So I had a few pickups while I was out of town this past weekend. Stopped at a Gamestop that had several used Wii/PS3 games I had been looking for according to the online inventory checker. Problem was almost every one of them was either disk only or in really bad shape (they had a Cross Edge that had a *severely* water damaged insert

). So I only picked up Muramasa & Bit.Trip Complete for the Wii. When I got to the register they informed me of the b2g1 on Wii & DS games under $20 (so I guess that was a store-wide sale) so I grabbed Solatorobo (sp?) for the DS, cart only.
Then stopped at another TRU near our hotel and grabbed Epic Mickey 2 for $4.50 (Wii U), Little Deviants for $3 (Vita) and a copy of Rocksmith for the PS3 for $9 which I've already flipped on ebay for $29.

Also picked up a spare Vita power adapter for $2 and a spare Wii U controller charging cradle for $1.80, along with 2 more of the Skylanders $0.75 styluses (styli?). Dunno how many different ones the made, but I now have Spyro, Gill Grunt & Chop Chop. If anyone has any different ones at their TRU I'd be glad to pay cost + shipping, or possibly work out a trade, to try to finish the set.

EDIT: Oh, also picked up a used but pristine-like-new copy of de Blob at TRU for $8, a new copy of Saints Row 4 (PS3) from Best Buy also for $8 and I grabbed The Last of Us Remastered yesterday and ended up out $31 tax & all on that one. Not bad!