6:00 in the morning.  ;)

Not to mention they always seem to go for the highest price they see someone trying to sell it for and not what it has sold for. Also those asshats customers who will try to prevent you from buying a game by bringing up ebay prices.


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2014, 01:05:44 pm »

But is it an NES-001?

Which leads into my pet peeve,  People still using that damn episode as if that guy was right to validate why they're selling a NES for so much. Also "quick-check ebay" sellers

Why is quick check eBay sellers bad? eBay is honestly to best gauge to see what an item is really worth at that moment in time. Problem is, most people only check listed prices rather than completed prices; which is what they should be checking because that's what people are actually paying for the item.

Because as I tell my wife, if I'm going to pay ebay prices I'm going to do it sitting at home in my underwear not at a flea market or worse yet, a yard sale at 6:00 in the morning.  ;)

Not to mention they always seem to go for the highest price they see someone trying to sell it for and not what it has sold for. Also those asshats customers who will try to prevent you from buying a game by bringing up ebay prices.

So then it sounds like you guys don't want to know what a game is actually worth, you guys want to find a discount on a game. Which there's nothing wrong with that, I do the same thing of course.

I don't understand why everyone has all this hatred in the online collecting community for people trying to get the worth out of a game that everyone else is getting. I mean, you do the same when you're selling your games, right? You want the most money possible for your item. That's all people are doing when they price according to eBay. (Granted, if it's on a gaming message board like this I try to straight trade or give a discount in hopes of the same happening to me, though.)

But like I said before, I think the biggest mistake with pricing on eBay that people make is pricing according to unsold listed prices. That isn't what people are paying. Completed listings is what they should make their judgments off of.


Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2014, 01:21:54 pm »
I have no problem w/ someone asking a fair price for their games.  But if I'm standing face-to-face in front of you, that price is NOT what it sells for on ebay because:

1) You're not forking over 10% to ebay (plus another 3% to Paypal)

2) You're not paying to ship it to me

3) You're taking zero risk by selling it to me, which you would be taking if you sold it on ebay

So if they ask a little less than ebay, that's fine.  But they should also probably know how much they want for it before someone comes up to buy it, so it's still bad form to start checking value at the time of the sale. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2014, 02:06:29 pm »
it's still bad form to start checking value at the time of the sale.

That's true. Especially if it's at a used game shop where it says $12.95 on sticker. Stupid Video Exchange.  >:(


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2014, 02:32:11 pm »

But is it an NES-001?

Which leads into my pet peeve,  People still using that damn episode as if that guy was right to validate why they're selling a NES for so much. Also "quick-check ebay" sellers

Why is quick check eBay sellers bad? eBay is honestly to best gauge to see what an item is really worth at that moment in time. Problem is, most people only check listed prices rather than completed prices; which is what they should be checking because that's what people are actually paying for the item.

Because as I tell my wife, if I'm going to pay ebay prices I'm going to do it sitting at home in my underwear not at a flea market or worse yet, a yard sale at 6:00 in the morning.  ;)

Not to mention they always seem to go for the highest price they see someone trying to sell it for and not what it has sold for. Also those asshats customers who will try to prevent you from buying a game by bringing up ebay prices.

So then it sounds like you guys don't want to know what a game is actually worth, you guys want to find a discount on a game. Which there's nothing wrong with that, I do the same thing of course.

I don't understand why everyone has all this hatred in the online collecting community for people trying to get the worth out of a game that everyone else is getting. I mean, you do the same when you're selling your games, right? You want the most money possible for your item. That's all people are doing when they price according to eBay. (Granted, if it's on a gaming message board like this I try to straight trade or give a discount in hopes of the same happening to me, though.)

But like I said before, I think the biggest mistake with pricing on eBay that people make is pricing according to unsold listed prices. That isn't what people are paying. Completed listings is what they should make their judgments off of.

Lots of agreement.

These contradictory thoughts & ideas are bound to happen on a site where everyone wants to:

a).  Pay as little as possible for THEIR purchases, and

b).  Make as much as possible on THEIR sales  :P

(Not only am I including myself in this list -but- I'll put myself at the top of it:)  ;D

No shame in dis game  ;)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2014, 06:03:39 pm »
Video Games trying to be a movie. Start a game, watch a long opening scene, move your character for 2 minutes trigger another long scene, lather rinse repeat. Get's annoying when I just want to play.


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2014, 06:59:13 pm »
I have no problem w/ someone asking a fair price for their games.  But if I'm standing face-to-face in front of you, that price is NOT what it sells for on ebay because:

1) You're not forking over 10% to ebay (plus another 3% to Paypal)

2) You're not paying to ship it to me

3) You're taking zero risk by selling it to me, which you would be taking if you sold it on ebay

So if they ask a little less than ebay, that's fine.  But they should also probably know how much they want for it before someone comes up to buy it, so it's still bad form to start checking value at the time of the sale.

and I'll admit I'm the guy at a both checking the price on sites and that's because you got to know about what your buying

and here's what I mean If I'm looking to buy a copy of Secret of Mana CIB I ask the person the price they say "It's going on ebay for $250" and I do a search on ebay myself and pricecharting and make a Counter-offer of $100 because that's what I see it going for and I get told the price isn't going lower and they start giving me attitude because they think I'm tryin to rip them off, That's when I get Pissed off.


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2014, 07:22:20 pm »
Video Games trying to be a movie. Start a game, watch a long opening scene, move your character for 2 minutes trigger another long scene, lather rinse repeat. Get's annoying when I just want to play.

Yep. I don't play RPGs or Metal Gear games because of this.


Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2014, 12:07:37 am »
Video Games trying to be a movie. Start a game, watch a long opening scene, move your character for 2 minutes trigger another long scene, lather rinse repeat. Get's annoying when I just want to play.

Yep. I don't play RPGs or Metal Gear games because of this.

LMAO, I see this post then I look at your last 5 recent items and one of them is Metal Gear. :)


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2014, 07:59:55 am »
Video Games trying to be a movie. Start a game, watch a long opening scene, move your character for 2 minutes trigger another long scene, lather rinse repeat. Get's annoying when I just want to play.

Yep. I don't play RPGs or Metal Gear games because of this.

LMAO, I see this post then I look at your last 5 recent items and one of them is Metal Gear. :)

Yeah. I keep trying to play them. The first one on PS1 was fantastic. I loved it. Then I tried Sons of Liberty, and watched video after video. I'll keep trying. I'm a glutton for punishment.

Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2014, 10:35:56 am »
I guess that is another collecting pet-peeve of mine, when retail sellers use Ebay BINs, especially insanely overpriced, unsold BINs to price games. There is a local store owned by Bookmans that does this, but used to be way worse. They got all three .Hack GU games in for the PS2, and they wanted $100 each for them. It pissed me off so much I demanded to speak to a manager. He of course tried defending their prices by saying "well that's how much they are being sold for on Ebay and Amazon!" I pulled out my iPhone and showed him completed listings for half that price and also asked him what my motivation was to shop at his store when I could easily save time, money, and gas by getting a better deal on Ebay. He would not give me a straight answer. I went back there a few days later and he did end up lowering the price. . .to $70 per game  ::) . So yeah, people not knowing that retail is not EBay is quite an annoyance. I have no problem with people using Ebay as a guide to get a ballpark price on what a game is worth, but taking your prices directly from there gives me no motivation to buy from you.


Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #41 on: June 09, 2014, 03:32:21 am »
These eBay sellers can cause a lot of other problems too. I had a garage sale this last weekend and had put out some of my doubles. Things like an NES for $15, just because it was easier to sell it that way than list it and mess with it. I had people flaunting their own collections with stories all day. I had this one guy tell me he had a really rare game, but he couldn't remember the title. But it was so rare that he tried to take it to Replays (local game shop) and the manager wasn't there so the employees wouldn't offer him anything for it and he was going to have to come back. The name of the game was on the tip of his tongue, blah blah.  He started looking through the rest of my classy garage sale merchandise and then he spun around and pointed, practically yelling "Simon's Quest! That's the one!" I was like "For the NES? You mean Castlevania II?" and he was like "Yeah, it was on eBay and was selling for thousands and I have a copy!" and I couldn't help myself..."Well if that's the case, I guess I shouldn't be standing out here selling crap, I should go digging through my boxes to see if I have just 3 or if I have 4 copies of it lying in the basement. I guess I don't have to worry about saving for a down payment on a house any longer!" in the most sarcastic voice I could muster. People really think they have these amazingly expensive treasures at home and that collectors will just pay these crazy prices for them, because they've seen them on eBay.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #42 on: June 09, 2014, 10:41:45 am »
The rising prices of new games in Canada.  :( That, and also random encounters in any RPG that isn't a first-person dungeon crawler. I just feel like it takes away from exploration when I get into a fight when I'm trying to get my bearings. It doesn't ruin the experience for me, I'm fine with them in older games like the old Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior games and Final Fantasy. It just feels like a real nuisance sometimes.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


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Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #43 on: June 09, 2014, 12:35:32 pm »
If it's already been said ==>

==> (it can't be said enough/Too much)...

Digital-Only game releases  >:(
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Gaming Pet Peeves
« Reply #44 on: June 09, 2014, 03:48:43 pm »
If it's already been said ==>

==> (it can't be said enough/Too much)...

Digital-Only game releases  >:(

Digital only releases may suck, but at least it's marginally better than not getting a release at all... sorta.  ??? Except for when it costs just as much as it should for a physical copy of the game.  >:(
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)